Former Australian PM Kevin Rudd talks up importance of WEF


Kevin how you doing what brings you here to the wef um I am here to talk about the uh Global Food security challenges and uh we’ve just had a session with global citizen on and the world food program about how we inject more private and public Finance into that oh okay are you

Here as in the capacity as the as an official delegate from Australia uh yeah here as austral ambassy United States okay yeah okay so so why is it important to do that here at the wef watch out mate the uh I’m just occupational health and safety here looking after you the

Um uh because it’s uh an efficient Gathering of a whole bunch of people at once yeah and so in terms of your ability to talk to people uh whether it’s on the not for-profit side uh or the corporate side or the government side uh International institutions side you’d spend a long

Time getting around everybody other than just meeting them all in one hit see these people are slipping over yeah we’re not used to we’re not used to that in Australia the what would you say people that criticize this whole institution as in it’s a you know a non elected it’s where non-elected people

Come to kind of do back room deals um and you know they sort of control the agenda they or you know either coming here to give their orders or get their orders what would you how how would you respond to that kind of criticism about the WF in general I think like any

International institution you’re going to have a bunch of people who will come here to do business negotiations have a bunch of people who come here to do intergovernmental negotiations then you have a bunch of not for-profits like the one I’ve just been to who are trying to govern our support for uh Global

Public goods whether it’s climate or whether it’s GL Global um uh hunger so like most things in humanity mate it’s a mixed bag yeah yeah I understand that so when we talk about climate though a lot of people would say that it’s a bit hypocritical to have this event every

Single year with a massive carbon footprint half this City’s built up um you know for one week There’s the this Airport’s got 150 planes per day private jets flying in does that seem worth it I didn’t have a private J no no no I I didn’t say you did you’re like me yeah

Or Pro probably you’ve gone business I’m I’m in cattle class but but but does that seem hypocritical to set up an event that talks so much about climate change and with such a large carbon footprint depends how much the net outcome is you know because uh like I

Understand the critique if the net outcome is for example uh you end up having a what out you have um an agreement um on either a new technology a new climate financing facility uh or what we’re talking about this morning how do you create uh effective markets carbon markets for

Methane these sort of things are useful and they actually produce Real Results against the rest of it now I got to Sprint

| Now serving as Australia’s ambassador to the US, Kevin Rudd tells Rebel reporter Avi Yemini that the potential for positive outcomes justifies the event’s sizeable carbon footprint.


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  1. The w3 f learned well from the mistakes of “the League of Nations”, Hitl3r, Stalln, lenln, mo@, hir@hito, and the rest. They then worked on the problem shortly after the second w@r
    Now they bought or infiltrated as the other organizations began, such as: U/N, n@To, wh@, all of the western countries in leftist 3xtr3mlst politicians, elites, actors, singers.
    They are aligned with the c.Cp but make no mistakes both are currently working together for right now, until they start getting greedier and then they’ll turn on each other.
    There is a tiny bit of hope, they have not infiltrated some countries and in countries where they have, you do have people that are rich and powerful enough to try to stop this madness


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