Rebel News delivers petition to Black Press Media for story falsely depicting Christians as Nazis


If you’re tired of State preferred media vilifying people who are standing up for Freedom or parental rights then this report is for you nearly 8,000 of you came together and signed our petition at stop MSM and we’re about to deliver it and you still stand by at

This point you’re standing behind your allegation that that was a Nazi salute having seen that footage that’s what you’re saying to us right here I’m saying that appeared to be appeared does it still appear to be that now that you’ve seen the footage of the prayer you’ve said you’ve seen the footage yes

Does it still appear do you stand by what you said that’s correct sir you do have you ever heard of black press media before they own tons of different news outlets including Colona Capital news the outlet which employs Jacqueline gelol we shocked you when we told you at

Stop MSM lies what she had done she published an article depicting a Christian man in colog named Kevin gowiwi as a Nazi when in fact he was engaging in peaceful prayer at a parental rights protest against the sexual orientation gender identity programs in kids schools today and

That’s why close to 8,000 of you came and signed a petition because you see after Kevin and his friend Chris Williams went to confront the journalists and ask her to retract and correct the record for framing him as a Nazi this was her response it’s not always my job to report strictly on

Facts what I am also supposed to do is to share people’s experiences and emotions of what’s Happening part of your journalistic process is to give everybody a voice that’s right where was my voice you just put a picture out and TR me as a where was my

Voice now you can find out the full story it’s pretty nutty jacqulyn gelol also took the picture she used to depict Kevin as a Nazi and delivered that to the police themselves so that they could investigate a hate crime I reached out to her and her Editor to see if they

Would do the right thing before we even started the petition and they didn’t I’m in front of the Sur office where Jaclyn jelen’s editor Ashley woodw Smith should be working and that’s who I’m going to hand the petition in because when I confronted her and told her Outlet to do

The right thing this is what she said we have published what is accurate and what we believe is newsworthy respecting the event reactions and aftermath that said if you have a lead for an update please share it with us and we will give it every consideration it’s ironic that black press media’s

Website says truth matters so will Ashley who will hopefully be receiving this petition where nearly 8,000 of you have signed demanding that black press media make a retraction correction and give an apology to Kevin gowi make them finally stand up for the truth I’m going

To go in right now but I should let you know you should watch this to the end because even if they don’t there’s a new development happening for black press media that I’ll update you on that may make them have to do it anyways Hi how

Are you good how are you my name’s daa humy hi Leah nice to meet you nice to meet you as well and I’m with Rebel newsing off a petition for Ashley woodw okay it’s related to a story that she oversaw okay that um many people think

Needs to be corrected okay do you know what a good time to reach her is um I actually she’s not available at the moment is no okay um so um I’m not sure when she would be available but I can take anything okay sure I was just addressing

This to your and back okay cool thank you thank you so much thank you yeah there’s a lot of church there have a good day well they claim that Mrs wadwani Smith is not in the building but she will be getting your petition and I will

Be following up as well but she’s not the only one who’s going to get it it’s also going to Chief Executive Officer Glenn Rogers Colona Capital news editor Jake cipet and of course Jacqueline gelol herself but as promised there’s a bit of an update that might be a GameChanger whether they decide to

Actually stand with truth mattering or not you see since nearly 8,000 of you have signed that petition we’ve learned that black press media is having money problems which I suppose isn’t that surprising with journalists like Jaclyn jelen all around on the brink of bankruptcy black press media has applied

For creditor protection and has entered into a sales agreement to sell to Canadian investment firms cancel Dean’s night Capital Management and to a news organization down south in the US called Carpenter Media Group so what happened to all the taxpayer dollars the black press media received from the Trudeau

Government and will its new owners stand behind fake news that falsely depicts Christians as jew-hating Nazis so of course I reached out to the potential new buyers thems the carpenter media I want to know if they approve of the type of Journalism that’s been coming out of Jaclyn Jelena Colona Capital news and

Black press media I don’t have an answer for you right now but with the magic of time it could be linked in the written report for this article which you can find in the description box below I’m Drea Humphrey standing with you to get the truth and to stop MSM

Lies if you appreciate that Rebel news is helping the public fight back and hold mainstream media accountable for their lies then you might want us to keep doing reports just like this and to do so we need your help if you go to stop MSM and hit the Donate

Button on that page it will help keep our independent journalism going strong

| In today’s report, Rebel News reporter Drea Humphrey hand-delivers a petition signed by several thousand of you to demand that the media giant Black Press Media retract a bogus article they published depicting praying Christians as Jew-hating Nazis.
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  1. Did this Jacqueline person do an exposé on tthe real life old Nazis war criminal who was invited to Ottawa by the Trudeau Liberal government when the Ukraine President Vladimir Zelenski was invited as well to Ottawa to be aguest in the House of Commons giving the German Nazis war criminal a standing ovation as they clap for him President Vladimir Zelenski clapped along too as he praise what the Nazis Germans did in Europe. As were all the Liberal politicians as well giving praise to the Nazis war criminal themselves. ? ? ? ? Or is this story too juicy for her to write about. A real-life Nazis war criminal is in our nations capital, and she writes about a Christian man and accusing him of being a Nazis. Well, this tells me she's an Anti Christianity bigot ! ? ?

  2. Now if u look at my history on here you’d find I actively hate religion but man the woke media is out of control they do this to everyone and it has to stop they clearly don’t understand what is TRUTH just look at their treatment of Tommy Robinson and the out and out lies they spread ???

  3. Maybe what they are thinking is if they show that kind of willingness to inaccuracy and accusation they can get a bailout from Trudeau and Freeland. That way they can join the ranks of government propagandists?

  4. I've never had youtube delete my comments for "hate speech" until I commented on Rebel News videos. Bravo your triggering the lefties!!

    I guess "hate speech" is saying the old man that swims with little girls has a mental illness???? That's leftie logic for sure!


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