No need for WEF ‘conspiracy theories’ at Davos — reporting the truth is shocking enough


It’s snowing very gently here in Davos but it’s still quite comfortable this is the town where CLA Schwab and His World economic Forum take over and I really mean take over every aspect of this town for one week a year the other 51 weeks it’s a gorgeous Mountain getaway I don’t

Know if you can see behind me um a gondola there are gondolas all over the place on the train ride in from the town we’re staying in clouters we saw people cross country skiing on the trains they have ski racks on the trains because there’s so many people skiing I joked

With our videographer Lincoln that they come to ski we come to sleigh little bit of a pun there not very funny um in fact the place we’re staying is sort of a ski chalet or or cabin by someone who lives in Zurich and he comes up here every

Weekend with his family but this one week a year he rents it out because there’s such an enormous demand for people to stay here it makes it difficult for independent journalists to come and cover it which is why we have to crowdfund it and for that I’m really

Thankful to you for chipping in to cover our costs I want to walk down the prominade slowly and talk to you about the week we’ve had and um and the things that I think we’ve seen and learned this is my second visit uh to Davos uh our

Team has come uh a time before that Ai yamini and and other journalists and I think we’re getting the hang of it a little bit we applied for accrediation this year for the first time um that is I wrote a letter to the uh World economic forum and I said look we’re

Going to be here anyways why don’t you let us come in and and frankly talk to us even if you’re just sending a spin doctor why don’t you tell us if we got our facts wrong why don’t you bring other information to our attention to round out our story our motto is telling

The other side of the story and generally that makes us critics and contrarians but that doesn’t mean we don’t occasionally get it wrong and maybe there’s another side to the other side of the story maybe there’s a third side to the story but they didn’t even

Reply and um I think that’s part of the mindset here it reminds me of when a citizen journalist from Japan who told us she was inspired by our work her name is masako lovely young lady she camped outside a restaurant where CLA Schwab was having dinner last year she waited

For hours in the cold and snow and he came out and she called out to him and he responded and she had a question for him and you know what his first reply was what Outlet are you with and when she said I’m independent he he s h a peasant

He didn’t quite use that word but it that was what his body language said and he walked away in other words his accountability his responsibility to the world his requirement to answer questions about public in interest matters in his mind turned on the status the class and perhaps even the wealth of

The question asker if maso had actually been a fancy uh working for CNN or the Wall Street Journal or one of the other regime journalists who pay to play uh in fact maybe that’s what it was maybe it wasn’t even that she was a peasant maybe it’s that she didn’t pay CL Schwab

Understand that every single company here every single Media company that’s on the inside they paid to be here the world economic forum is not a charity World economic forum is not a government NGO or something it is a for-profit organization cooked up by CLA Schwab who sounds and looks like a super villain

And I swear to God it it’s almost too unbel if it was a Hollywood movie script people wouldn’t believe it because it’s so unbelievable his father was a Nazi indust industrialist a factory manager who went to Germany to help Hitler’s war effort he he went to

Germany to run a factory and cl Schwab himself obviously learned from his father CL Schwab was uh affiliated with the CIA like you could if you were to write this script a Hollywood agent would say it’s too on the nose you can’t have a super villain looking guy with

The German accent who dresses some Times Like A Space Alien whose father was a Nazi no one will believe you it’s just too far that is the truth that and and one of the things I tell our team at Rebel news about conspiracy theories because there’s all sorts of crazy ideas

Out on the net and once in a while a conspiracy theory turns out to be true by the way Jeffrey Epstein is an example of that Harvey Weinstein is an example of that but I say to my team there’s so many insane things just lying out there

Unre reported that we don’t even have to dig hard for um no need to indulge in conspiracy theories the world is crazy enough and that’s my Approach To The World economic Forum what this super villain CLA Schwab says and what the other oligarchs he meets with saying is so outlandish and so

Dangerous simply reporting the truth is shocking enough and um and I think that has been proven this last week we’ve here uh in davo Switzerland um I I should just point out as we walk around here now how things are shutting down there were there are some final panel discussions and final

Events but you can see the streets are very empty by comparison um some of the pemin Village movie sets are being stripped down and shut down uh the town will revert to its normal State nature is healing the skiers are taking the places of the politicians and the

Lobbyists and the bureaucrats for the past week these cars would have been ticketed and towed police would have swarmed them uh because this entire prominade this is the downtown strip in Davos they call it the prominade it was completely taken over um I could see some people lingering there’s the

Kurdish house I never did get a chance to step into the Kurdish house and have a have a cup of tea I would have liked to I I regard myself as a fan of the Kurds so went to Kurdistan a few years ago that’s an unlucky country that I

Think is well it’s a it’s a Proto country they want independence from Iraq and from Turkey neither of which wants to give it to them there are some people who come here like the Kurds obviously that are trying to win international support for their causes I’m not sure

How they did I would have liked to pop in um but enough about the physical plant and the and what’s on the ground here in davo I want to refer to the work we did like I said at the at the beginning of my monologue who’s that look at

That the Colombian delegation is still working they’re dancing in the window I’m so glad they’re here and uh I wish there were more people on the street to enjoy their Colombian dancing I I didn’t have a chance to pop in to the Colombian Pavilion but they’re doing a great job

And they’re look at that energy look at that energy Viva Columbia is what I got to say that’s lovely that’s absolutely lovely listen there’s entertainment here for sure I don’t know if you know if you saw our video but we bumped into will I am and and that name might not mean

Things to people over the age of 60 but uh he was The Mastermind behind a very popular band 20 years ago called the blackeyed pce here’s a little taste to the blackeyed pece myup m look at it dancing just take it let’s P the town we’ll shut it down let’s burn

The roof and then we’ll do it again let’s do it so Will I Am is a WF guy and that always makes me a little nervous because I know guys like Bono of you two are always hanging out at the world economic forum and I and I really wonder

Are they just trying to appear more thoughtful and important than they are or are they genuinely thoughtful people who want to fix the world I want to show you an exerpt from when uh Will I Am uh talked at some length with um my colleague Avi amini I thought it was

Actually a pretty thoughtful conversation I won’t show you the whole thing you can see the whole video at wfre but here’s will I am talking about freedom and philosophy with ob be meaning I I was impressed but I feel like this I feel like the world

Economic forum is not really about love it’s more about control I’m at Davos and I’m looking for mentors for my students because I have a program teaching kids computer science and Robotics so that when they graduate college they can fill jobs or create jobs how long have you been doing that

For for for 12 years now if you want to come Mentor our kids if you’re about that about that then please feel free to come help Inspire our kids to be journalists do that put your you know put your heart where your freaking where your mind is and your passion is I think

That’s nice but I get fearful when I see you know some of the most elite people and people don’t be fearful what is your contribution to make the world better yeah my my contribution is under threat because of the wef and because of the E safety commission and those that want to

Control our speech they tell me that what I say might be misinformation because it goes against their narrative platform that’s not that that doesn’t have uh any types of U methods to ensure what’s truth from false so you can’t you can’t take that truth away that that’s

True what do you mean we have we have a system where you could put up anything and everybody would believe anything that’s that’s factual yeah but so the government they want the government to say to to knock things off that they say is not true whereas ilon musk has

Implemented a system called Community notes which it means that the entire world puts their own response says that is true true that is untrue because and people voted up and voted down as opposed to the government turning around and and and and putting their money behind fact Checkers so activists

They’re activists who are hired to a small group to say no hold on that’s misinformation So Co was a great example during Co when we were talking about the um the the the vaccines and whether the the spread of the whether it stopped the spread whether it minimized the spread

Anybody who questioned that narrative at first were kicked off most social media platforms at the time hold on at the time right okay so so that piece of information that we weren’t allowed to discuss in NE space because people like in the WF were saying that the government should control how’s that how

That’s what I’m saying to that that that’s under a threat do you think that that’s okay no not at all not at all not at all so so you you you so could you take that message in there that you think that people should have the freedom to express themselves on

Social media even if the government deems it false yeah so I have um the things that I’m that I’m passionate about where I go and uh in my viewpoint and my viewpoint is we did not get Web 2.0 right yeah social media was not executed properly um I do believe in

Freedom of speech and freedom of expression and no one’s account should be uh undone because they’re doing their version of freedom of speech so it’s not all evil super villains like CLA Schwab and Larry Fink you do have fun stuff like those Colombian dancers and entertainment I mean listen all these

Vvips in town they’d like to have fun too I mean the restaurants and the hotels around here really are luxurious like I say it’s a ski chalet I mean this is just an example of um of what this place is focused on most of the time

Skiing and having fun so no wonder the super villains like to come here and have that Lifestyle

| Although many crazy conspiracy theories are floating around the internet, some have turned out to be true. However, truth is often stranger than fiction, and the WEF summit of power-hungry oligarchs is a perfect example.
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