Rare white Omura’s whale spotted off the coast of Phuket #Omurawhale #Phuket #thailand


A rare white whale has been spotted off the coast to fukat Thailand hello a tour has captured this video of the omura whale on New Year’s Day the video shot from a boat showed the white whale swimming nearby and coming to the surface the first living omas’s whale

Was seen in the wild in 2015 off the coast of Madagascar this is the first known sighting of what could be an Al bino of the species

In an incredible sighting that has left tourists in Thailand amazed, a rare white Omura’s whale was spotted off the coast of Phuket on New Year’s Day. The tour company that shared the video said they had named the whale ‘Thalang.’ Omura’s whales are small tropical baleen whales that were previously misidentified as Bryde’s whales.




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