Israel accused of “genocidal intent” in Gaza on 1st day of World Court hearings


And tonight South Africa is calling for an immediate halt to Israeli military operations in Gaza as it formally accuses Israel of committing genocide against Palestinians the international court of justice has begun two days of legal arguments the case alleges Israel’s goal to destroy Gaza comes from the highest levels and violates the

United Nations genocide convention no armed attack on a state territory no matter how serious even an attack involving atrocity crimes can provide any justification for or defense to breaches to the convention Israel vehemently denies the allegations and has taken the rare step of sending a delegation to the un’s Top

Court to defend itself a ruling could take years but a provisional decision might come in a matter of weeks in what may be one of the most significant cases ever heard in an international Court Crystal ganing has has our top story a lineup of international judges are starting their work hearing

Arguments about Israel’s attacks on Gaza and if they amount to genocide car from the order of the heg please for help from a hastily erected camp in hunis oh God a solution we need a solution says this woman why do they not feel what we feel are we not human South

Africa with its history of apartheid and oppression filed the application for the court to hear the case in December as a part of its argument it is using the words of Israeli lawmakers saying they constitute clear direct and public incitement to genocide lies according to Israeli government officials so I’m

Furious I’m furious that South Africa cooperates with Hamas I’m furious that South Africa trying to blame Israel for defending itself I hold your hand to say thank you South Africa thank you for all what you have been doing South Africa’s ruling African National Congress has stood with Palestinians for

Decades in court Thursday an order instructing Israel to Halt its operations in Gaza was requested nothing will stop the suffering except an order from this court without an indication of provisional measures the atrocities will continue with the Israeli Defense Force indicating that it intends pursuing this course of action for at least a

Year outside the court dual demonstrations bring them home R grieving Israelis still fighting for the freedom of roughly 100 people belied to be held hostage in Gaza and pro Palestinians the government of Canada the question is not taking a position we’re aware of the filing and our government is reviewing the case

Carefully Israel will get the opportunity to State its defense before the world on Friday Crystal ganing Global News London South Africa’s intervention is rare but it’s not the first time a country not involved or directly harmed by a conflict has taken this step in 2019 The Gambia took Myanmar to the icj

Accusing it of genocide against the rohinga people both Israel and South Africa are signatories to the un’s genocide convention which states that in order to constitute genocide there must be a proven intent to destroy in whole or in part a national ethnical racial or religious group intent however is often

The most difficult element to prove

South Africa is formally accusing Israel of committing genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, which has plummeted into a grave humanitarian crisis as Israel wages war on Hamas.

Crystal Goomansingh looks at South Africa’s argument at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), how Israel is vehemently denying the allegations and what Canada is saying.

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  1. "Hamas turned Israel against them – the Israeli government has turned the world against Israel". This is one of the best words I've heard this week. I have JEWISH friends I grew up with the age of 10 years old, protesting for Palestine here in North America. They will NEVER go back to Israel and are disgusted with the way the government has handled the horrible actions of Oct 7th. But what the Isareli government has done is no better – in fact has been significantly more damaging. The war was against Hamas, not the innocent people they've killed. May the hostages be free and the people of Palestine finally get the state, control, and their rights to DEFEND THEMSELVES!

  2. I live in China. Everything is miserable here, but no one dares to complain.
    We Chinese hope the Hong Kongers, Tibetans and Uyghurs won't live like us any longer.
    Seriously, if there is next life, I wish to be born in any other country, except China.

  3. The highest and the last degree of corruption is using laws for oppression and injustice. Let’s see how far we have gone on this path??

    In the human societies
    It is also the
    that exist in each and every one of us,
    all the time.

    Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do. …

    To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth. …

  4. Is Global News too cowardly to report all the statements demonstrating clear genocidal intent – the South Africa document has NINE pages of them. I can't wait to hear Israel's defense for those statements "You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible", "We are fighting human animals…" etc.

  5. A week ago, multiple Israeli (state-sponsored) broadcasters like Haaretz published talks of ‘voluntairly’ deporting palestians to the state of Congo. During the Second World War, Germany originally planned to send the Jews to Madagascar, when that didn’t work out, they proceeded to their final solution. This is not any different, if this doesn’t count as genocidal intent, then I dont know what would.

    Right now, genocide is being justified as human shields, ‘safe zones’ are repeatedly targeted.

    Pretty much every leader in the West has accused Vladimir Putin of genocide against the Ukrainian people, yet all is blind when it comes to their allies.

    Hamas’s actions are deplorable and unjustifiable, but it’s becoming painfully clear that Israel has used this event to push forward its agenda of mopping up the land ‘from the river to the sea’

  6. South Africa is where honourable Nelson Mandela fought against apartheid. His words were’The world is not free till Palestine is free’
    Real culprits to come and grab someone else’s land and declare themselves as ‘chosen people of the land’. They are devils in human form who are land thieves.

  7. I don't see how one can be held accountable for atrocities without the other. Both groups really mucked this one up while proving those who desire power should be the last to have it.


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