Amazon ‘treehouse classroom’ a remote lifeline in Peru


This treehouse classroom may be one of the world’s most extreme educational spaces built over 100 ft up in the Amazon rainforest canopy it’s the home of educational programs for adults in remote indigenous communities in Peru the goal is to provide new skills so people can pivot away from illegal logging and

Mining JJ Durand is Vice President of jungle Keepers a local conservation charity dedicated to protecting this region of the Peruvian Amazon one of the most biodiverse and pristine areas on Earth for the forest I feel very sad because living animals is dying you see all logs in the ground it’s like people

Dying it’s very sad from the other side I feel the people here who does logging they needs a little bit of I mean we all need some upgrades and education the main amazing is I think the biggest problem is education made from sustainable wood it has solar power high-speed satellite internet and

Accommodations for overnight stays to build the Treehouse took us four months to build 30 people and they work all day from 5 to 5: for for us it was tough very hard but you know building 32 M tall Treehouse it needed a lot of effort

And it has 141 steps to get to the top the classroom was built by tamandua Expeditions and partners with udemy an online education company udemy is providing the indigenous young adult forest rangers of jungle Keepers access to learning courses to study at their headquarters in the evening The

Treehouse also functions as a treetop tourist stop offering a stay in the jungle canopy at $1,450 per night this Treehouse has to be one of the most remote classrooms all over the world uh these people are not only learning their skills up there but they’re learning more about their

Surroundings about their Community about nature about this land they’re trying to preserve Durand says that many young people are forced to leave school around 11 or 12 years old to take jobs in logging or mining if they have better education definitely um they will have another opportunity to do because they

Will have different job to do also they can have a little bit of money so they can buy other things then only be a logger deforestation across the Amazon rainforest slowed dramatically last year according to an analysis by a nonprofit focused on monitoring the Amazon rainforest it’s down more than 55% from

The same period in 2022 a major turnaround for a region vital to curbing climate change

As the United Nations observes its International Day of Education (January 24), a connected ‘treehouse classroom’ built more than 100-feet up in the Amazon Rainforest canopy is helping educate adults in remote Indigenous communities and give them new skills to pivot away from illegal logging and mining.

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