Canada Tonight | Colleges Ontario speaks out against measure to limit international student permits


It’s 8:00 p.m. in Yarmouth Nova Scotia 7 o’cl in eelo and 6:00 p.m. in Saskatoon this is Canada tonight College chaos postsecondary institutions in Ontario pushed back on the FED student visa cap taking the stand Donald Trump testifies in his New York defamation trial claiming the allegations are totally false meeting at

The intersection tonight Sheila North Charles Adler and Robin Gil to discuss the international student visa cap and whether or not parents should pop the bubble wrap and let kids be kids and on tonight’s Spotlight Mission To The Moon Canadian astronaut Jeremy Hansen talks about the Artemis 2 mission from the Canadian broadcasting Center

This is Canada tonight with Travis danra And good evening on this Thursday night also ahead this evening the man accused of the Edmonton City Hall shooting has made his first court appearance we’ll have more on that we’ll tell you about the charges he’s facing and what police are saying tonight plus British negotiators walk away from trade talks

With Canada the sticking point how much access the UK should have to the Canadian cheese market and a Canadian Legend returns to Montreal live report from Patrick W’s return to the city which the legend was born but first let’s start with ottawa’s cap on International students coming to Canada

And the repercussions that it is now having Ontario’s colleges are sounding the alarm insisting the slashing the number of the new student permits issued effectively slashes their budget and a warning that some institutions may not survive Sarah gashin is on this on our breaking news desk right now she joins

Me live from Vancouver so Sarah help us understand here you know this move from Ottawa was buil as something that was going to help with housing but obviously these colleges are saying it it it is going to really hurt them they’re saying that it’s going to hurt I mean high

Level here the concern was that too many International students were being enrolled and that there wasn’t enough housing to house them uh the concern or at least one of the concerns from prary institutions is that the international students that are coming um they pay sometimes between three to four times

What domestic tuition would be and um post-secondary institutions have come to rely on that money uh some more than others now to that the college colleges Ontario the organization has issued a strongly worded statement today and it starts off accusing the federal government of creating a moratorium by

Stealth with this new cap on study permits that is they say already causing significant and unnecessary upheaval for students employers and communities let’s talk about that upheaval last year’s number of study permits that were issued issued by Canada um and these are visas we’re talking about was 364,000 uh the

Plan is to cut that by 35% uh and and that process is already underway and it’s already having an effect and not to get too in the weeds here but um in Ontario what we understand is that um as part of the the visa application process that the

Students and some of them hoping to enroll as soon as may they need to have a a letter a sort of stamp of approval coming from the Ontario government and and that system is simply just not in place a at this point the the organization the Ontario colleges is

Warning that the students the schools that rely on their tuitions and Canada’s labor market could be adversely affected and they are asking uh for this to be Revisited and they’re asking in as I say pretty strong language Travis yeah we’re going to talk to the president CEO of

Georgian College coming up to get reaction on all of this here in Ontario but this isn’t just an Ontario situation Sarah it’s also similar in other provinces yeah sure I mean there are international students going to to post-secondary instit tions right across the country thing about Ontario is that

51% of Canada’s International students actually are in that Province and recent growth in enrollment is uh you know very much happening in in the college system um but it is also universities that are concerned about this and our our friends over at Power and politics just interviewing um The Association of

Onario universities who point out that uh this system of of of capping uh could also Al affect unfairly they say their ability to recruit um undergraduate students and they think it is unfair because some of them have housing programs in place I think that that should be considered and I want to play

You a little bit what they said on PNP measure the performance of each organization are they providing the supports do they have housing are they holding their agents accountable we believe the federal government is committed to that they’ve indicated they want to resume that and we think it’s an

Opportunity for the province to follow up in where the federal government left off and Travis let me just finish off here by uh speaking directly to any uh students college students specifically who might be watching from Ontario as well in that letter that was issued uh the Ontario colleges is asking the

Ontario government to approve for domestic tuition a hike of $135 uh per tuition now it’s not a huge amount of money but it is sort of an indication that you know the money is going to have to come from somewhere Travis indeed it is okay Sarah gashin in

Our Vancouver Newsroom at the breaking news yes thank you Sarah you bet all right let’s dig into this now my next guest is part of the Ontario colleges Kevin Weaver is the president and CEO of Georgian College and joins me now from Barry Ontario Mr Reaver thanks for

Joining us here on Canada tonight I know that you are very concerned about this move how might this decision specifically affect your college yeah I am I am very concerned as you said it’s uh you know could have significant impact uh not only to the the college but the community at large

Uh with a a potential reduction of hundreds potentially more uh International students in our communities so there was no consultation you’re saying that happened between colleges and the government uh we did not have any direct consultation on this no the the announcement was a major surprise in

Terms of the uh the scale uh and the impact of the announcement on Monday morning so I understand that half of your full-time students are international students why are they so important for Canadian colleges like yours well they’re critical for a number of reasons I mean a college like ours

We’re we are in h uh Central Ontario we uh serve a region that is both urban and rural and due to our demographics we’ve seen tremendous decline in our domestic enrollment over that period of of time and so uh for us it it was um you know an opportunity to recruit International

Students to make sure that we still had the same level of programming the same number of students and in some cases growing where we knew there were labor market needs so uh you know quite frankly in our communities uh it was an imperative to ensure we’re supporting the labor force and and economic

Development in our region you know the government says that there have been bad actors in uh this industry what do you say to that argument I I I can’t comment specifically on whether there are or are not but what I would say is uh colleges uh like georan that have a high quality

Standard that care about the student experience um we should not be penalized and if there are Bad actors then then I fully support uh finding a way uh to make sure those Bad Bad actors areen are no longer uh in the in the uh uh taking advantage of international students if

They are but but let’s uh let’s not hurt everybody who is delivering quality education focused on labor market focused on really helping to drive this province and this country forward with the jobs we know are critical so what are the ramifications going to be across the country you think for institutions like

Yours well certainly for us and and we’ve heard through the announcement it it’s uh Ontario will be the hardest hit in in terms of the reduction of uh caps a reduction of uh International uh student uh study permits and so for us a significant impact in both student numbers uh and therefore potentially

Graduates uh those students also spend money in our communities they work part-time jobs while they study often in the service and retail industry and there is no doubt a financial impact to the colleges uh like ours who are trying to operate uh a variety of programs to

Support a number of sectors and and one of the things I’ll add is um International students quite often in programs allow us to offer more programs where we might only have six or seven domestic students in some of our smaller communities interested in a certain

Program if we can attract five or six or 10 International students it allows us to keep that program going and support the labor market needs do you see a situation where the government reverses this decision and finally real quick uh what do you think a better strategy would have

Been uh will they reverse it well I certainly hope they will take a look at it uh first of all we need to slow down the moratorium or pause the moratorium on study permit approvals that is happening right now our College like many have intakes in in the month of May

And our impact right now we have we have hundreds of students who have been accepted they want to come to Georgian College and study no study permits are being approved right now so I certainly hope there’s quick action on that and they will consider how to consult with

Both the province and the sector at large so that we can do this in a methodical way okay a better solution would would have been a little bit more of a surgical Precision approach if there’s Bad actors let’s support A system that that gets rid of those Bad

Actors but let’s not penalize those institutions that are critical to the economy Okay Kevin Weaver thank you so much that is Kevin Weaver president and CEO of Georg and college he joined me from Barry Ontario thank you and we’ll have more reaction from Ontario colleges to the cap on International students coming up

On our intersection panel tonight to discuss this former Manitoba Grand Chief Sheila North former journalist in communications consultant rum Gil and writer and podcaster Charles Adler that conversation coming up on this this issue and a lot more at 8 Eastern 5 Pacific well the man accused of firing

Shots inside of Edmonton City Hall made an appearance in court today he is also suspected of causing a small fire with a malov cocktail inside the building Paige Parsons has been following the story for us she joins us live from Edmonton so Paige uh tell us what happened today in

Court Travis it was a fairly quick appearance today for bizan Savar uh he appeared by video conference from the Edmonton reand Center where he’s being held in a maximum security unit on six criminal charges uh several of those are weapons charges one is arson and there’s also a charge related to uh explosives

Uh he’s being held um on allegations that he fired several shots inside Edmonton City Hall and also that he lit several explosives that uh Edmonton Police uh believe were Molotov Cocktails so during this brief appearance we didn’t hear from him uh it was mainly his defense lawyer the crown prosecutor

Making arrangements for a future bail hearing which is going to happen down the road and and then it was pretty quickly wrapped up we did get a chance to speak briefly with his lawyer outside who said uh you know he’s just been retained yesterday he’s only spoken with

His client for for a few minutes and so he he said he couldn’t speak to the allegations to his client’s state of mind uh but he did say that that eventually uh they are hoping to to seek bail okay and so what else have we learned about the

Suspect so uh We’ve now been able to confirm we’ve heard from his his company where he works that he is himself a a private security guard and and he’s been doing that work here in Edmonton for a company since 2019 and today a CBC News crew actually

Uh went up to North Edmonton uh to his apartment building uh just see what was going on uh police were there uh and they’ve confirmed that they were executing a search warrant at the residents uh we did speak with several of his neighbors and they said you know

That they were surprised to hear that he is the suspect in this incident they said that um you know as far as they knew he was quiet um seemed nice it was it was a surprising thing uh to happen they say and uh we also um have seen a

Video circulating online on social media uh and we’ve been able to confirm uh with people who know him that uh the accused is the person in this video and in it he kind of addresses you know a wide range of social issues he talks about about a mission um and we don’t we

Haven’t been able to confirm where or when it was filmed uh but but we do know now that that it is the accused who appears in that video okay Paige Parson’s in Edmonton this evening for us here on cada ton I appreciate it you’re welcome in neighboring Saskatchewan a forensic pathologist began testifying

Today at a Coroner’s inquest into Canada’s worst mass stabbing in recent history 11 people were killed in 2022 on the James Smith Cree Nation and a neighboring Town Sam Samson joins me now from outside the center where the inquest is taking place of Sam uh thanks

For being with us here take us through what was presented today yeah we heard uh six autopsy reports out of 11 that we will hear over the course of the inquest and the six people that we heard more details about how they died uh their names AR Bonnie

Burns Gregory Burns Lydia Gloria Burns Christian head ah head and Damen Sanderson now as you can imagine this is really graphic information that we’re hearing they are autopsy reports but it’s also really emotionally difficult uh details for family members to hear um but the families that I’ve spoken with

Over the past year and a half as well as here today the ones who are here want to hear those details they want to hear how many times their loved one was stabbed this is hard to hear uh how many or where on the body they were stabbed how

Long it took for them to die and we got a lot of those details today so so the pathologist who testified this morning said that the victims that we heard about today suffered several stab wounds but for most of them there was one fatal blow either in the neck region or a blow

That may have punctured their heart or their lungs that’s the case for most of them except for Damen Sanderson Damen Sanderson was Miles sanderson’s brother miles was the attacker in all of this and so RCMP told us earlier in the inquest that Miles stabbed Damen while

They were in a car together Damen was in the passenger seat and he fled out of the car into an area that was kind of covered by bushes you couldn’t see it from the the road there and that’s where he died RCMP found his body a day after

The stabbings so Damian’s case is different because While most of the victims we heard about today the pathologist said died within 2 and 10 minutes Damian it was the culmination of Damian’s wounds that killed him which could have taken a few minutes up to possibly more than an hour my

Sanderson’s death by the way he died shortly after going into police custody after he was arrested a few days after the stabbings that in custody death triggers a mandatory inquest that’ll happen uh later in February okay and Sam I understand that you heard from Health Care Professionals within the correction

System what did they have to say yeah we heard from a psychologist and a psychiatrist who both worked with Sanderson while he was spending time in federal prison and the psychiatrist particularly painted a picture of a very burdened mental health system within Corrections and he was one of the few

Witnesses is over this entire inquest who’s given recommendations on how things could be better so he said things like keep consistency among healthc Care staff who work with inmates better communication among different providers but then he also focused on trauma and making sure that inmates address their trauma whether that through uh be

Through psychology Psychiatry or even cultural work and there seemed to be a focus both with Psych the psychiatrist and the psychologist about keeping it a holistic treatment encouraging inmates to go to counseling even because it is a self-directed kind of care and when they go for care make sure that they get care

There was also a really touching U moment at the end of it where the psychologist who worked with Sanderson apologized to the families for their loss and their suffering and said I wish I could have seen something that would have shown that this would happen but I

Just couldn’t all right our Sam Samson and saskat this evening for us thanks Sam well the new report is detailing what’s needed to search a Manitoba landfill for the remains of two first nation’s women Atlanta Cole has reaction no more delays that was the message from assembly of Manitoba Chiefs

Grand Chief Kathy Merck at a news conference this afternoon there with family members of Morgan Harris and Mercedes myON Merck said they’ve completed a new report a further study into what is needed to search the Prairie green landfill for the remains of the two women and now they want

Funding to get started and they want the province to move quickly on the permits they need there’s no no room for compromise here we insist on a meeting involving all three levels of government and we won’t accept anything less more than a year ago police announced Jeremy skiii had been charged

With first-degree murder in the deaths of myin Harris and an unknown woman given the name Buffalo Woman he’d already been charged for Rebecca con’s death some of her remains were found at the Brady roadland police have said they believe myON and Harris’s bodies are in the prairie green

Landfill north of Winnipeg today Donna Bartlet the grandmother of myON says she just wants to bring her home her children are hurting to this day cuz they know their mom’s not at the grave site we have for her that is my main purpose please get the landfill searched this is the second

Study detailing what would go into a search last year a feasibility study looked at how a search could be done safely today ISM mosat the organization hired as technical experts says it could take six months to hire staff buy equipment and build a facility and there’s no way to know exactly how long

A search would take and the search could be completed quite quickly or it could take out to out to one or to three years the initial feasibility study estimates the cost between 84 million and 184 million Morgan Harris’s cousin Melissa Robinson says that shouldn’t be a factor

If it was your loved one mhm would you you know want a dollar amount on it no you’d want them right you’d want their remains you’d want to be able to bury them and lay them to rest properly today Robinson also made a point to call on Mayor Scott Gillingham to help with

The efforts she wants the city to donate land for the facility needed to conduct a search AMC says they aren’t sharing this new report publicly Alana Cole CBC News Winnipeg well later in the program Donald Trump testifies in New York at his defamation trial and next hour Deputy leader of the Conservative Party

Of Canada Melissa lansman will join us live in studio at 8:00 Eastern to talk about the house resuming next week and a lot more and after the break our Spotlight conversation with Canadian astronaut Jeremy Hansen you’re watching Canada tonight stick around hello I’m Colonel Jeremy Hansen stick around for my conversation with Travis

Coming up on Canada Tonight Could lead to program closures campus closures it will certainly mean a number of layoffs um and I think there there’s a real concern for um what this means in the mid and long term so revisiting our top story at this hour and the backlash to ottawa’s cap on international student

Permits the organization representing Ontario’s 24 Public colleges says the cap essentially slashes their budgets to compensate colleges Ontario is asking the Province to approve a $135 increase per student annual tuition and raising provincial grants by 10% Canadian asant Jeremy Hansen is in the spotlight here in Canada tonight

Hansen is poised to become the first Canadian ever to venture to the Moon he’s part of NASA’s emis 2 mission which was slated for November but has now been delayed until 2025 here’s part of our conversation and joining now Canadian astronaut Jeremy Hansen good to chat

With you again so listen I I heard that this adventure into space all started way back when when you were a kid and you saw a photo tell me about that yeah it’s crazy to think about this and uh it’s one of the reasons why I think it’s so important to you know

Share the inspiration of things like space exploration with our youth but my mom tells me I was five I I couldn’t have told you the age but I do have the very distinct recollection of um looking through encyclopedia a I was interested in airplanes I would go on that

Encyclopedia a lot um and one day I flipped across Armstrong Neil Armstrong first human on the moon and I saw this picture of a human being standing on the moon and it just blew up my perspective of things and I went back to that page so many times in my childhood it’s like

Burned in my brain and it just made me think wow I’d love to be a space Explorer I turned my tree house into a spaceship yeah started exploring space in my imagination and I never looked back what did that what did that picture symbolize to you as a

Kid well I think you know it’s hard for me to know for sure but what I think it did is it opened my mind to what was possible like the fact that humans left Earth traveled to the Moon left bootprints and came back that was mind-blowing for me it was clear and

Then you know the that I could make that leap to be like oh okay well rocket is sort of like my Treehouse and you know my Treehouse could launch and fly into space and go to the Moon that’s what that did for me and here you are today I

I know that you also have said that growing up on a farm which you did really helped you as an astronaut can you explain what you mean by that such incredible respect for Farmers because they’re just um people that get in there and get the job done they deal

With a lot of Challenge on a regular basis and they just never quit and so growing up at a farm I just watch my father and other people working on the farm just dig into problems and solve them something breaks you find a solution if you have the right part

Great if you don’t then you makeshift something to make it work you whatever it is the crops still have to come off the field or the Animals still need to get fed just because you don’t have the perfect part doesn’t mean that those things stop it’s got to go forward and I

Learned that kind of resilience and hard work the value of hard work I had to work hard as a kid on the farm if I wanted to to be employed and keep keep up with my dad and uh that has paid off you also had to work hard when you were

A fighter pilot in the Royal Canadian uh Air Force what did you learn when you were there doing that job lessons that you take now there’s many um in fact I’m wearing uh my 100th anniversary of the royal Canan Air Force patch here tonight because this year we’re celebrating a

100 years since the Royal Canan Air Force was formed would be on April 1st and uh you know one of the things that I learned was was just to respect what all the people who have come before me have done the sacrifices that were made and

To walk in their footsteps is a big calling to be part of the Canadian Armed Forces uh specifically as a f8 pilot one of the things that I learned that I’ll take with me on this journey is how to overcome emergency situations how to deal with them how to sort of set my

Fear aside you know the fear is there I mean I’m human I get scared of things but I have to set the fear aside and work the problem in put liit my training and I had numerous situations uh when I was flying cf1 18s where I had to

Execute that and it gave me that confidence that it’s okay I can work through these things I sort of can set that fear aside compartmentalize it and work the problem and now I know as a crew if we’re up there and we’re on our

Way to the moon and we have a problem we will either solve the problem or we will die trying but we won’t be curled up in a ball in the corner complaining about it we’ll be actively working the problem it’s so interesting to hear you say that

That that you still have that Fear Factor there but you just know how to deal with it now let let’s talk about emis 2 and you know I know that the mission is very complex but bring it down to earth if you can and tell us as

Simply as you can the mission for emis 2 yeah Artemis 2 is the first time we fly this capsule with humans on it and it’s a precursor for Artemis 3 and four and five where we’ll take humans back and land on the moon in those missions

In the future we will have a lunar lander but it’s not ready yet and so for emis 2 we just take this capsule and the four of us and we launch off Earth we’ll fly around the earth once in about 90 minutes and that’ll give us a chance to

Look at the capsule do a few quick tests make sure we’re happy with it if we are we’ll do a burn so we’ll raise our altitude we’ll go out to 60,000 kilometers around the planet and come back that’ll take about a day and during that day we’re going to do a whole bunch

More tests we’re going to do some manual flying of the capsule proving that it can Rendevous and dock with spacecraft which will be needed in the future and uh and make sure all the life support systems are ready for the remaining 8 days to get to the moon and back and

Then we’ll come back it’s going to be incredible I mean that view is going to be something because when we go out to 60,000 kilometers we will see the whole marble of Earth hanging in space and then we’ll come racing back in you know over the next 12 hours and it’ll be as

If we’re coming home but just before we hit the atmosphere we’ll burn the engine again if everything is good and then we’ll zip out to the Moon four days to the moon fly around it see an earth rise and then fly back and splash down in the

Pacific Ocean and the whole idea for anyone who followed the Apollo program you know they did Apollo 7 where they tested their capsule in Earth orbit and then they did Apollo weight that historic mission where they flew to the moon and they went into lunar orbit flew

Around the Moon a bunch of times well we’re trying in a safe way to combine both of those missions into one and that’s why we have this very unique Mission profile but it’s going to be something you know nobody has ever trained for a mission like this obviously you know the life support

System all of this stuff is very crucial very sensitive does it ever make you do you ever get nervous yeah I don’t I’m I don’t know how to describe it other than I’m not nervous today I can’t be nervous for you know two years waiting for a mission um

I wouldn’t be any way to live so I don’t feel nervous on any given day but I look at things uh you know we talk about this all the time I look at systems and I’m like okay that one fails okay we have a backup that one fails yeah that’s loss

Of crew and you know we are constantly looking at those things for anything that we think is loss of crew for a failure we always want to have at least one backup system ideally there are a few places where what we would call zero fault tolerant where you know if it if

It fails then you may lose the crew but they’re pretty rare you know heat Shield’s one of those you know the heat shield either works or it doesn’t work there’s not really any in between um on on the heat shield for example but for most systems we have a backup system

Which gives us a lot of comfort um and then you just you work with this team I mean they’re pretty extraordinary and uh it gives you a lot of confidence that you know there are things that could get you but all in all we think uh we think

We have a really good chance of uh launching going out to the moon and Landing safely and being breathing uh nine days later in the Pacific Ocean well uh conversation continues next hour with Jeremy Hansen and we’ve got a lot more as part of it also next hour Deputy leader of the conservative

Party Melissa lansman will be here to talk about the house resuming on Monday she’ll join us live in studio in about 30 minutes coming up next trade talks with the British government are turning out not to be a breeze we’ll hear why negotiations with the UK have collapsed

Over Canadian cheese and Trump testifies in his own defense but last just a few minutes we’ll tell you what the former president had to say from his civil defamation trial in New York that is coming up next here on Canada Tonight For The Liberals winter caucus Retreat kicked off today in Ottawa with an address from prime minister Justin Trudeau the things that matter deeply in the daily lives of Canadians Pierre PV and his team voted against the Canada child benefit the Canada dental care benefit they voted against $10 a day

Child care and voted against programs for seniors we fought against inequality raised taxes on the wealthiest 1% so we could lower them for the middle class and over the past years have helped lift over 650,000 kids out of poverty Evan Dyer joins me now from Ottawa with

His new C night debut uh with more on this good to see you Evan hopefully you’ll be on the show a lot take us through some of the challenges that the Liberals are facing right now well the number one challenge of course is they’re standing in the polls which uh

Is getting pretty close to uh to wipe out territory according to the latest polls and of course uh as the Prime Minister meets with his caucus uh he’s making a speech here that’s aimed at not only the electorate but also at MPS who have to be worried about the Liberal

Party standing in the polls and the Prime Minister wants to show them as well as show the electorate that you know that he’s not going to be a drag on their own candes that he’s going to rather lift them up and uh and help them to get reelected and so that message

That we saw today was directed to the Canadian public but also very much to that caucus uh you know we have seen some Rifts in that caucus in recent days and one of them sort of got patched up uh today and that was some comments made

By New Finland MP Ken McDonald a liberal who represents a rural writing on the Avalon Peninsula outside of St John’s and he uh said a couple of days ago that he would like to see a leadership review he was asked would you like to see a

Leadership review and he said yes and he made some other comments about the the popularity of prime minister Justin Trudeau in his own writing the declining popularity uh in his writing let’s watch a little bit of that interview in the runup to this caucus Retreat normally in most circumstances in politics and

Especially in the federal government if you go from a majority government to a minority government there’s supposed to be a leadership review that hasn’t happened so you think at least there should be a leadership review yes let’s clear the a let’s you know let’s as a

Party let’s clear the A and uh if if people are still intent on uh having the leader we have now fine but at least give people the opportunity to have their say what they think the direction the party is going so there you go Travis I think pretty clear he was was

Asked so you’re calling for leadership review and said yes but today Ken McDonald walked that comment back uh and he put out a tweet where he said the intent of my recent public comments was not to personally call for leadership review and I’m not calling for one now

Uh and he went on to say that he as he said that he believes the prime minister is a smart politician and a great campaigner and he did say those things to be fair he did say those things as well in the interview but he he went

Quite a bit further than that uh in talking about the declining popularity of the Prime Minister in his own writing so today we saw liberal pushing back on that at the caucus Retreat let’s listen to some of what they said about about where they stand on the prime minister’s

Leadership he’s been very clear that uh he wants to be the one who leads us into the next election and he has my full support an asset oh in my view absolutely look this is the guy who’s helped get more done for my community than in any other government uh in my

Lifetime what do you think should there be a leadership review absolutely not very happy with the current leader I think Ken McDonald realizes that working together together as a team is what Canadians expect of us and Leadership means supporting Canadians and having vision for the future so we saw a bit of

A sort of a rally around the leader effort today there and uh it does not appear that Ken McDonald’s comments are the beginning of a big Insurgency within the caucus yet not least oh to be a fly on the wall inside that room Okay evan uh let’s talk about tomorrow we’re

Expecting a court decision on a topic that’s divided caucus and that’s not the only contentious subject ahead right and a huge Court decision it’s not the final decision at the international court of justice on South Africa’s allegations that Israel is committing a a genocide in Gaza this is just an interim ruling

Because South Africa also asked for immediate measures aimed at stopping uh a potential genocide happening in Gaza and actually that the genocide convention is very much about that it’s about preventing more than punishing past genocides it’s about preventing uh one from happening in the future so uh

Of course for the liberal party that issue is a much more divisive one than it would be for example in the conservative party because you have much more diversity of views about the Middle East in in the liberal party than in the conservative party but today we also saw

Uh Justin Trudeau pointing at another International conflict that perhaps might at one point be more of an issue for the conservative party and on which there’s great unanimity among liberals and that is the Ukraine war let’s just watch what he had to say about that my very first call this year was with

Vladimir zalinski the Canadian government and most of the parties in the house will continue to stand with him but Pier PV and his conservatives chose to vote against support for Ukraine calling it a far away foreign land to appease Putin apologists like Tucker Carlson and those who enable

Him so I think we we’re going to see that kind of messaging going forward from the Liberals because already they’ve beg beun running some ads actually in the Prairies which is a you know a major area for their Ukrainian diaspora pointing at this questioning conservative support for Ukraine and

We’ve seen some reaction from the Ukrainian Community the league of Ukrainian Canadians for example right into Pier PV uh just before Christmas to question what was going on in in the conservative party which has traditionally been a very strong supporter of Ukraine under under Steven Harper and under other leaders but which

Now has had a few votes that that have sort of called that support into question so I think that that’s going to be uh one point on which we can expect to see the Liberals go after the conservatives it’s going to be an interesting day in the house when it

Resumes next week Evan Dyer in our Ottawa Bureau tonight thank you Evan thanks for having me Travis bye well trade talks between Canada and the UK have stalled after the British government announced it was walking away from the table after almost two years of negotiations the major sticking point

Appears to be how much access the UK H should have that is to the Canadian cheese market uh we’ve been at the table we’ve had eight rounds the United Kingdom is uh a really important trading partner for Canada they are our third largest single country trading partner

At 46 billion over $ 46 billion a year so they are an important bilateral partner I’m actually quite confident that at the end of the day um when we are back at the negotiating table we will negotiate a deal that is a good deal for Canada um that’s my priority

Canadian businesses and exporters expect me and our government to get a good deal for Canada and that’s what I intend to do well Dairy Farmers of Canada says expanded access to the Canadian Dairy sector should remain off the table in trade talks until those talks resume Ottawa will shift its focus to ratifying

The revised Canada Ukraine trade agreement that bill has yet to clear Parliament former US president Donald Trump testified briefly at his civil defamation trial in New York Benji H reports Donald Trump took to the stand for just a matter of minutes it’s enough time though to say that he maintains his

Denial of egene Carroll’s allegations this trial is all about deciding how much he should pay for defaming her something he’s already been found liable of doing by a separate jury she’s seeking $1 million in Damages arguing that Trump’s past statement about her Unleashed a torrent of death threats and

Online Vital his comments in court earlier were brief and focused and they had to be given he wasn’t allowed to offer any testimony explicitly saying or even implying that he didn’t sexually assault Miss Carol PRI to testifying he was heard insisting that they’d never met despite photographic evidence of

Them together years ago this is a civil case Mr Trump also faces four criminal trials as he Vis to take the over office again these include two in relation to his alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election which he lost and trial into his alleged mishandling of classified documents taken from the

White house yet remarkably rather than hampering his bid for the presidency his legal W seem to be driving his campaign forward as he continues to Brand himself as someone not just being prosecuted but politically persecuted Trump is odds on to be the Republican party’s nominee to

Take on Joe Biden in November the juries in the New York trial return on Friday to hear closing argument Benji high for CBC News Washington well just ahead we’ll go live to Montreal where Habs Legend Patrick W is back behind the bench at the Bell Center our Douglas Gan is there to share

Some of the excitement with us that’s next on Canada Tonight Fans at the Bell Center in Montreal will have one eye on the ice and another on the visitors bench that’s because Patrick W is back in the house in his new role as the New York Islanders head coach the former Canadian’s goal tender remains a big fan favorite in Quebec

Douglas Gan is at the Bell Center in Montreal for us so you’ve got uh you know a a front row seat here and you got to witness some of the excitement earlier what was that like well the Montreal Canadians are a franchise that always seem to do the

Right thing in the moment and tonight was another great example of that Patrick W making his return to the Bell Center as the head coach of the New York Islanders they played a beautiful photo montage of some of his exploits as a player on the team during the Canadian

National anthem and I have to say it was one of the more boisterous Canadian national anthems that I’ve heard at the Bell Center over the years and then afterwards the cameras focused in on him and there was a nice Standing Ovation from the crowd here let’s have a look at that

Now Travis that was a really nice moment but Patrick Wall wasn’t hired by the New York Islanders to go on an appreciation tour around the NHL this is a team that is struggling and trying to get back into the playoffs he was essentially hired to come in and save the season for

This team now the earlier today he was kind of trying to deflect away some of the attention that he was going to be getting tonight by saying that it really is about the team but when you look back at what this man meant to the Montreal Canadians and their fans you know the

Stanley Cup in 1986 the Stanley Cup in 1993 and then in more recent times as the head coach of the Quebec ramparts winning the Memorial Cup in ‘ 06 and then just last spring in 23 as well it was no surprise that many of the fans were coming here tonight in order just

To see Patrick W I asked him about that before the game and how if he had a message to the Montreal Canadians fans and this is what he had to say you might not like my answer but today it’s not about me it’s it’s it’s about our team it’s a four-point game

And this is where the focus has to be and that’s what I said to the guys I said tonight we’re we’re coming in I mean whatever is going to happen before the game I really want to make sure that we’re ready when the puck drop and and and it’s playoff hockey for

Us so even the Montreal Canadians players understand how big of a moment this is for their fans to have a player like Patrick W coming back into the Bell Center as a coach here’s what Brennan Gallagher had to say about that before the game one of the best to ever do it

He he means a lot to this city won Stanley Cups dominated playoff runs uh you know I think a lot of a lot of people relate to him he was emotional he wore his heart on his sleeve and a lot of uh a lot of people really respected

Everything he did for good reason and I know that you’ve been talking to fans as well they are very excited what are they saying you know one thing that always impresses me about Montreal Canadians fans is how connected to the history of this team that they are you know the

Last time the Montreal Canadians won the Stanley Cup was more than 30 years ago and that’s when Patrick w stood on his head to make it happen he hasn’t played a game in a Montreal Canadian’s uniform since uh being unceremoniously traded away uh in 1995 so for a lot of the younger fans

Nowadays Travis they don’t necessarily have a connection to his playing days here in Montreal but everyone that you speak to still has a connection to it because they are such students of the history of the Montreal Canadians let’s have a listen to a few of them that I

Spoke with earlier today he’s someone I li since I was like six or seven so I’ve been a Habs fan ever since and uh was sad when he left but it’s it’s awesome he’s back in the NHL it would be better if he coached Montreal but he’s the top

Of the class for goalies especially from Quebec so uh I think when he talks players listen and uh yeah I think it’s good for the the city I’m an Islander fan from New York though so uh it’s great you know it’s great he’s a legendary go tender it’s amazing that

He’s our coach now I’m very happy for it but I think the crowd’s going to be a very very very out in there tonight should be interesting and I think the Montreal Canadians responding to that energy from the crowd here tonight Travis because they scored the first three goals of

This game and the Islanders find themselves in a big hole here in the first intermission we’ll see how the rest of the game goes but if it gets any worse for the Islanders we might be able to see one of those patented Patrick W blowups behind the bench and we’ll just

Have to wait and see yes indeed okay Doug good to see you thanks for this that’s Doug Galan in Montreal all well the Juno awards are making their way to Vancouver next year good evening Vancouver hello Vancouver hello Vancouver it will be the fifth time Vancouver will host the ceremony which

Is scheduled for March 2025 the last time the city hosted the junos was 2018 with Michael bé hosting and more than 20,000 attendees this year’s ceremony will be out of Halifax in March hosted by Nelly f still to come Deputy leader of the Conservative Party of Canada m lansman

Is standing by for a wide- ranging conversation about her party’s priorities ahead of the house presuming we’ll also talk about interest rates housing and much much more that convers conversation that is coming up next here on candada T Night It is 8:00 in subury Ontario 600 p.m. in Lethbridge Alberta and 5:00 in Siri BC this is CA tonight countdown to the house resuming we’ll speak with the deputy leader of K’s conservative party Melissa lansman is standing by live in studio backlash to auto was cap on international student permits our

Intersection panel is standing by to discuss and from the Toronto Fringe Festival to the London stage Kim’s Convenience makes its European debut but we begin this hour with the Liberals winter caucus retreat in Ottawa it kicked off with an address from the Prime Minister he was Keen to point out

Differences in his party’s approach compared with the conservatives take a listen things that matter deeply in the daily lives of Canadians Pier PV and his team voted against the Canada child benefit the Canada dental care benefit they voted against $10 a day child care and voted against programs for seniors we fought against

Inequality raised taxes on the wealthiest 1% so we could lower them for the middle class and over the past years have helped lift over 650,000 kids out of poverty we also heard from jug meet Singh who made his closing remarks at the NDP caucus Retreat criticizing the Liberals

For their track record on housing affordability at a time when people are as worried as they are we hear Justin shudo has just given a speech and he said that he is going to fight for the hopes and dreams of young people the audacity of the Prime

Minister who’s had nine years to do that very thing to say that now he’s going to fight for the hopes and dreams of young people people he had 9 years to do so and in 9 years where are the hopes and dreams of young people well young people

Have absolutely given up the dream of ever owning their own home they don’t even know if they can find a place to rent they’re not even sure if they can find a job that pays enough for them to put food on the table and the conservatives will be

Meeting this Sunday to discuss their priorities heading into the next sitting of parliament joining me now to discuss that live here in studio is Melissa lansman she is the Deputy leader for the Conservative Party of Canada and MP for Thorn Hill thanks for coming in on Canada tonight thanks for having me

Appreciate it um so first off let me just get your reaction to what you just heard there from jug meet sing on the Prime Minister the Prime Minister says you know the conservatives aren’t supporting social programs like the CH K child care benefit dental care and on

And on and on what’s your response to that and then we’ll go to jug me sing Look the the Liberals have have had Retreat after Retreat where they haven’t addressed the issues that Canadians are actually talking about and that’s a for affability there are 2 million Canadians

Waiting in lines at food banks uh the price of a house has uh has doubled uh the price of a mortgage has doubled the price of rent continues to increase and that has also doubled and these liberals have done nothing to address these affordability issues so we’re waiting

For uh we’re waiting for the moment where they start to answer the concerns of Canadians the concerns that we’re hearing from coast to coast to coast and and on the social issues you know he’s critical on you know Dental Care Child Care Etc what’s your response to

Specifically that look we we we’ve we’ve talked about this in the in the house we don’t have a uh currently we don’t have a dental care uh program uh in terms of child care it is become impossible to get a a spot this this is not a program

Uh that works for for the government and certainly not one that Canadians are asking for have asked for or are happy with just like the uh the the Liberals entire plan okay and and jug me sing there you know criticizing the liberals on housing affordability what’s your

Response to that J me sing has voted time and time again with the Liberals to keep them in power to raise taxes to raise the price of housing they have continuously voted with uh with liberals come out to the podium and say we’ve either reluctantly done so or or or we

Or we’re not going to we we haven’t seen a day yet where the Liberals where the NDP has not saved the Liberals and together that cover up Coalition of every single scandal in the in the House of Commons continues uh at the behest of Canadians you know there’s lots of

Retreats going on right now lots of meetings I know uh that your party is going to be meeting this weekend to kind of strategize before you go into uh the house on Monday talk to me about some of the conservative priorities as you head into next week look our our priorities

Are the priorities of uh of Canadians we are going to meet this weekend we’re going to do it in Ottawa and not in a fancy hotel in uh in Montreal uh and we’re going to talk about the issues that we’ve been talking about for more than a year now housing affordability

Inflation interest rates Rising taxes like the quadrupling of the carbon tax that the Liberals are still committed to doing even after their own caucus has revolted on it even after they’ve carved out uh pieces of it uh we’re also going to talk about the violent crime that is

Uh uh that is Raging in our our cities the drugs the disorder the chaos I want to talk to you I want to Zone in on one of the things that you just mentioned there and that’s interest rates because we did see the bank of uh Canada Hold

Steady here on that key interest rate at 5% we were talking about this on the intersection panel yesterday and about how this is really squeezing Canadians right now but the Liberals say there are a lot of global factors at play here that it’s you know in inflation can’t be

Blamed on uh one party uh there’s so many different factors going on what’s your response to that and and talk to me about the interest rate and what what you thought of the meol here we we have a you know we have Canadians again from from coast to coast to coast who are

Struggling just to get by they’re struggling to keep their homes they’re struggling to put food on the table that’s the excessive taxes and that’s the excessive spending of uh of the Liberals um we’ve been clear uh we’ve been clear on that we’re going to continue to hold this government to

Account on the wasteful spending that they are uh uh they’re frankly they continue to do and continue not to understand what Canadians want you can go out into the street here in Toronto in Vancouver in Montreal in any place and there is no Canadian that is better

Off today than they were 8 years ago and that’s what we are going to continue hammering the government for you know the the Prime Minister did a year-end interview with rosemary Barton he he said you know it it’s fine and good for the conservatives to be able to

Criticize but I have to come up with Solutions here you know when the conservatives say that and and they say when the when the Liberals say that and they say the conservatives are just uh not providing Solutions what’s your response well we have provided uh plenty of uh Solutions on on housing for

Instance we are going to uh to fund those municipalities who who who approve more housing and penalize those that don’t there is a solution right now there is something that the government can have done under this government for the last eight years you have seen a doubling in housing cost this this is

The fastest that has happened anywhere that happened in Canada under the watch of Justin Trudeau so it’s all fine and good that he doesn’t believe that this any of this is uh is his fault but uh we’re going to continue holding them to account they now have a housing Minister

Who screwed up the immigration who screwed up the immigration uh uh file who’s now in charge of Auto of of just building more houses of uh of now addressing the problem that Canadians have faced over the eight years they have created the problems and now they’re trying to cover up and solve the

Problems that they themselves created let me ask you about this news on uh the student visa cap uh which we heard Ontario colleges today uh say you know they were not consulted about they they don’t agree with this decision uh what’s your thinking here and what would the conservative party have done differently

Because you know the minister said that this really is a pause to try to deal with this situation there are a lot of Bad actors in this industry immigration has become out of control under this government in fact those aren’t my words those are the words of the current

Immigration Minister about the last immigration Minister who’s now in charge of fixing housing uh we are going to tie immigration to the number of homes uh available the number of jobs uh in the uh in the uh in the labor market uh the amount of professionals like doctors and

Nurses that every Canadian deserves to see look if you’re coming here for the Canadian dream probably a lot like your parents and my parents did then you have to be able to offer that and right now there’s an imbalance uh and we’ve got to address that they have screwed up the

Immigration file and we are going to fix it a common sense conservative government will fix immigration uh yesterday we heard uh from an MP calling for a leadership a liberal MP calling for a leadership review he later walked that back but today we also learned about the departure of Justice Minister

David Lamy to the private sector to be a lawyer uh how do you think this is going to play out in the next sitting look this isn’t the first time we’ve heard about uh um you know liberal caucus members having issues with uh with their leadership with the Prime Minister uh

With his leadership Ken McDonald before pmo told him to retract those comments was very clear and on the record we’ve seen Anonymous sources and various uh news stories calling for the same thing there certainly is as unrest Canadians are noticing and now his own caucus is saying exactly what Canadians in the

Streets are saying uh that they don’t uh they don’t believe that uh he should lead this party or there should be some kind of review uh the point is is that they don’t have confidence in his leadership and I think maybe we’ll see a

Lot more of that as for you know for Mr lametti of course we we wish him well in all of his Endeavors but this comes on the heels of uh of a a landmark Federal Court decision on uh on the uh emergencies act the invocation of the emergencies act the illegal invocation

Of of the uh emergencies act and we’re not surprised to see the Justice Minister who was in charge at the time go what what are conservatives going to do to appeal to more moderates particularly on social issues well look I I I think the I think Canadians see

That what is happening right now is not working it’s not working in terms of higher taxes it’s not working in terms of higher housing prices it’s not working in terms of uh uh in terms of higher food prices and the outof control inflation on that this is you know these

Are issues that face every single Canadian and I think that message is resonating and if it wasn’t resonating then I don’t think you’d hear the Prime Minister even acknowledge that there is a problem uh and that’s exactly what we’re going to keep talking about common sense solutions to give Canadians to to

Allow Canadians to keep more of their money have more freedom to spend it where uh where they want uh and be able to uh to live a life to work hard and get ahead I I got to sneak one more in cuz I got to run here soon but

Conservatives are off often you know blamed for the demise of political discourse my colleagues in Ottawa ask the Liberals how much responsibility they hold uh I’m wondering what your thoughts are on this look this is uh this is another distraction this is another distraction that I think is is

Liberals are throwing out there because they don’t like the the the very fact that they’re being held to account um look this is uh this is an issue I think that touches every single parliamentarian and every single Canadian uh and I think if the Liberals were more responsible in in government

We’d have less conversations that divide Canadians less conversations that are uh that are politically charged uh and more about the substance in uh in uh in public policy okay Melissa lansman uh Deputy leader of the Conservative Party of Canada MP for Thorn Hill appreciate you stopping by candada tonight I know

You got a busy weekend ahead and then a busy week ahead as well come back again thanks appreciate it well still ahead on Canada tonight our panelists meet at the intersection will hear what they think about the impacts of Canada’s International students cap and where does the responsibility lie for the

Search of the remains at that Winnipeg landfill that debate coming up next here on Canada tonight stick with Us This could lead to program closures campus closures it will certainly mean a number of layoffs um and I think there there’s a real concern for um what this means in the mid and long term revisiting one of our top stories and the backlash to ottawa’s cap on international student permits the

Organization representing Ontario’s 24 Public colleges says the cap essentially slashes their budgets to compensate colleges on ter is asking the province to approve a $135 increase in the per student annual tuition and raising provincial grants by 10% all right now time for intersection the part of the show where we unpack

Some of the Hot Topics trending in Canada tonight meeting at the intersection Robin Gil Canadian journalist at Charles Adler a writer and podcaster and Sheila North the former Manitoba Grand Chief as well as an advocate an advocate an author that is uh and Robins in Vancouver Charles and

Sheila are in Winnipeg hi all hello hello okay we’re we’re going to start with that top story there that you just heard and that’s the federal government’s cap on international student visas and what should be done really about this because Ontario colleges saying you know this is going

To really hurt them I’m going to go to you first Robin here on this story what do you make of it what do you make of what Ontario colleges are saying right now let’s first of all talk about the announcement itself I think what was

Lost in it was that the focus was on illegitimate institutions these are these Fly by Night operations they change their name when they’re discovered and they’re turning out these certificates that don’t really mean anything they’re exploiting these students so that’s one aspect of the announcement from Mark Miller and the

Other aspect of that is that these same students are also being put in housing units where there’re like 8 to 10 people in a bedroom this is not safe it’s not healthy it’s actually quite dangerous I think that got neglected in this announcement but when you talk to the legitimate Institution

I think that there’s an opportunity now for the federal government and the provinces to negotiate what those International caps would mean for them and I think that they’re going to actually be able to keep their International streams because as we all know we don’t actually have the statistics right now because those three

Years of of covid basically messed up the the stats we don’t actually know how many are going to be coming and going in the future because as you know those numbers aren’t really accurate at this point well well Charles let me ask you this you know the the uh president CE of

Georgian College told me that the the government really needed to be more precise here and instead they just painted a you know a a everybody with the same brush what are your thoughts on that well I think that uh Robin makes an excellent point about how and and I I

Don’t know why this has been uh left out of the the whole thing today but the the thing is many students are getting ripped off you know it’s one thing to say that we welcome the students of the world to Canada but it’s another thing

To rip them off at fake colleges and so that’s got to stop the other thing that’s got to stop is we’ve got to stop having a situation where we bring students here but don’t have decent housing for them once again we can say that we’re friendly to the world but

We’ve got to have housing that is actually not just affordable but decent and safe and the other thing is it’s a it’s a political problem that the government is in and they’re in real bind right now the impression that most Canadians have is that we have far too

Many people coming into this country and it’s driving up the price of housing and it might not be popular to say that sometimes a government has to do things for political reasons but there is just a crush of polling that indicates that Canadians are demanding that we bring in

Fewer people because bringing in as many as we’re bringing especially including the international students is driving up the price of rent as driving up the price of housing for those people who want to purchase homes including many young people in this country uh who are really cut out of the market right now

Because they find it unaffordable and some of that problem some of that problem lies with International students unfortunately not the students themselves but the policies in place okay Sheila let me let me ask you this uh and to pick up on that point that that Charles was just making and we’ll

Get into my conversation with uh Deputy leader Melissa lansman here in just a moment but you know she essentially made the same point that that Charles made there saying that this is squarely on the government and that this 2-year freeze isn’t really going to help they got themselves into this mess and now

They’re blaming these private institutions yeah absolutely and I think we have to again remind ourselves that this was in relation to and in response to the housing crisis that is now um bigger than ever and a housing crisis that has made you know a bigger problem with with

All the international students but also with the uh you know the crisis around the world globally that have brought uh new people to this country seeking Refuge but we’ve had a housing crisis for many many generations and we still do with the indigenous communities so this is not a new problem unfortunately

And it’s getting worse and uh it’s being brought to the level of of trying to address it in some way to the international students and meanwhile the other part of it is that International students that are existing in in mostly in Ontario and other provinces not necessarily much in Manitoba but uh they

Bring a level of economy and um you know diversity to wherever they go um so that going to be uh a factor coming in uh as soon as we start seeing this being implemented Robin you know these colleges and universities they are going to lose a lot of money uh what do you

Think this is going to mean really for the quality of Education that students receive if all of this money is being drained from these institutions well this money is a huge draw for professors and researchers to establish uh ex centers of excellence so that’s actually what’s at play here and

That’s what all these universities are concerned conned about they’re all trying to expand their research centers they’re all they’re trying to get International professors as well as International faculty so that is going to hurt them on that front but I do think that there’s an opportunity here for the province and the federal

Government to negotiate something so that they can maintain th their streams of international students when it comes to these you know big-time universities these important universities that are doing really good research in this country okay Charles your your uh reaction to that do you think that that

Is a potential solution here and and if not what do you think is because clearly IE right I agree that it’s a potential solution but unfortunately it will much more likely mean that universities colleges are going to be told to use a different business model and the different business model will mean

Either cutting back research cutting back on staff or increasing tuition which is certainly not going to be popular but there will be people coming along especially if there’s a a new government down the road who will simply say guys you’ve got to fix your business model you can’t be depending on

International students uh to run these universities and colleges okay let’s go to our our second topic which is a tough one uh and that’s the search of a Winnipeg area landfill where the remains of two First Nations women uh who are believed to be the victims of an alleged

Killer potentially could be it has caused widespread debate about how far uh we have come to getting it done let me ask you uh Sheila first off you know you and Charles are in Winnipeg Manitoba’s new premier W canu said that he would put in the work for the search

Do you think that there’s any been any has been any progress on that front and I know he hasn’t been in office for a very long time yeah I guess the it remains to be seen I I’ve heard of course like everybody else the commitments but we also heard commitments from the federal

As well um and different kind of commitments at the municipal level and I think this is all about political will um if it you know if it’s up to the families which you know of course we know that that they want this done yesterday uh it would have been done but

You know when it comes to uh decision makers and the amount of money they have to spend it has to uh you know it has to be a political will to do that and I think that there is a large amount of public support to do that maybe not

Enough to do that but unfortunately sometimes this comes down to to money and political will and it’s unfortunate because our families deserve dignity and our families uh deserve uh answers and this is now becoming you know an international issue because people have a right to know where their families are

Buried if their families are being you know repatriated and with dignity um this is an international matter as well and and international communities are starting to pay attention on what’s Happening Charles what do you make of the former Progressive conservative government’s reasoning of of you know hazards to workers and concerns about

The feasibility of doing a search well Sheila’s on the money when she says basically it’s a rhetoric issue and the previous government had terrible rhetoric on this they said that this was all about safety but the underlying rhetoric was simply it was too much money too much money to spend on two

Missing and murdered Aboriginal women that was just a a terrible message not just to indigenous people in this country it was a terrible message to send to anyone in this country who cares deeply about human rights and yes human rights does involve finding the remains of those people who are murdered in our

Society so it was terrible spin it was terrible rhetoric W canoe had much better rhetoric but I’m not going to sit here and say wob Cano has made an excellent decision because as Sheila would say I’m sure I don’t me to put words in her mouth but her the gist of

What she’s saying is absolutely right uh the rhetoric is fine but there is no sense right now of action that follows the rhetoric we’re going to have to wait and see on that and Robin uh your thoughts on that I I mean you know it

Has been just words at this point uh do you think that we are going to see action and and and how uh politically fraught is this issue for wob canoe this is politically fraught for wob and for the federal government uh the reality is it’s going to come down to money let’s

Take case in point in the early 2000s when RCMP had to search Willie pickton’s farm and found those remains Willie Pickton was only charged with six counts there were about 33 other women who were identified they actually had to stop digging at some point because the costs

Were so enormous and there are so many other women that were missing in this case is there a potential that in this case there is a potential serial killer are there potentially more bodies in that landfill so that’s the other question that’s the reporter in me

Wanting to know that and I think that’s what a lot of other families are going to be hopeful for in the cases where there are missing women in Manitoba okay we’re going to and not only there in Winnipeg but across Canada we’re hearing about landfill issues and and concerns

Across the country as well so this is potentially going to open up a a new level of of the discussion and um the level of human rights that need to be honored okay we’re going to push pause on the conversation there and we’re going to come back with topics three and

Four we’ll meet you back at the intersection here on Canada tonight and our panel will discuss Donald Trump and how your kids should be playing that’s after the break Okay 8:30 here in Toronto 7:30 in Winnipeg 5:30 in Vancouver and that’s where our intersection panel is tonight in those uh cities well I’m in Toronto Charles Adler and Chilla North and Winnipeg Robin Gill is in uh Vancouver okay so we’re going to talk Trump now on intersection he testified

In his defense in the eege Carrol defamation suit today and he’s been caus causing quite a stir here in Canada um let me talk to you Robin first about this kind of limited rapid fire testimony which lasted just a couple of minutes and I know that there was a lot

Of concern about putting Trump up but he seemed to be very disciplined uh what did you make of what the ex-president said today well first of all it was 4 minutes long and he was talking about the fact that he had to defend the presidency and he got bad dogged by the

Judge which was quite hilarious she’s she told the jurors don’t pay any attention to that so I thought that was uh interesting I don’t think think he’s winning over this judge by any means and he didn’t testify in the first case he’s testifying now because now he’s you know

He’s chest pumping he’s thinking he’s you know he’s won the Republican nomination he thinks he’s on a role right now so I I I think she’s still going to win win her case regardless cuz she won her first round politically does this matter uh though uh Charles because

He obviously will likely be I I’m going to preface this he likely it’s looking like he is going to be unless there’s a miracle here uh the Republican nominee but I mean is this going to politically hurt him well politically everything Donald Trump is doing is a prop that’s the only

Reason he’s showing up for these trials and while he did what he had to do as far as what he had when the jury was in the Box uh when the jury was not in the box he was making the kinds of statements that are are very trumpian

You know he walked out of the courtroom saying this is not America this is not America that’s what he wants is BAS to hear that the americ America of 2024 is not the America that you’ll get once Donald Trump is President and as far as everything else in this trial goes

Donald Trump actually wants this jury to come back with a major major ask uh it’ll be somewhere around $10 million that’s just for punitive damages uh that go to the plaintiff but the jury will then also come that’s just compensatory damage as that go to the plaintiff but

The jury is going to come up with a great big whack of money for punitive damages in other words the damages that are assessed to make sure that Donald Trump never says anything nasty about her and never says anything nasty to another woman who has been sexually

Assaulted and that number will find out tomorrow but that number will likely be somewhere around $100 million and because the jury has been told in in in this particular trial that Donald Trump is worth a lot of money that he’s a billionaire because he’s on the record

On the court record bragging about how much money he has as far as the jury’s concerned he can pay it up so we’re talking about a a huge settlement eight figures likely $100 million of punitive likely about $10 million of compensatory uh to the plaintiff and when Donald

Trump gets that kind of money in the headlines it will once again reinforce to him and his base that the country is out to get him the contrary Joe Biden’s justice department is persecuting Donald Trump well we’ll see about your prediction on those numbers uh you know

If that is the case but certainly on your last Point Charles and I’ll put this to you uh Sheila that that you know the the Biden uh justice department is out to to get him that is a narrative that we have heard repeatedly uh and it

Seems to be kind of baked into Donald Trump’s bace is there any uh situation where that that you know is not something that they believe because there’s the current trial and this is an addition to four other cases no I think the narrative that Donald Trump is using and reinforcing is

You know emboldening his base and everything that he says they’re repeating in public and to each other and and in the polling lines so uh even though this is a small victory even though we’re talking about multi-million dollar settlement possibly um this is a small victory at least for women who

Have been facing these kind of assaults for many generations and of course this is the grand scale and it happened many years ago but there are many women that have faced the same situation and at least in this way um women who have been in these situations see it as a maybe a

Small victory um but I don’t think it’s going to hurt Donald Trump at all we’ve in fact probably emboldens his base again and uh it just goes on and on I was going to ask you about uh NDP leader jug meet Singh saying that a trump

Return to the White House would be a disaster but I’m looking at the clock here and we got to move on to our last topic and that is a lighter one pediatricians are encouraging parents to allow children to take more risks and play outside away from the watchful eye

Of their parents so should kids be playing like kids Robin or I I mean or or do they need to be in this bubble rap I think I think that we all grew up just fine and that’s exactly what our parents did my my mom and she’s in Trinidad

Right now so she’s not in Calgary at home so she’s probably not watching this but she kind of like me in one of these protective Bubbles and now I kind of have all kinds of allergies I have this sense Travis just kidding there you go you were precious it’s okay I think the

Point I think the point of this study is to get kids away from this and frankly they’re walking down the streets with this and they’re actually in more danger stepping off curbs because they’re not paying attention and they’re not paying attention to Red Lights I’m just going

To say that yeah yeah no it’s true and I mean that that is a you a major concern that you know kids use on social media I look at my nephews and they’re attached to these phones all the time Charles do you think kids need to get outdoors and

Parents that are like my mom used to be when I was a kid need to just like kind of pump the brakes a little and let the kids out well Travis first of all please forgive me but I am 100% positive that your mom in Calgary is watching you

Tonight just as my mom is watching me tonight vation in Trinidad that’s why she’s not watching C mom you are uh anyway my mom my mom is about to celebrate her her 90th birthday and I uh I’m I’m thrilled that she gets to watch me on her favorite Channel tonight but

The business of helicopter parenting and not not to date myself too much here but you know when I was a child when I was my mom’s little son we didn’t have helicopters back then so it was a long time ago but I think that she would agree and most people watching this

Would agree that the helicopter parenting has gone way too far but to put this in safety terms I’m totally fine actually with kids playing outside I am not fine with kids being attached to their iPhones or other smartphones when they’re outside because that is putting them in danger it’s not just kids I

Don’t care whether you’re driving down the streets to Toronto or winipeg or Calgary or anywhere else in this country Vancouver you’re constantly seeing people walking into traffic reading their phone it’s not about being a kid it’s a it’s a safety issue but of course if an seven or eight-year-old is walking

Into traffic uh reading their phone uh that’s that’s anything but safe and that is something that we’ve got to be mindful of well you know uh Sheila there are potential hazards that kids can face uh and that’s why you have overprotective parents sometimes when they are outdoors and out and about um

Let me get you to weigh in and you’ll have the last word as I look at the clock on this well there’s many dangers out in the world of course as we all know and um you know considering the outcome of this report I imagine that a

Cucum like me wrote the report or at least there were the ones who were the basis of the study because you know the other day my little three-year-old grandbaby was over and I took a shower and I could hear him yelling at me to

Come out and see him so I went out to see him and he was teetering off a bar stool trying to get a bowl on a very high top level of a counter and he was smiling about it he was saying hey I’m taller than you and and so at first I

Did want to shock him so he wouldn’t fall off the the stool but at the same time I was a little bit proud of him that he was able to do that and I I I I get why there’s a helicopter parenting but I get also why we should let a

Little bit of that room go where they can see their extent of what they can do even as as young people but of course you know there are many dangers as well it’s not the same world as it was in good old Charles little Charles’s day um

There are many things that that are in danger so so we have to be mindful of that as well Robin I I I lied you actually are G to get the last word out in Vancouver tonight because I told we have a couple seconds more here um what

Do you say to parents that are overprotective then well listen as someone who’s on the west coast where we have a lot of Nature and we actually have a lot of outdoor space kids should be outside but I think you also have to think about the age and the activity if

They’re young and they’re near water you should be a helicopter apparent I think those are dangerous scenarios but if they’re out in the park and they’re you know on the jungle gym or they’re walking on the pathways I don’t think that they need to worry about being a

Helicopter parent there you go all right hope mom is actually listening to this cuz still I get are you weing your coat it’s cold outside my mom’s like we let you out you’re on your own M Mrs danr Mrs danr your son is doing a great

Job there you go thank you Charles I appreciate that uh Robie Gil and Sheila door thank you as well Robin Gil Charles Adler and Sheila North on the intersection panel and we’ll see them again here on CA tonight thank you well still ahead popular comedy series Kim’s Convenience is making its European debut

On stage and we’ll have part two two of my conversation with Canadian astronaut Jeremy Hansen that’s all still ahead here on Canada Tonight The Beloved CVC comedy Kim’s Convenience is now playing on stage in London England audiences are packing the theater to watch the story of a Korean Canadian family under the backdrop of their Corner Store Abby quassan has more on the buzz I’m at the park theater here in

London on the set of Kim’s Convenience that everyone of course knows as that successful Toronto Fringe stage play which became a hit CBC series and it ended up on Netflix finding a global audience and now it’s making its European Premiere right here in the English Capital and this authentic set

Featuring all the classics including Big Turk Oh Henry Coffee Crisp And of course ketchup chips ketchup trips which we do not have here in England and certainly another Ontario convenience store staple bagged milk all four leaders of it now some of the fans that are coming to watch the show are Canadian they’re

Feeling homesick here’s what they had to say it was fantastic it was so it was very emotional and I think was so on point it’s something that I think applies to a lot of different cultures when you were the second generation yeah I really loved it yeah it was so funny

Had a little cry at some point yeah I really like to Esther John who played Janet in the original production in Toronto is directing this show and she says this story has a special place in her heart I think now that I’m older and that I now have a child it just

Resonates so differently it was about the story of immigrant children but coming to the other side seeing the whole world and like I said being a parent I really so fully understand why in said it was a love letter to his parents because it has also taught me so

Much more understanding of where my parents came from and also understanding you know they’re just human so I think it’s taught me to be a better parent and it’s also taught me to be a better daughter this production which still has a couple of weeks left in its run is

Already a massive success again it’s nearly sold out Abby K in CBC News London a wild turkey yes a wild turkey that has been spotted wandering the busy streets of Toronto for months now has been safely rescued and we spoke to the person who made the catch heard a couple

People say that uh the turkey catch looked easy which I’m going to take as a compliment but uh no there was nothing easy about that and I’ve been doing uh Rescue of wildlife for over two decades now and um hopefully I’ve come up with a couple of ways of outsmarting these

Critters um to make it look easy it’s not even around Thanksgiving either this video posted on YouTube by the Toronto Wildlife Center shows the moment the turkey was caued The Fearless foul was seen in videos along an onramp on the highway 401 in side streets and in residential neighborhoods the team

Accessed the turkey and found that it was in good health uh the turkey that I think that should have been assessed the turkey has now been released to a safer location there you go well up next part two of our Spotlight conversation with Jeremy Hansen I asked the Canadian

Astronaut his thoughts on space exploration by private companies that and much more of that conversation coming up next here on Canada tonight And welcome back to Canada tonight and part two of our Spotlight conversation tonight with astronaut Jeremy Hansen I want to talk to you a little bit about being a Canadian down there in Houston right now training do you feel kind of an extra sense of responsibility representing a

Nation um I mean I suppose I do when you put it that way guess uh I you know by and large the sentiment that I have though is pride yeah I’m really proud of Canada um you know we’re a small country population wise um you know relatively small GDP

But we’re a really successful Country and this is you know this is not the only indicator of that but this is one of those indicators we’re the second country in the world to send a human into deep space why it’s got nothing to do with me it’s got everything to do

With thousands of Canadians over decades who had Visionary goals that they set and they held those visions and they pushed through the obstacles and the barriers and they brought us to this point where Canada can offer enough value to an international partnership where we’ve been invited to be the

Second country in the world to fly human in deep space it’s a huge head nod to Canada a huge compliment and I’m I find myself just really proud that we can stand here wasn’t a gift um you know I credit americ American leadership for this routinely because it is extraordinary leadership they didn’t

Need Canada to do this that’s clear but they chose to make space for people to bring their gifts and their genius and Canada Rose to that challenge and uh it’s a good reminder for us because you know we’re here because of decisions we’ve made over decades and you know

Decisions we made years ago but we have to constantly remind ourselves that we have to continue to be Visionary we have to continue to set big goals and our people in our country our extraordinary people will rise to that challenge and create amazing solutions that we need

Both in space and on the planet well you have certainly uh boosted interest in Canada’s space program a as a nation how do we continue to build on that how do we continue to build a robust Space Program in Canada yeah it’s simple and and hard all

At the same time um the simple aspect of it is that what we just keep doing what we’ve always done so we look for areas where the problems that we face on the planet overlap with what we have to solve in space and uh so that means that

We can sort of do two for one if you will so there’s a couple areas that we’re working on that are relatively new that are really interesting so food so if eventually if we want to go to Mars or even have a sustainable presence on

The moon we we have to grow food there well if we can’t grow food in the Canadian Arctic there’s no way we can do it on the moon so we’re looking at solving that problem on the planet partnering with people that live in these remote communities with indigenous

Inuit communities to teach us to learn together how to grow food in these harsh environments and then take those lessons to the Moon we’re doing the same with health so if we going to send astronauts to deep space we’re going to need to change how we deliver Health Care in

Space well with the technology of the 2020s we can also make big leaps with how we deliver Health Care on the planet so this is another area that we’re looking at hey let’s solve it here on the planet and take those lessons to space with our International partnership

Robotics is another area that we’re focusing on obviously you look on the back of the $5 bill and robot space robotics is one of our Niche areas but it is an upand cominging commercialized opportunity for Canada and so you want for all these you know these um commercial space stations that

Are going to be built you want canid arm on these space stations when you look at um spacecraft going to Marge you want Canadian robotics on those spacecraft and so why because it contributes to the economy it keeps us at the leading edge of space robotics we have it right now

But there are opportunities for us to grow our space economy our chunk of that uh that pie here in Canada there’s a lot of innovation Happening by private companies as well when it comes to space I’m wondering what your thoughts are on you know the the evolution of space

Tourism and also the commercialization of space yeah I absolutely love it I mean there’s always challenges as things change and there’ll be ups and downs and bumps on the road for sure but by and large it’s uh it’s a huge win um the whole idea of government programs typically is to buy

Down the risk until commercial entities can accept those responsibilities and carry them forward so you know they’re often able to be more agile move more quickly and so as soon as you can transition things to commercial you know in a way that serves your population

That’s a win um and so any money that get spent by space tourists is helping us with respect to buying down the cost of launch of everything that we’re doing as uh commercial interest increases for lunar exploration that buys down our cost we’re sort of sharing the cost of

Going back to the Moon you have said that the the thing that you’re looking forward to the most when you get up in space is looking back down on this little planet that we call Earth not PE many people get that perspective what do you think that’s going to be

Like I don’t know I’ve thought about it quite a bit it’s hard to know what it’ be like my my colleagues that have been to space um and seen the Earth from the International Space Station you know that’s only 400 kilometers above the surface remember I told you even on our

Our second orbit of the earth we’re going to go to 60,000 kilm I mean it’s vastly different but my friends that have seen it from 400 kilm um you know the way they describe it is that even though they’d seen videos and pictures it still completely blew them away I

Know I’m going to be blown away uh on the other hand I I know it’s only just going to reinforce something that I already believe is that you know we are one species on this planet Humanity has to work together it’s going to reinforce that I think this is one of the things

That I love about the space program is that it it demonstrates it points back to us it says look you can do great things humans if you set big goals and you work together if you create instead of destroy together you can do extraordinary things when I look back at

The planet I know I’m going to be thinking about that and I’m already passionate about it but I’m going to come back with a renewed sense of of that need for Humanity to work together I think you and I would agree on this that if you watch the news right now

You’re not okay with how humanity is doing it’s not good enough we can do a lot better and emis 2 isn’t going to fix that unfortunately but I do do hope that during emis 2 that people will just pick their heads up for a moment and reflect upon those types of thoughts that

Realization that we are ultimately got to this place because of people collaborating and as soon as we figure out how to all collaborate we’re going to significantly improve our existence on this planet and on other planets in our solar system you are doing extraordinary things Mr Hansen we certainly appreciate you chatting with

Us here tonight yeah it’s my absolute pleasure and I’m just so proud of Canada for putting us in this position and and I know it’s going to pay dividends for our youth looking at this opportunity and realizing the sorts of things that they can achieve in their future because of

It thanks very much take care thank you take care all right before we go we have some breaking news just into US CBC News has learned that at least one of 14 charges against Kenneth law will be upgraded to first-degree murder law is facing both second deegree murder and counseling or

Aiding suicide in connection with 14 deaths across Ontario now at this point it’s not clear how many of those charges will be upgraded Thomas dag is standing by with the new new details that is on the national which is coming up right after us here in just a moment and again

CBC News learning one of the 14 charges against accused poison seller Kenneth law will be upgraded to first-degree murder I’m Travis Dan rash thanks so much for watching us from Canada tonight the national is Next

Jan. 25, 2024 | Host Travis Dhanraj gets reaction and analysis on Colleges Ontario accusing the federal government of unnecessary upheaval for students, employers and communities after its decision to cap the number of permits for international students in Canada over the next two years.

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  1. She can't answer or give a solution to anything un believable, only blame well I know perfectly well this situation started before Trudeau, my family has been in restate, that fact that the conservatives actually think they can do better is a joke. I'm not supporting any party it's just the the facts of the pandemic, war wages going up etc. other countries are way worse off than Canada.

  2. These Georgian colleges are private and those owners are the ones profiting from those exploited and misled about coming to Canada to study they do not attend schools they find jobs or go to food banks, sleeping 5 in one room Canada wake up! Close down all those private schools!

  3. No. Post-secondary executive contribution agreements seeking to bolster personal accomplishments drive expansive projects, which inflate costs and overburdened, under-resourced administrations who are forced to operationalize lofty resume goals. I'm willing to bet faculties are also being challenged to deliver consistent, quality education while compensating for diverse learning requirements. In a capitalist society, you can't even really blame institutions for self-propagating business relationships and opportunities, but when there are societal costs impacting stakeholders beyond institutions, you absolutely can and should nip weaponized language in the bud.

  4. Don’t listen to college or any others educational institutions saying about cap . They are talking about their own benefits. Government decision is the write decision even cut down more students. 1st solve housing ,health care, social services,transport,etc. Those who oppose it they solve the above problem then government listen you. There is no labour shortage in this country. Don’t show labour shortage.

  5. 1) the host is horrible. get someone with a little authority. 2) you didn't interview a single person with a counter argument regarding the international students, bad job hiding your bias. and 3) the aboriginal people need to stop asking the government to spend 100's of millions of dollars to find a body. There are plenty of people with missing loved ones. The government isnt' about to go bankrupt searching. They are dead. Be sad, mourn, and move forward.

  6. Canada have so much land they can rent it to international students to make their own little country?, the money can be used towards putting poor Canadians into colleges because otherwise they can't.

  7. Here in BC people love to rent to foreign students because, first they know they have the money, and second students will after a couple of years be moving on. In this way the landlord is not stuck with the 'tenant from hell' situation and endless cost and lawyer time to get them out of your own house. A situation totally created by governments that are completely biased in favour of tenants… all landlords apparently evil… and they wonder why there is a housing shortage.

  8. The provinces and federal government are expected to spend $68.6 billion on interest payments in 2022/23. Balance budget. Reduce deficits. Save money from interest payments. Use that money to fund health care, education and housing. BUDGET WON"T BALANCE ITSELF. MATHEMATICS ALWAYS WORKS.

  9. Leave it to CBC to be on the wrong side again.
    This is one thing that the majority of Canadians can get together on, even with this hateful Liberal government that is running on borrowed time, this is the right call.
    We need a cap/limit like yesterday.
    It's one of the factors leading to so many civil and societal problems.

    Again fellow Canadians, CBC is NOT our friend. I'm just glad that when Pierre gets elected CBC will lose that precious Federal funding.

  10. all these thousands of students should have been in STEM field universities that Canada and the rest of the developed world needs ,but this is a short cut to low skilled immigration that has no use but money spinning

  11. They need to cut even more! If schools are tight on funding then cut useless programs like Gender studies and business admin!! They've balloned their growth to rely on International students since Trudeau quadrupled the intake to prop up GDP numbers, disgusting.


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