Trans Mountain pipeline project achieves milestone toward finishing

Trans Mountain pipeline project clears another major hurdle toward completion

“Last-minute approval for Trans Mountain pipeline expansion granted by Canada Energy Regulator

In a surprising turn of events, the Canada Energy Regulator has granted a last-minute approval for the over-budget Trans Mountain pipeline expansion that is currently underway in Western Canada. The approval comes after the pipeline giant sought permission to change its routing methodology in a 2.3-kilometre stretch of the construction in B.C.’s Fraser Valley.

A Hard Rock Formation Challenge

The initial plan to dig a 36-inch pipe through a mountainous stretch near Hope, B.C. proved to be challenging due to the discovery of hard rock formations. Consequently, the company requested a reduction in pipe size to 30 inches, which was initially rejected by the regulator. However, after a stern warning from Trans Mountain regarding potential delays and financial losses, the company’s updated application was finally approved.

Growing Debt and Delays

The federally-owned Trans Mountain pipeline has accrued an additional $31 billion in construction costs, bringing the total cost of the project’s acquisition and construction to a staggering $35 billion. To alleviate financial strain, the government has provided loan guarantees and debt, prompting concerns about the project’s financial sustainability.

Pipeline Prospects and Financial Challenges

While some analysts believe the pipeline expansion holds promise and potential profit, others express skepticism about its value and financial viability. The reliance on oil shippers to cover the project’s costs and the likelihood of massive write-offs raise concerns about long-term financial sustainability and the potential burden on Canadian taxpayers.

A Costly and Complex Undertaking

The complexity of building an 1,100-kilometre pipeline, coupled with unforeseen challenges such as supply chain disruptions and rising inflation, has contributed to the massive cost overruns. Despite the company’s efforts to address these issues, the project’s final price tag is expected to soar beyond the initial estimate, leading to further financial strain and debt servicing costs.

A Looming Financial Burden

As the interest payments on the project’s debt are deferred in the short term, concerns arise about the long-term financial implications once the project is operational. With impending interest debt and construction loans to be repaid, the financial burden on both the company and Canadian taxpayers is a point of contention.


The last-minute approval of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion raises crucial questions about the project’s financial sustainability and long-term viability. As the company grapples with mounting debt and unforeseen challenges, the path forward remains uncertain. The implications of this ambitious endeavor extend beyond the energy industry, carrying significant financial ramifications for the Canadian government and taxpayers. The decision to move forward with this project presents a complex dilemma that warrants careful consideration and thoughtful deliberation.”



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