Jews supporting Hamas? This event actually happened in Toronto!


Jews for a free Palestine what’s that all about I think everyone should be free do you and are you Jewish yourself sir I am Jewish and Israeli okay then and you’re throwing your support behind the pramas people uh I’m throwing my support behind uh Palestinian people who

Are being genocided by the Israeli Army which genocide are we talking about I’m just here as an ally so I I don’t really want to oh an ally of whom of my Jewish friends what do you say about the October 7th massacre in Israel it wasn’t a massacre it wasn’t it a struggle

Between Palestinian Fighters and the racist apar state of Israel how was the LGBT community treated and say Gaza no I’m the same way as they’re treated everywhere else is that right yeah David meny for Rebel news here in downtown Toronto and you know folks as they used to say on Monty Python’s

Flying circus and Now for Something Completely Different which is to say pramas demonstrations in Toronto and so many other cities sadly are do regur they’ve been going on since October I expect them to go on for the months ahead but check out this demonstration that is behind me there’s about a dozen

People it’s about to begin the name of this demonstration is called procession for Palestine Jews say no to genocide now I have to admit I’m somewhat confused here if it’s Jews saying no to genocide surely you’re demonstrating against Israel’s horrific terrorist attack uh that occurred on October 7th

Of last year you know in which some 1,200 people were massacred but I don’t think that is the demonstration today I think this is a Pro Palestine March even though uh what Israel suffered on that day was the worst massacre of Jews in a single day since the Holocaust you know

I have to admit I’m looking at the poster promoting this so-called procession for Palestine and I got to be honest I’ve never heard of any of the organizations that are behind this demonstration such as the United Jewish people’s order independent Jewish voices Canada if not now Toronto showing up for

Racial Justice Toronto World Beyond War and the Jewish faculty Network and uh I guess I’ll do some research on what these organizations are all about when I get back to the office but by the sounds of things I think they’re probably woke at best perhaps Marxist at worst and and

You know again uh the idea of Jews in a uh pramas Pro Palestine March isn’t that akin to oh I don’t know uh chickens getting ready uh to have a parade for Colonel Saunders it’s just so baffling in any event why don’t we wait in to the

Uh procession that is gathering here and uh try to find out who’s who in the zoo hey good morning is this the procession for Palestine yeah as far as I know okay fantastic uh can you tell me what this is all about actually no oh I’m not the

Best spokesperson I’m just here to support oh okay you’re just here to take part in the March and you don’t know what the March is about is that correct or uh I don’t want to talk to you I’m just reading your Tes are Jews for a free Palestine what’s that all about I

Think everyone should be free do you you think everyone should be free but when you are in a procession for Palestine and it says uh Jew say no to genocide what genocide are we talking about is it the October 7th Massacre that’s not a genocide well it was the genocide is uh

25,000 dead people oh you could argue no the the genocide is 25,000 dead people in Gaza where did that number come from by the way no I don’t want to talk to you anymore sir oh okay well you don’t have to be handsy uh but get out of my

Face okay thank you well we’re on a public sidew sir you know isn’t a a Jew supporting Hamas kind of like a chicken supporting colonel not supporting toas that’s stupid then all right then well and little hey folks what brings you out to this procession for Palestine how about yourself ma’am I see

You have Jews for a free Palestine what what does that mean exactly is that a about a two-state solution or decolonized oh what’s that sir de colonized Palestine oh okay who’s colonized Palestine Israel okay then what do you say about the October 7th massacre in Israel it wasn’t a massacre

It wasn’t it a struggle between Palestinian Fighters and the racist aparti the state of Israel but there were some 1200 people that were killed we have by the Israeli military and police forces oh so that wasn’t Hamas check out electronic antifa and are you Jewish yourself sir I am Jewish and

Israeli okay then and you’re throwing your support behind the pramas people uh I’m throwing my support behind uh Palestinian people who are being genocided by the Israeli Army what what do you think that almost 80% of those living in Gaza are pro Hamas um say that one more time what do

You think of the stat that almost 80% of Palestinians living in Gaza support Hamas um I think that is their um that’s their right to do and um I’m worried about the Palestinian people that are being genocided as we speak 24/7 on camera hi guys what does that saying

Mean ma’am Jews for a free Palestine sorry sorry I can’t hear you with the face diaper on no no I explain all everything about the history of racism of the state of Israel well I guess there’s no reason for us to be here this gentleman says he has

Explained all everything I sir I’m reading your shirt Jews say no to genocide which genocide are we talking about yeah no thanks no thanks yeah this is amazing someone who I presume is Jewish is wearing a Jew say no to genocide my only question to him is what

Genocide are we talking about and he said no thanks again uh kind of defeats the purpose of assembling on a cold Winter’s day to have a demonstration you’d think they’d want media coverage to convey their message and I would say if you can’t articulate your point maybe

You don’t have much of a message to begin with what brings you out to this uh protest we have media people pardon me we have media people if you’d like to speak oh sure I’d love to want to send them my way or can you describe the media

People which genocide are we talking about about right now which one do you think we’re talking about well you know what I would imagine if you’re Jewish you probably have skin in the game regarding the October 7th massacre in Israel that’s not the genocide oh that’s not the genocide what’s the genocide

We’re talking about okay so wasn’t that the single largest death toll of Jews since the Holocaust that’s not the genocide it sounds kind of genocide to me which genocide are we talking about I’m just here as an ally so I I don’t really want to oh an ally of whom of my

Jewish friends okay then who are supporting the Hamas people absolutely not oh okay then so and if you can explain interpretation no I don’t really want to get into it with you okay then all right thanks thank you Israeli government is a racist government the same way that destroyed

The Jewish communities when the state of Israel was established well being to Israel I I don’t see examples of racism I see um there’s Arabs that sit in the knesset is that not true check out the book nakba The Struggle to decolonize Palestine how is the LGBT community treated and say

Gaza no I’m not the same way as they’re treated everywhere else is that right yeah please go away I don’t want to talk to you but I don’t see uh any members of that Community being tossed from rooftops here goodbye but sir um how would somebody in the LGBT community how would

They do in Gaza it seems you’re not going to learn from history lessons okay are you saying my information is incorrect you can be openly gay or transgender in Gaza and no harm would come to you you got it hi everybody Wow have you been to Gaza yourself I have

Okay then yeah so folks as the procession for Palestine Jews say no to genocide get ready to March down BL Street what did we learn with our interaction with some of the people here well I thought there was a shocking lack of empathy for Israel in terms of the

October 7th Massacre we even saw the conspiracy theories come out that it was the IDF not Hamas and also you notice they Bandy around the term racist state in regard to Israel but there are Arabs that sit in the knesset and when it comes to the LGBT community there are

Pride parades in Israel you can display the rainbow flag uh without any problems so I don’t think that kind of Tolerance uh for the LGBT community is uh expressed in Gaza in fact I think it’s quite the opposite of Tolerance well folks the procession for Palestine do

Say no to genocide they have finally begun marching they’re going eastbound on BL from Avenue Road and uh I think it’s a fitting route for them because just the very next block away Avenue uh Bay Street and blue or rather that is where uh an indigo shop is and you may

Recall last month uh the pramas people went in and they vandalized the store they harassed customers they trespassed on private property so I wonder if we’ll see a repeat of that because you know indigo’s crime well it’s owned by a Jew you see so that’s fair game for intimidation in Toronto of

2024 folks are you as sick and tired as we are of people who aren’t even citizens in Canada coming out to the streets of Toronto and other Canadian cities and chanting for genocide of Jews uh advocating for the anation of the state of Israel if so please sign our

Petition go to depor that’s depor let’s make deportation great again

|’When we interviewed the protesters, we found ourselves descending into a vortex of wokeism, Marxism, delusion, and denial. It was astonishing – and disturbing,’ said David.
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  1. Many are there to support a ceasefire and not necessarily Hamas. However, they readily accept Hamas's casualty figures and propaganda. They tacitly support the events of October 7th whether they know it or not. Hamas has cleverly turned the world opinion against Israel, however truth will be revealed in time.

  2. Unfortunately Jews have a long history of joining or supporting all sides of the political spectrum. I believe this is a survival strategy developed over millennia of persecution. Still, it's painful to watch these individuals trying to justify with blatant lies, betraying their fellow Israeli Jews who were butchered by Hamas and their supporters.

  3. Menzoid . … I love you mate … but this has nothing to do with Oct7th or supporting Hamas . This has to do with the horrendous death count and the willful destruction of Palestinian homes . Never mind the occupation of the West Bank . This was probably one of the fakest wars I have ever seen . The whole thing was contrived . Most of us who have learned to accept the global order know this .

  4. Ironically …I was in Gaza in 1995 . They were liberal . Hamas is Shia ideology running a Sunni Muslim state . No Palestinian wants Sharia law . They enjoy their liberties like everyone else . Hamas adopts Iran's political positions internationally , but they do not govern internally . They are absent when it comes to civil matters like infrastructure and economic issues . They are fake !! They are a product of the intelligence service and all wars are bankers wars !!

  5. David you confuse palestinians with hamas,thats like confusing you with trudeau fans.You must be a Trudeau supporter cause you're in Canada right? 1200 jews were killed over 25 THOUSAND Palestinians died.They are suffering more.I think both sides should gang up on hamas personally but dont blame all Palestinians.


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