WATCH | Making Canada better is ‘up to us’: Trudeau speaks at Liberal cabinet retreat


Live Nowa Montreal here is the prime minister addressing reporters on the final day of the liberal cabinet Retreat help for seniors is coming with dental care for vulnerable seniors will continue to invest challenging times right now uh people are squeezed between the cost of groceries and rents and all

The Challen es they’re facing that’s why we’ve continued to step up with concrete ways to support Canadians uh whether it’s uh the range of measures from bringing Child Care fees down uh to investing in um in uh in more money uh through the climate action incentive

Through uh through the child care s the Canada the child benefit uh or uh the support we’re bringing to families uh with greater Dental Care as it rolls out for seniors right now we’re there to support people through these tough times with uh real programs and uh real work

Uh that’s delivering for them uh We’ve announced uh in a couple of weeks we’ll hold a national Summit on auto theft uh to go out one of the challenges that’s facing Canadians in far too many uh cities across the country uh but we’re also uh spending time this week uh

Leaning in on a number of big issues uh we had uh a panel on the the economy uh with a focus on how the middle class is doing and how we can make sure that people continue to see uh a strong and optimistic future for them for their

Kids uh in this country despite uh challenging geopolitical and and global economic headwinds uh that’s why hearing from economists from experts from uh a range of folks to look at what really and what more uh our government can work on to deliver for people in uh complex

And challenging times um we also uh were uh invited back uh members of a panel on housing uh to look at what we’ve been able to do over the past six months uh Tim RoR and Mike Moffett and others uh were here they were with us last summer

Uh when we uh launched our significant uh housing measures that we’ve been rolling out all fall and this was an opportunity for us to hear directly from them on what more we can do to continue uh to tackle the housing challenge across the country uh when youm housing we

Select the most ambitious uh option to counter the housing crisis for generations of Canada we’re very happy to welcome mayor Marie not only in Montreal we can also talk about the other big cities in the Canadian Federation and bigger municipalities to see how the federal government can continue to be a good

Partner with all levels of government particular particularly for the most vulnerable against homelessness and continue to invest in a future for our cities across our country where people can see an optimistic future we’ve also um talked a lot about the uh American elections coming up uh Canada US relations are fundamental uh

For the prosperity well-being of Canadians we know this is a an important election year for the us we’ll be a hearing shortly from a panel of experts on Canada US relations and making sure that we’re ready for whatever Canadians whatever Americans decide in uh in this coming

November um I have asked uh our minister of trade and our minister of Industry uh Mary in and fr Philip shampang uh to lead the team Canada approach working with Ambassador Kristen Hilman who’s here today for the panel uh to uh pull together as we did uh a number of years

Ago uh A Team Canada approach including uh businesses entrepreneurs uh organized Labor uh Civil Society groups uh different orders of government to make sure uh that we’re ready to continue to benefit uh as Canadians from a strong relationship with the United States uh we know there’s always challenges

Whenever there’s an American election uh but as we have before we’re going to be ready uh to deal with uh whatever gets tossed at us and make sure we’re defending Canadians interests and opportunities in this strong relationship today we will talk about about our relations with the US

And particularly what we should do to prepare for this November’s elections in the us and our ambassador Kirsten hman has found a group of experts that will discuss of the various challenges we might face today’s announcement that we’re creating a working group with Minister FR phip shampang and Mary Ministers of industry and

International Commerce to use the approach that we used several years ago to make sure that business unions experts civilian Society groups in Canada are well represented at all levels of government to have a coherent approach to work properly with our American Partners regardless of their decision this fall in challenging times

Right now in the world and that’s why it’s so important that we have a government that continues to roll up its sleeves uh and take responsible serious steady decisions as we’re there to support Canadians now and to build a strong and prosperous future we know conservative party continues to offer

Only insults and attacks on one side and cuts to programs that Canadians rely on on the other side that’s not what Canadians need Canadians need uh a government with a plan uh with the capacity and the ability to continue to deliver even in these complex challenging times and that’s exactly

What we’re doing 2024 is going to continue to be a challenging year but we’re also going to see a number of bright spots as we come through uh the uh challenge of the past few years and Canada positions itself with all the advantages we have uh to lead the way on

Many many different fronts uh at a time where the world is facing uh real issues and difficulties as well one thing that we always remember is that Canada is the best country in the world it’s up to us to work hard to make it even better and that’s exactly what we’re gathered here

In my hometown to do

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau discusses how the federal government is stepping up to invest into more supports that will help Canadians.

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  1. You have had 8 years to work on all of these! The fact you haven’t is very telling – you have destroyed this country. You were advised and warned 2 years ago about the immigration issues and housing associated and did NOTHING! The best and most respectful thing you can do is resign now. Stop taking retreats and National summits – you have had enough vacations!

  2. Claiming they are looking after the future of Canadians Kids yet they allow hundreds of thousands of foreign student who are competing with Canadians finding a job! What a bunch of baloney!

  3. Daycare cracks are already occurring. Quebec daycare success is a fantasy. Few get access to where they live. It is even breaking up family units. Poilievre is right. More options is the answer. Big government daycare is already closing down long-time private daycare. Sad ?.


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