IVF breakthrough could save endangered northern white rhino


These are the world’s last remaining Northern white rhinos Fatu and her mother nahin neither are able to carry a calf to term and with the last male Northern White Rhino dying in 2018 it leaves the subspecies on the brink of Extinction but scientists have been working for years on a breeding program

To save them and on Wednesday they announced a breakthrough we really made the Poss Poss the white rhinoceros includes two distinct subspecies northern and southern Northern white rhinos which are actually gray used to roam freely in several African countries good go but their numbers fell sharply due to widespread poaching here is

Samuel matisia the head of research and species conservation at Kenya’s old Peta Conservancy where the northern white rhinos are located in the last two known to exist Northern white rhinos is a huge responsibility and it reminds us every morning that if nothing is done then we are facing extinction we

See it live every morning when we look at the two females to try and save the subspecies scientists turned to inv vitro fertilization an international team of scientists from the Bier rescue Consortium a group backed by the German government harvested eggs from the northern white rhinos using the eggs and

Sperm from dead male rhinos of the subspecies they produced embryos that eventually will be transferred to Southern White Rhino surrogate mothers to test the concept the scientist said on Wednesday they transferred the embryo of a southern white rhino into a surrogate mother of that subspecies on September 24th

2023 the team confirmed a pregnancy of 70 days with a well-developed 2.5 in Long male embryo scientists said the proof of concept allows them to now safely move to the transfer of Northern White Rhino embryos really yeah really important moment Thomas hilderbrand heads reproduction management at the Liv nuts Institute for

Zoo and Wildlife Research we achieved together uh something which was not believed to be possible I think uh the bio rescue bi rescue Consortium worked so hard and so effective together with all our partners uh that uh we really made the impossible possible and um today we

Can uh report that and that is really a milestone to allow us to produce Northern whiteo CS in the next two two and a half years

Scientists in Berlin on Jan. 24 announced the first successful embryo transfer in a white rhinoceros. Their method offers hope for saving the critically endangered northern white rhino subspecies from extinction.

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