Matt Walsh showcases David Menzies’ coverage of 50-year-old man swimming against teenage girls


Uh this is a story that first broke a couple months ago in Canada courtesy of the Rebel news reporter David menes who’s um one of the the few serious journalists left in Canada you might remember he’s the same reporter who broke the story of that Canadian shop teacher who wore the massive prosthetic

Breasts to class so he’s the guy that told us about that and this latest story from men is is weirder and uh even more disturbing than that and yet it hasn’t got nearly as much attention as it deserves I mean most people probably haven’t heard about it so I want to make

Sure that you hear about it and so here we are here’s how it began back in October men received a tip about the fall classic swimming competition at the Markham PanAm Center which is just North of Toronto now men’s obtained a scheduling sheet which showed that 10 swimmers had participated in the

Competition and these are not college girls okay nine of the girls were between the ages of 13 and 14 but strangely enough the 10th name on the list was a 50-year-old man named Nicholas J Sapa Sapa who uses the alter ego Melody wiseheart is a professor at York University in Toronto and his

Research Specialties men he’s found include children and youth so why would a 50-year-old Professor specializing in children be competing against 13-year-old girls at a swimming competition again these are not women in college he’s competing against as grotesque as that would be and is these are 13year olds now when men’s first

Went down to the PanAm Center in October they didn’t have many answers first they denied that zpa had competed against the teen girls then they admitted that he had participated in the competition but they they wouldn’t say whether he had entered the changing room with 13 and 14-year-old children they promised some follow-ups

That never materialized they obviously hoped that Rebel news would just drop the story but they didn’t a couple months later menes was back in this time he tracked the 50-year-old swimmer to the east Bayfield Community Center in Barry Ontario which was playing host to the Trojan Cup Tournament which of

Course brings to mind all kinds of ironic metaphors about Trojan horses and the trans agenda but um here’s what happened watch in any event we hope to interview Nicholas Sapa I think he was tipped off that we were here and he entered the community center through a back

Entrance uh perhaps we can catch him going out in the meantime we’re going to watch him swim just will you see the perverse visuals of a 50-year-old man lining up against 13 and 17-year-old Girls oh I see other people are youo Camera I have the photo right here if you’re not going to listen I’m going to ask you please stop recording me you’re in a public place there’s no there’s no expectation of privacy we need to call the police I’m going to call Mr Oakley on

You so how you doing sir do do you know um why who are you no we’re not we’re not doing this okay well you have no authorization to kick us out look at those brave people conf fronting the reporter but not confronting the 50-year-old man that is competing against underage girls and

That’s exactly what’s happening there’s no longer any any denying that that’s what’s happening and the response from the community center is not to explain why this is allowed they don’t want to answer any questions about whether this guy is going to be in the changing room

With these girls they just just try to hide their faces and threaten him the justification they use is that filming is supposedly not allowed in the swimming area even though this is a public facility as David menis points out and people are filming all over the place

Watch you have to go outside okay you got to go outside I don’t think so I we’re here to cover some perversity happening in this swimming pool it’s got nothing to do with me David okay well if it’s nothing to do with you why are you

Telling us to leave because you can’t be doing you can’t take film in here you cannot we see look there’s people right there in the front row recording look at that woman in the corner anybody recording what are you talking about that woman right there record okay we be

Calling the very police right now okay you know what I’m tired of the we’re going to call the police we’re because you have a 50-year-old man changing with 13-year-old girls do you think that’s right no comment no comment please emergency yes hi there um I’m at the East Bayfield Community

Center and there is a 50-year-old male that has invaded the change room and showers of 13-year-old girls okay I have a call on here for officers to attend the red Center there he’s he he’s on in the swimming area now is that correct he is on the swimming

Deck that’s right he just had a swim in the pool perf we’re going to have officers come by as soon as we can okay we are just very very busy at the moment okay now all these repres atives from the community center can do is say no comment and threaten to have men’s

Arrested for fil filming in the swimming area even though a lot of other people are filming in the swimming area also they then pretend not to see all those other people filming it’s I mean it’s just it’s like a comical display of cowardice but it’s clear these people

Want to hide something so meni stuck around to see what it was and after a while he discovered that indeed this 50-year-old creep was using the girls changing rooms and when he was exposed exposed for doing this he panicked and ran away watch We just watched Nicholas sea swim against seven other competitors

And guess what folks this genderbending grifter came in sixth place that’s right swimming against teenage girls he came in six out of eight what a loser we finally have have a definitive answer to where Nicholas Sapa changes and showers it is in the girls dressing room I saw it myself with

My own eyes he didn’t go into the male dressing room he didn’t go into the family dressing Room Mr Sapa what what is your deal why are you swimming with 13year olds why are you breaking World aquatic rules why are you running what are you Mr Sapa are you a sexual pervert why won’t you answer these questions why are you breaking World aquatic rules you transitioned after puberty did you

Not Mr Sapa why are you a coward do you have a do you have a record of sexual perversion protect me from these people protect us from what where are you Going okay so after somehow coming in sixth place swimming against teen girls this 50-year-old man scampers away into the night and once again as as we see so often he pretends to be the victim at the end there just like the officials In The Swim Center he knows that he he’s

He’s he’s doing something that has no reasonable explanation at least it has no explanation that he would ever want to say out loud so instead he offers no explanation and he just runs away now you have to wonder you have to wonder a lot of things but the first

Thing is where are the parents all the girls swimming in the East Bayfield Community Center have parents presumably what exactly are they doing through all this why is it only one Rebel news reporter who’s objecting at all to any of this why is it just this one guy who’s chasing this dude out

Into the parking lot you know the Toronto son did report on comments from some Anonymous parents at this venue uh one parent said quote the girls were terrified it’s all so confusing for the kids said another parent no one is comfortable everybody is accepting of all people but them

Swimming against our kids and being in the locker room with them is not appropriate quote unquote so the parents are comfortable speaking anonymously to the media but they’re apparently too cowardly to come out against this guy publicly and to be clear speaking out publicly should be the the second thing

You do the first thing you should do is confront this man directly I mean I can tell you for absolute certain that no man under any circumstance would ever be allowed to enter a bathroom or locker room while my wife or daughters are in there nor would I sit back and watch a

Grown man invade a competition that my daughters are competing in you know this is not one of those difficult situations where it’s hard to judge people if you aren’t in their shoes right no this is not a difficult situation there’s nothing difficult about it that man

Should not be permitted to do what he’s doing period And if your own daughter is being victimized this way right in front of you the only difficulty you should have is in restraining yourself enough so that you don’t go to prison so the cowardice of the parents here is incredible even more incredible

Given that the son has also confirmed the sepo was in the changing room with girls as young as 8 years old at the East Bayfield Center on December 1st the sun reported that quote girls from age 8 26 in a swimming Canada sanctioned swim meet and Barry last week not only found

Themselves in the same pool as a transgender female swimmer but in the same change room too so we’re talking about 13 to 14 year old girls all the way down to eight-year-olds and this guy has apparently been allowed to change in front of all of them meanwhile the

Canadian mainstream media has refused to cover this story of course and as of the latest update we have from Rebel news and the Toronto Sun both Toronto police and Canada swimming regulator uh called swimming Canada are doing everything they can to sneak this guy into events where young girls are present they’ve

Allowed him to compete in these kinds of events since 2019 According to some reports at least one Rec Center has canceled an event that would have involved sepa but it appears that’s because they were worried about media attention not the safety of underage girls I mean when they could do this

Without anyone noticing out side of the center itself they they they had been doing it and now that they’re getting some attention they’re shutting it down in some cases again only because they don’t want the scrutiny not because they’re trying to protect the girl so basically it’s now legal in Canada for

50 50-year-old degenerates to claim their women and then enter the changing rooms with young girls girls as young as eight now if at this point you still somehow harbored any doubts or any confusion at all about what the trans agenda is and what its true intentions are and

Why these people are doing this hopefully now you have Clarity and the frustrating thing is that some conservatives including myself predicted years ago that it would get to this point once you’re willing to lie about objective reality and pretend that people can identify as any gender they

Want then you have no logical basis for telling a 50-year-old that he can’t compete with eight-year-olds you know if he can invent his gender why can’t he cosplay as a young child all of this was easily foreseeable you didn’t need you didn’t need to have a crystal ball or

Consult a fortune teller the road map was laid out right in front of us all you had to do was look at it and speak up but not enough people did and those who did were ignored just a a few short years after the trans cult took hold of Canada they

Have state sanctioned adult male creeps running around in young girls locker rooms couple decades ago you know David menes would have been joined by every father and police officer in Ontario chasing that son of a down and now they’re they’re looking at David men like he’s the crazy one like he has to

Justify himself for being upset about it this is the reality of life in Canada now and that’s how slippery slopes work the slippery slope is not a fallacy as we’ve been told so many times it’s an accurate way to describe how cultures change over time particularly when they are

Passive there are successive changes each one building on the last until the country is completely unrecognizable to make a slippery slope prediction is simply to notice the prevailing logic of the culture there is no logic to the idea that a man can be a woman because

He identifies as one but if we accept that non-logical logic then it’s not difficult to see what follows from that and what follows from what follows and so on Canada’s farther along the Silvery slope than we are that’s for certain in fact they’ve Fallen almost entirely to its

Bottom and now we can either learn from their fall or fall along with them

Matt Walsh of The Daily Wire discussed David Menzies’ reporting about 50-year-old transgender professor and swimmer Nicholas Cepeda in a recent episode of The Matt Walsh Show.

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  1. David rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the guy doesnt care where he placed, he is there to fulfill his perverted sexual drive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I'm glad you reported on this, it's unbelievable how he's been protected. The swim center says their changing rooms are "Universal" but it's still gross and illegal for him exposing himself in front of underage girls.
    He also sometimes identifies as a same age female and swims with adults in the same arena. (gender fluid? lol)
    I heard that Canadas misgendering law was preventing police from doing something about it when it was first reported.

  3. every single adult that acquiesces to this is complicit in crimes against humanity; specifically crimes against the child. entire communities of adults are anusing their children very publicly and drmanding ee "be kind"..when will the majority tell these caligula esque adults, ENOUGH and put them all out of places of authority. Wiseheart needs to be slinging coffee and donuts…not observing the children all day long as "research doctor". get him out. he's abusive, controlling, narcissistic, and he got a bunch of ignoramuses doing his cheerleading..including Mr Oakley….theyre ashamed. they know this is sick. but paychecks, and whoever the FK mr.Oakley is… dam perverse,.odd, queer… and the complicit ones? pathetic. all of em are so nasty
    .scarlet letter them..they need to be away from.our children.

  4. 8:00 The parents opposed to it are terrified that other parents who support it will go all over social media and falsely accuse them of being "transphobic." The parents' employer will find out and try to fire them.

  5. Trudeau's days are numbered! He is a narcissist. and is destroying Canada. His unconstitutionalist garbage coming out of his "majority" in parliament continues to alienate common sense Canadians. He is Canada's radical answer to Joe Biden and Obama.


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