Crown prosecutor says gay activist who tore down Progress Pride flag was hate motivated


A gay Child Protection activist named Christopher cck who can often be seen holding a gaze against groomer signs in protests across the Lower Mainland that are opposing radical gender ideology and sexually explicit learning resources in schools has pled guilty for Mischief in regards to tearing down a progress pride

Flag in North Vancouver’s lawdale key area I’m Drea Humphrey with Rebel news bringing you an update on what took place in court this past Friday when CET entered his guilty plea and also bringing you an interview with him himself at the end of the day we’re all

Here because we want to protect children and that’s what this main focus is about protecting children and protecting our community at Rebel news we certainly don’t condone any criminal activity that includes politically motivated vandalism in fact if you’re concerned about the sexualization of kids happening in schools like Christopher cck we actually

Have a special dedicated website where where you can take civil action against that it’s called stop classroom and you can sign our petition and share it there which will be delivered to ministers of Education across the country but one thing we do stand for at Rebel news Is our

Commitment to tell you the other side of the story for example look at this Northshore news article here about cic’s case which leads heavy with the Crown’s argument that cic acted in hate while appearing to hope that its readers will lose interest before making it all the

Way to 3/4 down in the article where they can finally learn that chck himself is a gay man now if you’d like a more in depth rundown on the arguments that went back and forth in court on Friday you can find that in my written article which is linked in the description box

Below but in short cck actually pled guilty to two counts of Mischief one pertaining to the tearing down of the progress pride flag which is the one with the triangle on it which represents trans and non-binary people people of color are also thrown in there who knows

Why hard to keep up and the other was stemming from allegations that during covid-19 lockdowns he took a Sharpie and wrote offensive messages on the offices of two proo restriction mlas now unlike the pro drag for kid and tia Thugs who assaulted cic right in front of RCMP

Officers at a protest without any legal ramifications the the crown prosecutor agreed with cck’s defense lawyer Jordan allingham that cck should receive a conditional discharge for the sharpy vandalism but differed with the defense for the flag offense in saying that he should receive a suspended sentence which would include a criminal record

One-year probation and restrictions preventing him from going to the lale key area Crown argued that being motivated by hate should be an aggregating factor in the judge’s decision saying that cic actions with the flag were hateful towards the lgbtq plus Community despite him technically

Being a part of it and at one point she began arguing something along the lines of saying that although he’s a gay man he has heterosexual views I’m not sure what that meant allenham on the other hand argued that KCK should receive a conditional discharge for both offenses

Considering his guilty plea that he has a previously clean record the challenges he faced during lockdown as well as what you’ll hear in my interview with cic the troubles he faced as a child which included bullying and being victim of child grooming which led to being sexually molested by two different

Individuals allenham also argued that chemic was not motivated by hate says that removing the flag was an act of expression that he is now remorseful for and said that cic to him the flag is exclusionary and that he opposes the gender dysphoric ideology that if pushed

On him more as a child it would mean that he wouldn’t be free to be a gay man today the judge reserved her decision for a later date but here is what cck had to say when I caught up with him after the hearing um the reason I chose

To plead guilty is because there’s no denying the fact that yes I did go down to lawdale key and remove the rainbow flag I’ve never kept any secrets about that I do post a lot to social media and at the end of the day it’s about protecting kids and protecting my

Community and that’s why I did what I did now the main thing here is that you have the crown arguing hey it’s in the best interest of the public for you to receive a criminal record here saying that in particular the judge should consider that would be hate in this

Situation and that because it pertains to the lgbtq community uh you should have a criminal record what do you make of that given that you’re a gay man well I find it strange that they’re trying to call it a hate crime especially with their testimony today or the submissions when

They’re only showing video of me basically denouncing pedophilia and pedos there is nothing in the videos pertaining to being anti-trans or uh anything against the you know gender diverse Community or whatever they want to call themselves um my advocacy has always been about protecting children at

The end of the day we need to stop the sexualization of children The Grooming of children in schools with a sog1 123 program and just you know stop confusing kids that they could be trans that’s that’s not true what did you want to share about some of the things that have

Happened to you well yes I think my past is a key factor in what’s prompted me to do what I do I think it’s also because of what has happened to me in the past it has empowered me to speak out for people who are scared to speak out and

To show people who are uh who have been sexually abused a child that you know we’re all survivors and to find the strength to come out and speak out against staying silent about sexual abuse or or what they’re doing to children now is being compliant in

What’s going on and we need to speak out so you know yes the things that happen to me as a child were traumatic but I think it’s given me the strength I mean I’m still here at the age of 51 and it it’s my job and my duty to protect my

Community and protect children especially from pedophilia and I know firsthand what grooming is and maybe I just see it a little bit more clearly than some people gming means premeditated uh about a a buildup so in my case where the gentleman that abused me uh was in our lives he was part of

The Big Brothers Association and it was a slow process it was basically a DEC decade long process to get to the point where he actually sexually abused me which went on for a number of years under my teenage years so grooming is predatory now like I said we have to

Wait to see what the judge says here uh you did this act with the flag as a form of expression if if you had the choice to do it again would you what do you have to say that I found other avenues now to express my frustration through my

Artwork I’ve got a good support system uh yes I did what I did um my again my intentions were never to harm or hurt anybody on the flip side I’ve you know felt a lot of bullying and harassment during the covid uh pandemic which just antagonized and and prompted me even

More just just my own frustration so what I did is not hateful but it’s out of frustration so we need to be clear on that it’s not a hate crime it’s just frustration now you had a group of people who came here today to show support both for your cause against uh

Some of the radical gender ideology being taught in schools and to be here for you today what do you want to say about that and anybody else who’s concerned about your plight well it’s a great to have a great support system these people that have been with me now

For a few years and I knew them very well and at the end of the day we’re all here because we want to protect children and that’s what the main focus is about protecting children and protecting our community so what do you think I mean if you’re the head of the matey Association

Behaving christophobia flag and chanting something like I don’t know free Palestine you’re probably more likely to get coffee and donuts from the police in Canada than you are to be arrested for some sort of hate crime so do you think the judge will side on the error of a

Stricter sentence for Christopher cck a gay man and sexual abuse Survivor as a child who tore down a flag that no longer represents the actual lgbtq plus Community to me many in Canada but instead represents a radically driven political agenda let me know in the comments Drea Humphrey for Rebel

News at Rebel news we don’t back down from telling you the other side of the story or letting you know how you can take a civil stand go to stop classroom groming tocom if you’re tired of the sexual indoctrination happening to kids in schools and sign and share our

Petition there so that we send your concerns to ministers of educations across the country

? | Demand our leaders take action!
Drea Humphrey hears from Kristopher Kamienik, a gay man who is often seen holding “Gays Against Groomers” signs at protests against the radical gender ideology being taught in British Columbia schools, and has been accused of a hate-motivated crime for tearing down a Pride Progress flag.
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  1. Jesus said He loved Jacob but hated Esau… So is it that hard to believe He hates homosexuals too considering what He said about sending them all to hell in Romans ch.1, and Revelation 21?

  2. ????? By this faith (gospel) you are saved [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose ], if you hold firmly to the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain [ just superficially and without complete commitment]. For I passed on to you, as of first importance what I also received, -` ??´- THAT CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS ACCORDING TO {THAT WHICH} THE SCRIPTURES {FORE TOLD}, AND THAT HE WAS BURIED, AND THAT HE WAS { BODILY } RAISED ON THE THIRD DAY ACCORDING TO { THAT WHICH } THE SCRIPTURES (FORE TOLD). -1 CO 15: 2-4 (??? ????????)

  3. Good for him for ripping the fruit flag down, but homosexuality is wrong (any true Christian will agree with this) and he should get some help managing his unnatural impulses.

  4. The "Elites" are often pedophiles. B. Clinton, Prince Andrew, and Bill Gates all had frequent contact with Epstien and his pedophile island. Of course the government will protect the pedophiles, the government is completely bought and paid for.

  5. the ruling forces of canada keeps hågettin more evil, more devilish, more corrupt i see, going down the spiral of autocracy and dictatarship china style …the free ppl of the world resistance are still watching and taking notes…???????


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