Key details of male intruder found in high school change room withheld by school, parents say


Is a British Colombian High School hiding important details from parents about a male Intruder who was found in the girls chrum Drea Humphrey with Rebel news bringing you the story why are we not allowed on here on our premises is Rebel news I’m just covering the incident that was here because parents

Are concerned that they’re not getting the full story communicated with okay do you want to let us know the communication I don’t want to be filed Drea Humphrey here with Rebel news Dan stand ing in front of brookswood secondary school and if you’re a parent you know your main concern at all times

Is the safety of your child I’m here because some tipsters gave us some information that there was a biological male who intruded at this school and had to be escorted off of the property by RCMP on January 10th but here’s the thing the notice that came out to the

Parents was somewhat tight flipped it was a basically don’t worry it’s no big deal let me read some of it to you principal Lisa Ellis says as staff member and a few students reported a Community member in distress inside one of the school change rooms the individual was nonthreatening administrators called the

Police and had the students relocate to another side of the school and that a Langley RCMP officer walked the individual out of the school and were able to provide assistance creepy isn’t it but why the lack of information why not say it was the girls change room during gym class

For grade eight girl students some who were in The change room at the time and why not tell us if the person inside was a man or a woman Rebel news did some digging to get more on the story to tell you and the parents of the school what

Is going on we spoke to several students and several parents we’re getting conflicting stories but some are saying that the individual identified themselves as being transgender other students are saying they didn’t hear that but their friends told them that the man was watching them while some

Girls were doing a Tik Tock inside and that the man was in his underwear and had taken a shower there so is this a biological male identifying as a transgender person person and creeping on kids in the change room or someone who was down and out and maybe

Struggling with something else we don’t know for sure but the real question is why not just tell the parents all the details and how did this individual get inside it’s not just the school that’s not providing all of the important information I reached out to the RCMP I

Asked them a series of questions to get more information for you and the parents including to to give some details about the identity here’s what they said just before 9:00 a.m. Langley RCMP responded to a call for assistance at Brookwood Secondary School school administrators reported a member of the community was

At the school and in distress officers responded and the individual was located and apprehended without incident wait a minute the individual was distressed they’re inside of the girls change room but I thought the school said there was no risk to the child that it was just simply a harmless situation so what

Exactly does distress mean we got one statement from a parent who prefers to stay Anonymous who said the following a stranger in distress entering the chain room of young girls in school is most definitely threatening I don’t think anyone is okay with that and he’s right

And it’s not just the school the RCMP who are leaving out important details here it’s also the media that been silent about a half naked male Intruder in a girl’s space why are we not allowed on here on our premises it’s Rebel may I

Ask who you are can I ask who you are no you can no don’t me well I don’t know if you’re authorized to kick me off the property without who are you I’m authorized to kick you off the property I don’t well I don’t know that what’s your

Name can you let us know a little bit more details about the man who was in the girls change room I have no comment no comment who are you please leave I’m happy to leave I just need to know who you are must report to the office and

Have reason to be here okay I’m Rebel news I’m just covering the incident that was here because parents are concerned that they’re not getting the full story have been communicated with okay do you want to let us know the communication I don’t want to be filmed thank you all

Right well we were just wrapping up the report anyways but the quote that I read to you uh was one parent who feels they’re not getting the full story we spoke to several parents who shared the same sentiment with that now we’ve done some digging giving you as much

Information as we can as we’re getting kicked off of the property uh but this is Rebel news where we tell you the other side of the story well that was brookswood secondary principal herself Lisa Ellis failing to provide the public with comment about this important matter it shouldn’t be

Too surprising since she failed to provide parents with key important information that I don’t know maybe they could have a safety protocol discussion with their grade eight daughter who may soon find themselves in the girls change room with a distressed half- naked man who’s staring at them according to her

Own students and some of her own parents but how could I forget that’s uh non-threatening right let me know in the comments if you agree you see principal Ellis may have succeeded at booting us off of the school grounds but this is Rebel news and I’m Drea Humphrey she

Will not stop us from getting our boots on the ground to tell parents what’s been going on behind School doors and that’s why we have a dedicated website to just that go to stop classroom to stay informed and if you appreciate the independent journalism we

Bring you you can chip in a few bucks by donating while you’re there Andrea Humphrey and this is Rebel news

| Despite Brookswood Secondary’s claim that the intruder was ‘non-threatening,’ sources tell Rebel News that the man was spotted staring at teen girls in their changing room while dressed in socks and underwear.

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  1. So a half naked crazy dude is in a Grade 8 girls changing room and leering at young girls and they is the one in distress? What crazy times we live in when people acting in official capacity attempt to protect criminals and the dangerously delusional instead of the victims of these nutjobs

  2. You are my go to for the local yvr. Thanks Drea!! You rock! ?????? Ive associated with these folks…. They have a lot of strange opinions. My nephews are in that district. We give those people 120k annual with world class benefits for their educational abilities……Thank you for bringing this forward!!!

  3. Principal Ellis has no problem with some deranged man being naked in the girl's change room, but HOW DARE a reporter step on to school property. What an absolute whack job this principal is!

  4. Our governments have opened a Pandora's box of perversion nothing less then in the fall of Rome! When people rise up many lives will be lost as the perversity has infiltration in all systems designed to protect us from such things. The cost of betrayal to morals by people in the charge of children has always been death. Today will be no different…

  5. They're planning "an event" at the expense of human lives to push an agenda. Time to investigate the school employees & tighten security around the schools. The schools should not be allowed to appoint the security details. Lives are at stake . . . . "tragic event" incoming

  6. MS. I Have No Comment could show a bit of concern but no it’s just contempt and makes her look like she’s facilitating this weirdos actions. Not a good look lady. The principal has 0 integrity or accountability, she must be trying to get a seat in the Liberal party.

  7. In my day of high school the older male students would be dealt with that problem…..he'd have been thrown out and "encouraged" to never return. Heck even police would grin people over to the students (once a guy beat up his girlfriend, whom was turned over to students for 5mins of tuning before retaking custody). This was in the 90's, not long ago.

  8. Amazing lack of accountability by school principal. I imagine she might be more concerned if a half naked person was lurking in her staff washroom..? I live in Langley near this school and only learned of this disgusting event here, two days later. Thanks Rebel News!

  9. This happend before school, he was in the girls changerooms probably because it was wayyy easier to sing then the guys which is out of the way, and he legit showered in one of the stalls and my friend saw him in his underwear and booted bc she didn’t want to have anything to do with this, also please stop referring to the homeless man as “a biological male” like you could just say a guy like bro chill. Do I think he should be there absolutely the heck not but he was in distress and clearly wasn’t thinking straight and please stop filming our principal she is doing her best and she’s actually better than most we’ve had


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