Gaza key to Palestinian statehood, regional stability, says Blinken


But right now the latest on the war between Israel and Hamas the UK says a royal Navy ship in the Red Sea was a potential Target for an overnight missile barrage these are images newly into us from the Royal Navy UK and US warships shot down 21 drones and

Missiles that were fired by houthi rebels it’s being called one of the largest barges yet houthis have been targeting commercial shipping in support of Hamas the US is leading an international task force to protect Red Sea shipping that includes Canada the overnight attack happened just hours before US Secretary of State Anthony

Blinkin took his shuttle diplomacy mission to the West Bank to meet with the Palestinian Authority leader Abby cugas has the latest there we’re hearing from a US spokesperson that these talks were productive on administrative reforms and that the US support steps to create a Palestinian State the US would

Like to see a reformed or revamped Palestinian Authority play a role in governing Gaza after the war ends the future of The Enclave is very much a major agenda item on blink’s tour of the Middle East he has been in other countries speaking with Arab leaders he

Was in Israel yes uh yesterday um as well we expect that aboss brought up his main asks during this meeting which includes a ceasefire in Gaza an end to Israeli settler violence in the occupied West Bank and the creation of an independent Palestinian state that includes Gaza and the occupied West Bank

A Palestinian statement following this meeting underscores that Gaza is integral to the state of Palestine now the US does support a two-state solution as does Canada but the Netanyahu government does not here’s what blinkin said ahead of these talks with abas on the cooperation that is needed for an

Enduring peace Israel must be must stop taking steps that undercut Palestinian ability to govern themselves effectively extremist settler violence carried out with impunity settlement expansion demolitions evictions all make it harder not easier for Israel to achieve lasting peace and security Now this morning a former Israeli ambassador to the US

Michael Orin said that blinkin sounded ton deaf to most Israelis with his messaging which was focused on protecting Palestinian civilians in Gaza as you just mentioned Orin also said most Israelis do not support the Palestinian Authority being involved in Gaza down the line the Netanyahu government itself has not publicly laid

Out its post-war requirements for Gaza as of yet so yes there are deferring policy points between the US and the government of Israel but some would argue where it actually matters like military aid for Israel and backing Israel in the UN Security Council Washington Heather is not wavering in any way

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken held talks with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank, and said that Gaza is key to the hopes for Palestinian statehood.

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