CTV National News | Saturday, Jan. 13: Wild weather hits Canada


Tonight a wicked weekend of extreme weather as winter unleashes heavy snow and icy winds across North America from record-breaking cold that will freeze flesh in in a minute or two to a postponed NFL playoff game and grounded flights stranded in Winnipeg also concerns the forecast could freeze turnout at the Iowa caucuses

International tensions flare I suspect there’s going to be additional attacks hthy Rebels vow Revenge after a second day of us strikes in Yemen plus an auction fit for a queen I would love a celebrity to buy it and then have their own Revenge dress moment the Royal replica up for grabs from the

Popular series The Crown CTV national news with Heather butts good evening there is no escaping extreme weather this weekend and the misery it’s leaving behind for many the dangerous conditions taking a toll right across the country temperatures plunging in the west hitting record levels in some provinces the frigid weather causing

Travel Chaos on the roads and at airport WestJet said it’s so cold in the Prairies deicing fluid won’t work and the airline canel more than 150 flights in Southern Alberta a local state of emergency was declared in the siga First Nation as some homes are not heated

Elders and those with children are being put up in hotels the Deep Freeze blanketing BC comes with a warning tonight ctv’s Penny daff loss starts us off these are the kinds of temperatures and conditions British Colombians rarely face we are seeing some very strong um outflow winds the mercury in Metro

Vancouver on the Fraser Valley has been well below zero windshield value is near minus 30 and that’s leading to Medical emergencies we’re not used to this extreme cold especially with the windchill factor that we’re getting calls for frostbite and hypothermia have been soaring across the province as temperatures plunge hypothermia and

Frostbite are both serious medical emergencies and those are calls that we want to deal with as soon as possible at smaller lakes and ponds are around the Lower Mainland the ice is thick enough that people are willing to test it and even construction sites have become recreational areas the ice looks thick

Enough and it might feel thick enough but the Vancouver Park Board is urging people to stay off of lakes and waterways and you can see why they have concerns across the province 56 low temperature records were broken on Friday alone and warnings continue to blank at BC it’s been so bitterly cold

In the north the wind chill has been hitting 50 below a lot of dead battery calls are starting to come in uh because that the cold does affect how your how effective your battery is roadside assistance calls have doubled and after thousands of Travelers were caught in

Hours long delays on the roads during a sudden burst of snow on Thursday the roads have been much quieter if you don’t have your proper winter tires on maybe it’d be best to stay home if you can Environment Canada is calling it an entrenched Arctic air mass lasting

Through Sunday at least Penny daflos CTV News Vancouver in Ontario through to the maritimes are expected to feel that deep freeze in the coming days just as many clear away the aftermath of a powerful storm that brought a punishing combination of snow rain and tonight threatening winds ctv’s Tony Grace has

More the raw power of the Wind on full display gusts of more than 100 kilm an hour along Lake Erie today whipping up dramatic scenes that some couldn’t resist capturing and setting off warnings from Southern Ontario to Atlantic Canada where tonight many communities remain in the bullseye it’s

Really windy today so the the waves are are getting bigger Environment Canada signaling a damaging mix of rain high wind and heavy surge in parts of New Brunswick Nova Scotia Pei New Finland and Labrador and Quebec Storm surges which could be a lot of erosion around around the coastline very strong winds

In in Newland the kind of wind that also scent waves crashing ashore today just across the border in Maine one of many states already dealing with unprecedented flooding this week across Ontario and Quebec today the other punishing part of this storm system digging out from a rain snow mix yeah

With and heavy snow today both provinces blanketed with snow and white out conditions Friday night before the rain made roads sloppy and helped bring down power lines with a part two of sorts setting in tonight lake effect snow bringing more accumulation to many snow Bel communities so you got to nip it in

The butt and take care of things road crews also rushing to deal with it before an expected deep freeze so it’s all hands on deck today and uh you know we’ll continue to monitor things and uh you know hopefully tomorrow um we get a little bit of a break the kind of

Conditions typically felt long before mid January coming all at once this weekend there was no sort of easing into it no kind of climatizing to what the winter was weather obstacles have also been a factor in the cancellation of hundreds of flights here at Pearson International Airport where tonight as

Those temperatures drop officials say Crews on the snow clearing and deicing side will be ready Heather for quickly changing conditions it’s certainly not over yet Tony thank you vicious cold played out on the football field today as the NFL playoffs kicked off fans covered from head to toe feeling The

Frigid minus 27° temperatures in Kansas City for the Chiefs game against the Miami Dolphins meanwhile a blizzard threat in Buffalo has postponed another playoff game we want our bills to win but we don’t want 60 to 70,000 people traveling to the football game in what is going to be horrible conditions the ongoing

Weather emergency has forced Sunday’s Buffalo Bills game versus Pittsburgh to be moved to Monday instead a full travel ban is in effect for parts of Western New York it’s The Frigid final stretch before the Iowa caucuses the first nominating contest for republicans in the US presidential race and the weather

Is the Wild Card ctv’s Washington bureau chief Joy melin explains Iowa is no stranger to winter weather but this people have to travel in person to caucus on Monday night and vote in what’s expected to be the coldest caucus night on record it’s going to be a little bit of a trek

Nobody knows how exactly we’re going to get there but we’re going to figure it out the front runner Donald Trump scrapped most of his campaign events despite his legal challenges polls predict he’s coasting to a double-digit win in Iowa his advisors playing down expectations worried the weather could scare some voters

Away Florida’s governor Ron desandis has staked it all on Iowa traveling to all 99 counties holding more events snow or no snow than the other count candidate and he needs a big win here if you’re willing to go out there and you’re willing to Brave the elements on a cold

Windy snowy January night uh for me and do that for a few hours I’ll fight for you for the next eight years with Trump the favorite this has become a bitter battle for second place DeSantis and Nikki Haley taking more swings at each other than at Trump in this new ad

You’re fired you’re fired then Mr Trump said you’re fired Haley hammers disantis as a trump mini me she’s had a lot of momentum pitching voters that she’s the new generation who can beat Joe Biden if you will join with me in this movement if you will caucus for us on

Monday I promise you that our best days are yet to come thank you very much God bless you I appreciate it the big question now turnout who has the most passionate supporters who will Brave the dangerous cold and can any of the candidates catch up to Donald Trump

Heather all right Joy thanks for this ctv’s joy melin in Washington where a huge crowd of demonstrators showed up to call for a ceasefire and to protest us Aid to Israel thousands of pro Palestinian protesters marched the streets including a stop at the White House in support of

Gaza this protest was part of a global day of action as the war now reaches the 100 day Mark US forces again targeting the Iranian backed houthi rebels in Yemen for the second straight night the strikes are in response to the houthi targeting of commercial ships in the Red

Sea where tensions are high many companies now forced to choose between sailing through the dangerous Red Sea or traveling an expensive extra 10 days around Africa ctv’s Jeremy Chiron has more on those now vowing Revenge an overnight bombardment by American military forces in Yemen the second attack on houthi

Targets in as many days dozens of strikes were launched Washington says targeting a Radar Site the second round of strikes was really to follow up on some of the initial targeting just a day ago the US and the UK launched more than 70 strikes in their first retaliatory

Attack on the houthi rebels at least five people were killed since November the rebel group has been persistently attacking ships in the Red Sea I suspect that this will this escalation will continue until such time that um you know the US lead Coalition achieves uh you know what’s referred to as escalation

Dominance the attacks have sparked protests and are raising concerns of escalating tension in the Middle East the houthis have vowed Fierce retaliation threatening a strong and effective response today performing military training exercises in Yemen and the ongoing battle in the Red Sea a major shipping Corridor is threatening Global Supply chains it is

An absolutely vital global trade route roughly 15% of the world’s shipping traffic and 30% of of container traffic passes through here the fighting has forced costly route diversions of course you can always go Around the Horn of Africa and that’s what’s happening now uh but that comes at a considerable cost

Experts are already predicting economic disruptions and price hikes on Goods here in Canada if these attacks continue Heather Jeremy thanks a victory for the ruling Party candidate in taiwan’s presidential election seen as a blow to China ctv’s Colton pril on what the result could mean for relations with Canada an historic reaffirmation of

Taiwan’s democracy president-elect liqing leading the Democratic People’s Party to a third term over opposition parties known to be friendlier to China in an election Beijing painted as a choice between peace and War so president xiin ping has called the reunification of the motherland and historical inevitability today the Chinese government releasing a statement

Saying Taiwan is China’s Taiwan this will remain a hot spot in 2024 we have not seen the end of China’s reaction they take this personally and deeply Xi Jinping is weakening at home the Temptation perhaps to go for a Dandy foreign war may be going up it leaves

Canada holding a geopolitical hot potato the country strengthened economic ties with Taiwan in November while relations with China remain fraught this year Canada faces A new challenge as both Taiwan and China V for inclusion in the transpacific partnership Free Trade Agreement where Canada acts as chair that’s a tricky diplomatic uh task and

Uh certainly Taiwan trade officials have uh hold out the hope that Canadian diplomats can exercise creativity in his victory speech Li promised steady relations with China FOC focusing on dialogue to ease tensions and increasing relations with countries like Canada and the United States to safeguard Taiwan from threats Canada doesn’t recognize

Taiwan as a sovereign state but says it looks forward to advancing trade and investment ties with Taiwan something experts say will be done cautiously to avoid outrage from Beijing Heather ctv’s Colton pril in Ottawa coming up the pressures of property tax you want to have the services is that we see

Declining well how do you get that a possible double digigit hike in Canada’s biggest city Sparks concerns from coast to coast Canadian households in eight select provinces are expecting their first carbon tax rebates as early as Monday ta opposition leader Pier P have continued his Crusade against the

Federal carbon tax in Northern Ontario they’ve betrayed the people here to sign on to a power pack a costly Coalition with Jag with Jag meet Singh and Justin Trudeau that will keep Trudeau in power the Liberals believe the rebate will leave families in a better position a heated debate that remains a political

Battleground homeowners in Toronto are bracing for a double digigit property tax hike as the city tries to manage an almost $2 billion shortfall it’s something cities across the country are also facing at a time when many are already grappling with the soaring cost of living here’s ctv’s Heather

Wright a tough Prospect for many homeowners as Toronto weighs a massive property tax increase City Life getting more and more expensive we are already paying as business owners and homeowners we’re already paying a lot of taxes Toronto mayor Olivia Chow has proposed a 10 and a half% increase in property

Taxes which she warns could jump to 16.5% if the feds don’t chip in a quarter of a billion dollars in Refugee support money I did not create this financial mess but it needs to be fixed like many municipalities the city is struggling with inflation High interest rates and crumbling infrastructure for

Years Dr has kept property taxes at or near the rate of inflation despite warnings from staff that the city couldn’t keep up if you want to have the services that we see declining well how do you get that you have to pay for them Toronto is not the only major city

Hiking or keeping tax increases high in Montreal property taxes are set to rise nearly 5% this year the largest hike in 13 years in Vancouver property taxes are 75% down from 10.7% last year while Halifax is set to see a nearly 10% increase there is very little sympathy

Towards homeowners in some of the large cities such as Toronto and uh Vancouver for example where property taxes uh are increasing in line with exponential gains in um house prices if approved Toronto’s property taxes would still be comparatively lower than many other municipalities and the mayor is hopeful

Ottawa will kick in funding to help still some pundits wonder whether Chow’s tactics will work the mayor is saying I’m going to put this tax gun to the head of every Toronto taxpayer unless Justin Trudeau takes out his checkbook and strokes us a great big billion dollar

Check I just don’t think that’s going to work any support from Ottawa for Toronto would have to come by January 26th negotiations that we’re told C are ongoing Heather right CTV News Toronto still ahead Regal relics how fans of the crown can own a piece of the popular series The professional women’s hockey

League has captured excitement early in its existence and today Montreal was the final of three Canadian teams to show off the sport in front of a home crowd the energy was electric even before their game versus Boston as Spectators savored the special moment they’re going to grow up in a time where

There was always women’s professional hockey whereas in my generation there wasn’t so it’s really meaningful I I mean I had to hold back some tears Montreal’s home debut sold out in minutes with more than 4,000 fans in stands just across town it was the perfect celebration for Connor McDavid

Who capped off his 27th birthday with a thrilling record-breaking win mcdavid’s Edmonton Oilers edged out the Montreal Canadians in overtime pushing the Oilers consecutive winning streak to a franchise record 10 games well fans of the award-winning Royal drama the crown are getting a chance to view costumes and props before

Going under the hammer at auction more than 450 items from the Netflix show are on display and while they may not be Originals the price tag is certainly real ctv’s Garrett Barry has that story it might be the closest that many will ever get to seeing the real thing

And for an estimated 40,000 about $70,000 this Royal gold State coach reproduction can be yours I mean actually sitting in it you know God I love this it’s so comfortable specifically designed for hit TV series The Crown it’s actually a working Stage Coach a sign of how far producers went

To make their show feel like reality and if you you know happen to have six horses you can strap them to it and you know head down the out I mean it is a working coach um it was built um especially for the show I cannot find any other reproduction coronation take

Coat anywhere in the world so I think this is pretty unique there’s also replica dresses the replica door for 10 Downing Street the prime minister’s residents even the replica Throne is here more than 450 items are going on auction next month the sales of those big ticket items will help fund

Scholarships for the UK’s National film and television School we’ve talked about a figure of a million pound if that got raised would’ be able to support about a 100 students to come to the nfts over the next 20 years one big ticket item that auctioneers estimate will cost

About $16,000 Canadian dollars a replica version of Princess Diana’s Revenge dress featured on the show and based on what the princess wore in 1994 the same week the world learned about the eventual Kings affair with Camila I mean I would love a celebrity to buy it and

Then have their own Revenge dress moment the live auction runs on February 7th until then starting this weekend the public can view these items free of charge G Barry CTV News St John’s a different kind of Throne is helping to break barriers after the break finding dignity in the discarded

Temperatures are plunging across the country, hitting record lows in some provinces.

0:00 Temperatures plunging
3:29 Wind, rain and heavy snow
6:29 Iowa caucuses approaching
9:03 Dangerous Red Sea
11:21 Taiwan voters rebuke China
14:30 Toronto raising property taxes
18:24 Costumes and props at auction

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