How will Ron DeSantis dropping out of US presidential race impact New Hampshire?


In the US there’s been a major shakeup in the 2024 presidential election campaign Florida Governor Ronda santis once thought to be a major Contender for the Republican nomination officially ended his campaign today I can’t ask our supporters to volunteer their time and donate their resources if we don’t have

A clear path to Victory it’s clear to me that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance the announcement comes just days before voters in New Hampshire hold their primary on Tuesday which is now just a two-person race between Nikki Haley and front runner Donald Trump

Jackson prco is in Manchester New Hampshire with more Jackson Colleen this stunning development happened just hours before Ronda santis was set to meet with his supporters here in New Hampshire his exit from the campaign now means that Nikki Haley is the only person in position to possibly stop Donald

Trump the former un Ambassador is pulling closer to Trump here than she was in Iowa but is still backed by double digits according to the latest surveys Trump is hoping a blowout result will effectively wrap up this campaign before it goes any further and tonight he has the endorsement of Ron de santis

On his side Haley though is hoping for a shocking performance to really upset this race and send a message that voters want an alternative to Trump she has become more aggressive in her attacks on the front runner this weekend questioning his mental Fitness after a high-profile Gaff on Friday in which

Trump repeat ly confused Haley with Nancy Pelosi while talking about the January 6th attack Nicki Haley is in charge of security we offered her 10,000 people soldiers National Guard so whatever they want they turned it down these things happen because the more you age it just does you’re you have decline

Look at Joe Biden he’s totally different now than he was 2 years ago that’s a fact it’s what happens now this Prime are is also unusual for Democrats President Joe Biden isn’t on the ballot here because Democrats moved their first primary to South Carolina in February but New Hampshire is still defiantly

Holding theirs this Tuesday so there’s now a right-in campaign for Biden and there’s another Factor at play here a push amongst Democrats to register as Republicans at least temporarily so they can vote for Haley and deliver some sort of upset to Donald Trump all of these moving Parts make this primary one to

Really watch closely especially because of the large number of independent voters in this state who can deliver a last minute surprise not unlike the one we just saw today Colleen Jackson prco in New Hampshire thanks Jackson

The stunning development happened just hours before Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was supposed to meet with supporters in New Hampshire.

His exit means Nikki Haley is now the only Republican with a chance of stopping former U.S. president Donald Trump.

The former United Nations (UN) ambassador is polling closer to Trump in New Hampshire than she was in Iowa, but is still back by double digits according to the latest survey.

Global’s Jackson Proskow has more.

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  1. Desantis is backing trump now . People in SC. Said you can not trust Haley that sure tell you something. . I have seen were Haley said thanks wrong to we all do. Tim Scott is backing trump vivek is backing trump. The news governor in SC is backing trump and more. People in SC said Haley is a lying and talor. She will not close the borders and she wants to cut our social security. I saw her said that.

  2. Putin's probably starting to sweat and considering withdrawing his troops from Ukraine. President Trump had told Putin that if he went into Ukraine, he'd nuke Moscow. Trump might actually get elected.

  3. Sorry liberal media.. the facts are that Donald John Trump is loved both in the USA and Canada because he love his country. Trudeau and Biden hate their countries.. why else would they be destroying them! Trump 2024!

  4. The gospel is simple. –Jesus Christ, who is God's Son, died on the cross for the sins of every person. He was buried and rose again three days later. –Eternal life is a free gift … received, not earned—by faith alone in Christ alone. –Jesus said in John 6:47. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life. –Once saved, forever saved. Salvation can never be lost! –Trust Jesus alone and forever live.


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