Canadian cop warns against sharing porch theft videos, citing privacy concerns for the burglar


One more clip on the really the overarching theme of the show and that is bad place and again I reiterate I don’t like bad policing because I I like good cops I think that bad cops trade on the reputation and hard work of good cops to get away with the sleazy things

They do so if you like cops and you like good cops you got to call out the bad guys um in their ranks for sure um now we’ve this crazy video I know Alexa’s been talking about this all week I think she’s even doing straighter on it so

Stay tuned for that story but we’ve got a Canadian cop I think he’s in Quebec somewhere um warning residents like look if you capture a thief stealing your stuff on your ring video cam or in my case uh the trail cams all over the property if you catch a thief do not

Post that because you’re violating the privacy of the burglar excuse Mo anyways let’s roll this oh I guess she’s having issues um but basically they’re saying even if you caught these people in the act that um you could be violating their privacy but also that there’s a presumption of

Innocence and we wouldn’t want them to get cancelled online because you posted footage of them illegally on your property and absconding with your stuff no we wouldn’t want we wouldn’t want to hurt the thieves uh feelings anyways let’s roll thisal police are urging quebecers to not post those clips online

Because they say there could be a case for defamation you cannot post the images yourself because uh you have to remember that in Canada we have a presumption of innocence and posting that picture could be a violation of private life instead he says if anything

Is stolen call night 11 one if you get some proof that somebody might have stolen something then call the police give the proof to the police and then we’ll do the the investigation we we’ll bring that person to Justice and we’ll file some charges police really what are you going to do

To me if I post the images of the thieves online what are you gonna do you going to come get me not the thief this is Canada probably uh you know I I just think like call 911 if you get home eight hours later and your package was stolen is that what

You you want me to bung up the 911 calls instead of just a regular um Regular line at the Detachment that’s what you want me to do really at what level of Investigation do you think the police are going to do when you say look they stole my

$40 what did I recently order uh felt covered coat hangers from Amazon uh I see it on the trail cam what are you gonna do about it I bet they’re going to be like I don’t know I got murderers to catch like leave me alone um K here your package goodbye do

You think they’re going to do a real like huge investigation for $40 no but you can also post it online so you can show your friends and neighbors hey be on the lookout because these guys are in our neighborhood uh put it on the neighborhood watch page or the uh

Local uh rural crime watch page that I lurk on all the time like this is so stupid like the reasoning for this you might violate the thieves private lives what on Earth what on Earth We’re not a serious country anymore hey I got to tell you I’m going

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| Sheila Gunn Reid discusses a Canadian police officer advising against sharing video ring light camera footage of burglars stealing packages. ‘This is so stupid, we’re not a serious country anymore,’ said Sheila.

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