How you can protect yourself from vehicle theft amid rise in Canada


9,606 that’s how many vehicles were stolen in just the city of Toronto in 2022 it’s a stark number and it’s happening Nationwide that same year saw an estimated 50% increase in Quebec nearly as much in Ontario and about a 34% jump in Atlantic Canada for vehicle

Thefts Brian Gast says it speaks to the need for Canadians to be better informed on vehicle protection there’s more that the all sectors can do to make sure that the consumer is aware um of not only the risk but making them aware of some of the techniques that the

Criminals are using so they can better protect themselves Ottawa is stepping up with a plan Summit next month involving political leaders border agents police and the Auto industry on how to address the issue according to the federal government gangs have stolen cars and worked with organized crime to send them

To the Middle East or Africa or use them to commit crimes in Canada before destroying them it’s an extremely lucrative business Sergeant Clint Whitney with York regional police says while authorities are working with other agencies to stop thefts the public can also take action this can include using

Steering wheel locks and devices that prevent access to your vehicle’s computer or key fob as well as parking in a secure garage or investing in a tracking device for your car none of these things are foolproof but in combination when you put them all together they add up to make it a harder

Target it’s not just your vehicle you need to protect though a theft may also impat your insurance rate Amanda Dean with the insurance Bureau of Canada says it depends on your company but taking steps to protect your vehicle could help if you do keep your insurance company in

The loop make sure that you let your insurance Representative no because that could impact uh your rate Dean adds if you’re in a high-risk area for stolen vehicles speak with your insurance company to find out other proactive measures to protect you and your family as the increase in thefts show no signs

Of hitting the brakes Sean preville Global News

The number of vehicles stolen in Canada rose in 2022, ranging from an 18 per cent increase in Alberta to a 50 per cent rise in Quebec.

That increase has prompted the federal government to host a summit next month in hopes of finding solutions, but in the meantime, auto industry officials and police say the public can do a variety of things to help keep their vehicles in their possession.

As Sean Previl reports, prevention can range from installing tracking devices to something as simple as locking your doors at night, but regardless of what you do, it could help you in the long run.

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  1. If sentences were at least ten years minimum for car theft this would come to a halt, but the liberal government and their bail system are messed up, also the ports are controlled by the Italian mafia in Canada so the whole thing stinks

  2. Here are the things you can do in one of the only countries where the cost of even a used vehicle is more than many people make: spend money on a tracking system, spend money on a lock and spend the time putting it on while running errands, spend money on a security system. Lmao

  3. I still think the onus is on automakers to make better security features for cars. It's their technology that's making it so easy for thieves especially those preying on cars parked on driveways overnight. The justice system in this country is also a joke, most of these car thieves when caught have previous convictions which is indicative of our catch-and-release system of dealing with criminals. The entire bail reform system needs an overhaul.


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