Winter storm blasts Canada with dangerously cold temperatures


Ontario and Quebec are bracing for another storm it looks like it’s already started meteorologist Anthony Farnell our chief meteorologist here at Global News is braving the elements out in Toronto Anthony what can we expect from the latest storm well the snow has begun in Earnest and it is coming down heavily

Far and this really is a front loaded system what I mean by that a wall of snow with almost no visibility amounting to about 5 cm per hour and that is the concern on this Friday evening that all this snow is going to fall and the plows

Won’t be able to keep up with it so anybody on the roads has to deal with these white out conditions now it’s sticking to just about everything there is winds gusting 60 to 80 kilm per hour and the temperature climbs tonight so it all switches over to rain now for areas

To the east there are warnings there are winter storm Mornings in Quebec now for the maritimes uh it’s a different story it’s a southerly wind that could cause 90 to 100 km perh gust and that along with astronomical High Tides could create some surge issues there’s a storm

Surge warning for St John and some of these areas have been hit hard by Coastal erosion already earlier this week from a similar storm so it continues winter making a comeback and then comes the cold far and it’s going to be around for a while all that Western cold is headed

East a stay warm Anthony Anthony Farnell our Global News meteorologist thank you so much for that

Severe weather is sweeping across Canada and being felt by millions of Canadians from coast to coast.

As significant winter weather settles in, there are warnings about dangerously cold temperatures and snowstorms in every province and territory.

Anthony Farnell has the details.

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  1. The introduction of significant green house gases will drastically alter the atmospheric system.
    Weather will become more chaotic and extreme.
    Eventually, if not addressed, this phenomenon will render much of our planet uninhabitable.

    ? Vote conservative ?

  2. Calgary and much of Alberta -43 C. Nothing to worry about, it's the effect of global warming, so get ready for more carbon taxes to save the planet from overheating, and to give the Trudeau Liberals more funding to waste on useless spending that the kleptocracy loves so much.

  3. If he's standing there with no toque on, and/or no ski-mask obviously the temperatures aren't dangerous. I just walked home, I live in Alberta, it is -50 right now with the wind chill – now that is dangerous, and I had to at least wear a toque for crying out loud, my face was getting frostbite. This guy is out there with not even ear muffs? Give me a break you weak Easterners.

    I just looked it up, there's a storm but it feels like minus two… be quite you weaklings.


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