College of Physicians drops misconduct charge against doctor who issued vaccine exemptions


If a doctor did pressure a patient into getting a particular surgery or taking drugs and did not give all the information and here’s the pros here’s the cons here’s potential benefits here’s the downsides if a doctor pressures his patient into medical treatment it is unethical and a doctor could face you know penalties

Potentially up to up to an including losing his license and and here we have just this uh uh yeah Join the Herd of independent thinkers and this very uh Yahoo political get with the program but it’s very sad to see the whole medical establishment repudiating the principles of the nurenberg code uh

Which was created after the Nazis conducted experiments on unwilling patients and the whole medical establishment when it came to the covid vaccines has just repudiated that Adam s here for Rebel news since the onset of co9 colleges of Physicians and medical associations right across this country have been complicit in

Pressuring doctors to pressure their patients to take co9 vaccinations whether or not they believed that that was the best medical decision for them this has fundamentally undermined the relationship between doctor and patient a relationship that is sacred a relationship that is built on trust now those doctors who dared resist pressure

And guidelines from their medical associations or colleges uh and and decided instead to stand for their patients off for medical exemptions and and continue to provide the best care that they believe they could for their patients they often risked losing their careers losing everything for daring to

Take that stand well in a bit of good news an Alberta Doctor Who took such a stand has recently secured a significant win in advocating for his rights and in advocating for medical freedom in a few short moments I’m going to be joined by John Garb president of the Justice

Center for constitutional freedoms for an update on this win uh I suppose my first question for you is who is Dr Michael Prince Dr Michael Prince is an Alberta Doctor Who came to Canada in 1989 he earned his medical license in Czechoslovakia 1975 when it was under

The Communists and then came to Canada and he’s been practicing medicine uh for almost 50 years incredible now before we get into some of the details of his story uh there is a bit of a pattern of folks who are sort of standing up or at least who have endured government wrath

Coming from former communist countries um do you think that that that’s a factor have you heard from your client specifically that that’s a factor uh in his story I I’ve noticed the last three years that a disproportionate number of of of people from that used to live under communism they see the

Similarities with the lockdowns vaccine passports pressure coercion government propaganda that you know it just feels like you know Poland under communism or Russia or you know czechosl IIA under communism so a lot of um uh you know it’s not like all of the people are from the Eastern block and there are Eastern

Block immigrants who completely supportive of lockdowns but there there’s definitely a trend there I’ve noticed uh can we talk a little bit about uh just to give folks a timeline uh when the charges were were uh sort of uh levied against him and then when the charges were dropped so charges were

Formerly brought in early 2023 this would have been after an investigation so they were already uh so he he gave uh vaccine exemptions to patients when the College of Physicians and surgeons which prior to 2020 did not interfere in the uh clinical judgment professional Judgment of doctors did not interfere in

The practice of medicine all they did was upheld ethics so for example if a doctor uh had sex with his patients okay the college would step in and say that’s unethical but they wouldn’t tell the doctor what to prescribe what not to prescribe right um but since 2020 since

Lockdowns the colleges in Alberta and across Canada have started to crack down on doctors so it was I guess brought to light somehow by somebody that that he was giving vaccine exemptions and then there was an investigation and then the formal charges came in early 2023 there’s supposed to have been a hearing

In March of 2024 uh but now in January uh the college is is backed down and and we’re not going ahead with the hearing in March yeah now I’m hearing that would have been like a 5day ordeal for this doctor basically making what he thought was the best medical decisions in line

With his patients that’s troubling let’s talk a little bit about the basis for this sort of these allegations of professional misconduct um they’re all sort of hinged on these guidelines that were enforced by Alberta Health Services by the College of Physicians a number of other parties um they they call them

Guidelines but they’re very sort of forceful effectively you’re not allowed to issue exemptions for anything rulings not based on evidence nothing can you talk a little bit about that well we have to remember that it it’s not just today in 2024 that we know that the the

Covid vaccine did not stop the spread of covid did not stop transmission did not stop people from getting sick did not stop people from dying um the fact that the covid vaccine did not stop Transmissions was known in 2021 when these vaccines were made effectively mandatory mandatory in the sense that

Not not that you were GNA be pinned down to the ground by six guys in lab Coates and forcibly injected but mandatory in the sense that you became a second-class citizen if you did not get injected you could not go to a restaurant you could not participate in sports uh your kids

Couldn’t participate in sports uh so on and so forth and so there there’s no evidence and more significantly uh we knew by the fall of 2021 that Co was not this unusually deadly killer like the Spanish Flu of of of uh of 1918 in any event uh the so-called guidelines

Were uh documents by the um College of Physicians and surgeons of Alberta as well as Alberta Health Services which of course can cut off a doctor’s contract they can’t take takeway his license to practice but they can Turf from as they did with Dr nagas uh a few years ago

Right uh and the chief medical officer of help the whole medical establishment was basically telling individual doctors how to practice medicine yeah yeah well and the thing there is that that in a very significant and fundamental way undermines the trust that that a patient has with their doctor U and we did see

It isn’t just Dr Michael Prince you mentioned there there’s a number of doctors who have effectively risked their careers for saying I’m looking at the medical evidence and the best medical decision I can make is to Grant this exemption we even heard horror stories of people with uh like severe

Allergic reactions who were unable to get a medical exemption because they the doctors they fear their doctors were going to lose their jobs for for issuing these exemptions um were doctors ultimately forced into a position where it was risk your career or comply that’s that’s sit in a nutshell in one sentence

It it was risk your career not that there’s an absolute guarantee that you would lose your license to practice medicine but but certainly uh I I know of nurse actually who was told by her doctor when the vaccines were voluntary her doctor said to her you based on your medical

Conditions right this is her doctor who knows her and her history what you should not get this particular vaccine three six months later it’s mandatory the very same doctor will not Grant her an exemption even though his professional judgment and medical advice had been so this is really scary when

You’ve gone the poit ization of medicine and you’ve got this college that is interfering in the doctor patient relationship in a way that it never did prior to 2020 you know uh how I mean it’s interesting these guidelines they come from the College of physics um and

From AHS and all that don’t those same institutions sort of have regulations and rules in place talking about informed and voluntary consent for reception of drugs and medical treatment yeah they they do I mean it’s it’s it’s uh if it wasn’t if it was a context other than the covid vaccines if a

Doctor did pressure a patient into getting a particular surgery or taking drugs and did not give all the information and here’s the pros here’s the cons here’s potential benefits here’s the downsides if a doctor pressures his patient into medical treatment it is unethical and a doctor could face you know penalties

Potentially up to up to an including losing his license and and here we have just this uh uh yeah Join the Herd of independent thinkers and this very uh Yahoo political get with the program but it’s very sad to see the whole medical establishment repudiating the principles

Of the nurenberg code uh which was created after the Nazis conducted experiments on unwilling patients and the whole medical establishment when it came to the covid vaccines has just repudiated that well and it’s shocking to see that this this the the many that were colleges right across the country a

Health services they had long-standing standards in place and they threw them away violated their own guidelines as soon as Co came in it’s like they threw away everything they knew about medicine let’s talk talk about Dr uh Michael Prince though uh the motivations for him this mentality I read in part of the

Release that he it was a Do no harm mentality and that he believed he was quite simply doing his duty as a doctor what does it mean and how significant is it to have doctors who despite all those risks like Dr Michael Prince still say no this isn’t right I’m defending my

Patience he’s a hero he took a risk now the reason the main reason why the college is backing down in this scenario is because uh the Justice Center in 2020 uh had lawyers commence a court action against lockdowns in a court ruling known as Ingram Ingram versus Alberta

And uh in 2023 the court invalidated all these Health measures so the college now legally is in a position where if they want to go after a doctor in Alberta uh by saying that that the doctor did not follow uh the health orders they’re not in a situation where these Health orders

Were illegal they were not valid now if those Health orders had not been invalidated we would still go to a hearing we would call Expert Witnesses and I know the college in Ontario in one case backed down uh this uh because the uh the lawyer acting for the doctor said

We’re going to call expert Witnesses and we’re going to we’re going to have public hearing about whether these vaccines were safe or not effective or not and then the college backed down and withdrew because they didn’t the college in Ontario did not want a public hearing with debate and competing scientific

Views on the efficacy and safety of the covid vaccines you know a final question for you and this goes we we spoke about this when we discussed the Ingram ruling some time ago but so many of these rulings though clearly a victory for Dr Michael who’s going to be able to go on

With his life unfettered uh practice his medical practice continue to take care of his patients but so many of these victories are bittersweet because they’re basically sort of backpedaling on technicalities there’s never an admission of guilt there’s never a saying oh what we did is wrong or we fundamentally undermine medical trust in

This in this country in this province there’s always oh well on a technicality we’re going to let this drop um is it sort of Bittersweet to not see these these folks sort of actually held accountable and to not see the the evidence drawn out in the

Courts well when I when I look at history the trend seems to be that apologies are forthcoming uh typically they only come decades after you know you look at the uh uh internment of Japanese Canadians during World War II and they were not just not only were

They forced into these labor camps in the interior they also had their property confiscated without compensation they lost their fishing boats sold off and no compensation it took decades before there was formal recognition and uh I fear that you know in this situation it might also take

Decades before people look back and and and look at the uh mandatory vaccination policies as a a shameful episode in Canadian history well John carp president of the Justice Center for constitutional freedoms I want to thank you so much for your time and for at

Home I want to thank you so much for tuning in for Rebel news I’m Adam s if you’re interested in more stories featuring folks who stood up particularly medical professionals who stood up and resisted the efforts to silence them go to stop medical silencing tocom

Rebel News reporter Adam Soos was joined by John Carpay, President of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, to discuss Dr. Michal Princ’s victory over the rescinded misconduct charges.

Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. for more great Rebel content.

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  1. The Medical Profession Broke ALL TEN TENETS OF THE NUREMBERG code whilst foisting a dangerous and untested injection on the populace. This does not even begin to address what was done vis a vis lockdowns, masking, school closures and so on.

  2. If Rebel “News” viewers don’t trust doctors anymore, I assume then that they have given up their family doctors and no longer go to hospitals and clinics when they have a medical need.

    Otherwise, they’d be hypocrites.

  3. We want public debates anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! main reason being they dont want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no excuses!!!!!!!!!


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