Winnipeg City Councillor Contemplates Running for Federal Seat – Find Out More Now!

Longtime Winnipeg city councillor considers run for federal seat - Winnipeg

“From local council to federal politics, Janice Lukes is considering taking her political journey to new heights.

The Winnipeg city councillor who has been representing Waverley West at City Hall since 2014 may soon be vying for the Conservative nomination in the next federal election in the Winnipeg South riding, according to 680 CJOB’s The News.

It’s a move that has left many asking questions and may have sparked interest among both her supporters and critics.”

The Possible Run for Federal Politics

Janice Lukes has revealed that she’s being encouraged by many residents to take this step, but at the same time, she’s taking the decision very seriously. She’s been quoted as saying, “It’s a huge decision, it’s partisan politics, something that never appealed to me in the past.” Despite the hesitation, she remained open-minded, stating “I’m investigating it, I’m researching it, I’m thinking about it.”

While she may have shared her reservations about Conservative policies, she also reiterated the urgency of the need for change in federal governance. “Canada’s changing, and I think there needs to be better management on how it’s changing. I don’t think we have a handle on what’s happening,” she said.

The Winnipeg South Controversy

The community of Winnipeg South is currently led by Terry Duguid, a Liberal MP. Despite their past working relationship and having done commendable work for the community, she stressed that sometimes personal choices are outweighed by the bigger picture – the decision of the party’s leadership.

At the same time, Lukes acknowledged that a significant change in leadership was on the horizon, expressing the belief that Winnipeg South requires a strong voice in shaping the country’s future.

Moreover, she emphasized the importance of residents’ opinions in guiding her decision, displaying an encouraging sign of strong community connection and responsiveness.


While Janice Lukes has certainly expressed valid concerns about making the transition to federal politics, her willingness to consider this opportunity is both a testament to her dedication to public service and her ability to adapt to evolving circumstances. As with any political pivot, Lukes’ potential move will likely be met with skepticism and excitement. Based on her commitment and measured approach, it’s clear that she’s taking the necessary steps to make an informed decision.

The 2025 federal election may become a critical juncture for Lukes, her constituents, and the political landscape of Winnipeg South at large. It will be interesting to see how her deliberations unfold and what the future holds for her.”



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