Global National: Jan. 7, 2024 | Blinken addresses concerns of wider conflict in Middle East


On this Sunday night agonizing anniversary the humanitarian toll after 3 months of conflict in the Middle East this is a conflict that could easily metastasize as weapons of war continue to take innocent lives concerns of a wider conflict take center stage in Cutter Iran’s regime has a long history

Of trying to intimidate um members of the diaspora accusations Iran is ramping up its campaign to silence Iranian Canadians on a tragic anniversary this weekend blast of winter too little too late concerns for the coming year after a hot and dry 2023 we had to fight for 12 years to

Become gender equal and how a Canadian Olympic canoeist and her dad are smashing ceilings in sports global national with baren Asser good evening to you and thanks for joining us to today marks 3 months of bloody attacks in Gaza after hamas’s strike on October 7th that according to the Israeli government killed 1,00

People and kidnapped an estimated 240 others that same day Israel declared war against Hamas before launching its allout assault since then life and security on both sides of this conflict has been upended for Israelis the fear of waking up to militants for gazin the reality of losing family members as they

Sleep the world’s underlying worry right now 3 months in that this war could spread the US Secretary of State arrived in the Middle East today to warn countries in the region that this conflict could easily escalate Anthony blinkin says most people in the Middle East want peace and too many people in

Gaza have died and a warning you might find our coverage tonight disturbing according to the Hamas run Health Ministry almost 23,000 people have been killed since the War Began the United Nations says 2third or some 70% of those killed in Gaza are women and children according to UNICEF Gaza has become a

Graveyard for more than 5,000 children doctors without borderers says more than a hundred children are being killed each day the United Nations also says 85% of the Palestinian territory’s population is now displaced and that cases of disease are rapidly rising and nutrition is plummeting Israel will face the

International court of justice this week on accusations it’s committing genocide in Gaza which Israel rejects but as Redmond Shannon reports Israel still says it will not stop until Hamas is totally eliminated 75-year-old Hashim Abul Naga says he’s the only person left of his entire family after an air strike on Rafa in southern Gaza there are 33 people in the rubble including women and children he says adding that no one in his family was a militant is this blink’s gift to us on his visit he asks in reference to US military support for Israel far too many Palestinians innocent Palestinians have

Already been killed US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin is in the Middle East for the fourth time since October 7th speaking with leaders in Jordan and later cater holding talks on the regional spread of the conflict hostage negotiations and the fate of gazin We are continuing uh our discussions with

The parties and trying to uh achieve as soon as possible an agreement that can bring u a Seas fire and humanitarian uh relief and the release of of the hostages we continue to raise with Israel the need to do everything possible to facilitate the provision of humanitarian Aid to Gaza we reject the

Statements by some Israeli ministers and lawmakers calling for a resettlement of Palestinians outside of Gaza these statements are irresponsible they’re inflammatory the US remains Israel’s biggest Ally and blink heads there this week treading a diplomatic tight rope Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he won’t stop the military campaign until Hamas has been

Eliminated and all hostages are freed but Hamas insists the bombing must stop for more hostages to be released two of the latest victims of those Israeli strikes are more journalists one of them Hamza aladu the son of Al jazer reporter whale aladu in October whale’s wife two other children and a grandson were

Killed in another air strike what has my family done to Israel he asks the committee to protect journalists says 79 journalists and media workers have been killed in this war Redman Channon Global News London and while Innocents continue to be killed in Gaza there has been a flare

Up in Bloodshed in the West Bank an Israeli air strike early this morning killed six Palestinians in Janine according to the Palestinian health authority Israel police say one of its officers was killed in the city when her vehicle was hit by an explosive and according to the Israeli Defense Force

And Israeli civilian was shot dead in the rala area uh the keeper back here in Canada Pro Palestinian protesters drown out Toronto mayor Olivia Chow’s remarks during the city’s annual mayor skate party the demonstrators called for freedom for Palestinians and an end to the violence happening in Gaza demanding a ceasefire

But they largely stayed on the sidelines during the event in Ukraine the country endured yet another round of air strikes from Russia overnight officials say at least 11 people were killed by a Russian missile strike including five children in the Ukraine controlled part of the dones

Region in the city of nepro a dozen people were injured from a drone attack Ukraine’s Air Force says Russia launched 28 attack drones and three cruise missiles overnight but they say air defense systems shot down all of the drones there are more flight disruptions in the US today after that frightening

Ordeal on an Alaska Airlines flight the airline again grounded all of its mowing 737 Max n jetliners after Federal officials in the US indicated further maintenance might be required the FAA ordered them grounded after an Alaska Airlines flight had a portion of its fuselage blown out shortly after takeoff

From Portland on Friday the plane landed safely with no serious injuries Alaska had returned 18 of its 65 Max NES to service after the initially passed inspection the FAA says 170 1 Boeing Max 9 Airplanes will remain grounded until they are all deemed safe in British Columbia one person has been found dead

After a helicopter crash in the province’s mountainous interior RCMP say the private helicopter was traveling from Calgary to syc on Friday evening when they were alerted of a ping from an emergency locator transmitter about 18 kilometers east of Revelstoke after two days of searching rescue crews found the

Wreckage in Glacier National Park the cause that the crash is under investigation the victim was the sole occupant of the helicopter across Canada today winter has finally arrived from blizzards to deep freezes to snow accumulation much of the country is finally getting a real taste of the Season Abigail Bean looks

At what we can all expect in the months to come people in the nation’s capital woke up to the first serious snowfall of the Season finally a respectable sprinkling they told me Canada is snow sow way and when I I came here I I found nothing so

Where is snow it’s joke no but nownow it’s good I’m so excited I’m really happy uh we got a few centimeters overnight and uh some more coming today and winter has been slow to show up in most of Canada Sunday’s map shows a different story with weather warnings

And statements right across the country from a blizzard warning in Black tickled newfinland to a significant snowfall expected on BC’s Sunshine Coast the Prairies will see the coldest temperatures this week a piece of the polar vortex the Arctic Aira that’s usually over the North Pole is going to shift over Saskatchewan Manitoba and

Alberta places like Calgary are looking at daytime highs struggling to get out to the minus 30s overnight lows in the mid-30s and early morning wind chills potentially pushing toward Theus 50 the city of Winnipeg warning people to stay safe with the windchill making it feel

As cold Asus 27 Sunday night for many a winter burst is welcome news like this qualifying event at an Edmonton Ski Hill for the Alberta and Arctic Winter Games we’ve had a postpone a few events um we’re hoping that we can run them maybe later on in the season uh we’re

Hoping for some more snow the big question for people who live in Ottawa and tourists alike when will we be able to skate on the canal last time for the first time in its history the canal was closed all season due to warm weather crews are already working to get it open

But it hasn’t been cold enough we need about 2 weeks at at least – 10 for save ice kind of symbolic of the changing of winter and the fact that we’re on track for it not to be opening anytime soon but the second year in a row is is

Pretty depressing I’d rather you know be pleasantly surprised than you know have the hopes crushed again while other parts of Canada are still waiting for winter salt trucks are out in BC prepping for a snowy and rainy blast as for the rest of the winter well February

Is the real wild card here we’re not really seeing any strong Trend either way I think it’ll likely be closer to seasonal maybe slightly warmer than normal but pull out the parkas for now with a colder than normal January Abigail Bean Global News Ottawa the snow is a welcome sight to

Cross the Prairies as many regions continue to battle historic droughts 20123 was hot and dry and the Outlook is no better for 2024 as Heather yor West explains the situation is so bad that the Alberta Government is already warning communities and Industry to plan for potential water shortages in the month

Ahead it’s a blast of winter but across Southern Alberta this January snowfall is likely too little and too late we know snow is how we got into trouble last year with the drought uh the snow packs were below normal and then they melted early well this year they’re

Below what they were last year while much of the country is experiencing drought conditions right now the situation is most serious across parts of the Northwest Territories and the southern prairies setting the stage for some big problems around the availability of water in a year ahead just before the holidays we reached out

To uh municipalities across the province uh because we really wanted to make sure that they were putting plans in place last spring Calgary enacted restrictions on water use for the first time in the city’s history but with Reservoir levels low and the alal weather pressure still in play many forecasters believe this

Summer’s drought could be even more severe Le bridge is uh very very concerned about being to able to supply drinking water to its residents uh next over this year and uh many rural communities that rely on small surface water ponds are in dire trouble it’s a problem for industry too 50% of

Alberta’s water is allocated to farming but the region is also a major food processing Hub food processing is quite intensive and it requires a lot of water if you don’t have any water you have to cut back on production and that’s the last that’s the last thing you want to

Do as a business because production Cuts would see food prices climb it’s not as if we’re just in some bad luck I think there’s been a fundamental change to our climate with warmer temperatures there’s greater demand for that water especially if we see a wildfire season as bad as

2023 water is a critical resource and the lack of it could be one of the biggest challenges facing Western Canadians this year Heather U West Global News Calgary The Fallout from Nova scotia’s flooding disaster coming up why the province’s program to help is falling far short it was last July when flash floods

Left parts of Nova Scotia unrecognizable and though it’s already 2024 some residents are still waiting for much needed help a couple is Raising questions about the province’s disaster financial assistance program as Vanessa Wright reports they have yet to receive a single scent despite applying months ago before I do anything after

Everything is done it’ll be clean again for David and claudet Oxford coming home doesn’t have the same feel or look as it once did it’s been undergoing repairs for the better part of 3 months he was just one of the many homes to suffer damage from flash floods in Nova Scotia

Last July but this happened so fast this was a this was a flood that went from zero water in the basement to 7 ft of water in the basement in under half an hour the water engulfing furniture kitchen items and everything in their basement flushing away 40 years of

Memories in its wake down the basement you could poke your finger in the wall it was saturated with water so bad um and the mold was growing on the Walls Within 2 to 3 days down there also the oxfords applied for the province’s disaster financial assistance program

Last October they say since then someone did come to their Bedford home to assess the damage but as far as financial assistance they have yet to see a dime I’m a little surprised I haven’t had something come back in writing or a letter or an email or something just to

Say we’ve received your claim it looks like you qualify and over time you don’t even have to give me a date but over the next year or the next six months uh a resolution or whatever will be made in a statement to Global News Nova scotia’s emergency management office says at this

Time more than 1,600 applications have been received through the July 2023 floods DFA program and more than $4.5 million in payments have been issued she adds the remaining applications are in various stages of processing which can take several months it’s difficult for people to move on with their lives if

They don’t have any idea you know a is the government going to help them and be how much does that entail now despite paying more than $90,000 in repairs out of out of pocket the oxfords say they still consider themselves to be the lucky ones that’s compared to the other

35 households along the street who saw similar damages but haven’t been able to pay for repairs as quickly at the end of the day we were able to do it I I was able to do it I feel that people who weren’t able to do it it’s a whole

Different discussion one that he hopes comes soon for those not as fortunate as them Vanessa Wright Global News Bedford Nova Scotia ahead why Iran is Banning a Canadian activist’s mother from leaving the Country across the country tonight there are vigils marking the fourth anniversary of the Downing of flight ps752 in Iran all to remember the 176 people on board who lost their lives in including many Canadians when the Ukrainian passenger plane was mistakenly shot down by Iran’s Islamic revolutionary guard Corp over

Tran 55 Canadians and 30 permanent residents were among those killed in the tragedy and while victim’s families still grapple with Sor four years later the Iranian regime is ramping up its campaign to silence dissidents abroad nagar moah reports you don’t have to speak farsy to understand the pain in this mother’s

Voice the thought of never seeing you again she says is driving me crazy Canadian activist hmed is smun says his mother tan shamsu laahi has been banned from leaving Iran for at least 6 months she she was in distress I I have heard that she was shivering when she heard

The news shamahi was stopped at Ton’s airport as seen here on her way to Canada to be with ismile Yun to Mark the 4-year anniversary of his wife and daughter’s deaths both killed when Iran’s Islamic revolutionary guard Corps shot down their flight with two surfac to- a missiles Canada must stand for justice

Is Yun believes the ban is a form of Revenge for his activism and following his calls for action after a former senior minister of the regime was seen vacationing in Canada it’s Republic always has punished U like Iranian activists out of Iran by by taking their families as a hostage Global Affairs

Canada posted on X that it is deeply concerned about the intimidation of family members of victims of flight ps752 we appreciate that but this is not enough Iran’s regime has a long history of trying to intimidate U members of the diaspora human rights lawyer K shatu says accounts like this are not unusual

With threats from the regime even on Canadian soil a recent Global News investigation uncovered reports of hundreds of regime linked Associates living in Canada and instead of giving him Justice the Iranian regime um is now harassing other members of his family and putting him under threat it really

Speaks to how Despicable and evil the Iranian regime is it was important to have my mom uh in my side while regime linked insiders are living in Canada ison’s mother can’t even leave Iran denied access to her son at a time when he needs her the most Nar mosah Global News

Vancouver next the Calgary Olympic family smashing gender barriers in Sports a Calgary Olympic canoeist who broke gender barriers in her sport is speaking out about the importance of fighting for what you believe in as Carolyn Curry de Castillo reports Olympian Haley Daniels comes from an athletic family who shares stories of the struggle to be accepted as an athlete Haley Daniels

Knows the hard work it takes to win but in her case she had to fight just to compete we had to fight for 12 years to become gender equal when Haley competed at the Summer Olympics in Tokyo in 2021 she made history women’s canoe kayak events had previously been excluded from

The games that year the sport made its debut it was hard to go to training some days when you had no idea if your dream will ever actually come to fruition you have to believe in a cause even when a lot of people don’t believe in it this weekend

Haley was speaking at the female sports Summit in Calgary we can show the growth and the opportunity that’s come because of courageous women she says there’s been some major strides in women’s sports but change is still needed when it comes to equal pay and sponsorship according to the international Olympic

Committee uh everything is gender equal but uh just because there’s gender equality in terms of representation on the field does not mean that that is equality in terms of how much sponsorship dollars there are her dad Kimberly Daniels was at the Tokyo games too as the first openly transgender

Olympic judge my dad lived uh the majority of her life uh as someone who she did not feel comfortable being and it took her until 65 years old to come out authentically and so uh if you can do that earlier in your life it’s a lot easier Haley describes sport is still

Having an exclusive element where everything is based on gender lines sport it’s there’s a male category and a female category and there is no it’s black and white there is no uh other category both Haley and her dad are encouraging others to have open conversations about gender diversity in

Sport she says change takes time but her family’s struggles have proved that it happens there is a an amazing accepting community of people now and there’s a lot less naysayers uh but she’s going to have a challenge but she also has to know there’s Amazing Allies I’m her Ally I

Can be there for her um and there’s people that believe in her or him or they Carol and Curry de Castillo Global News and that’s global national for this Sunday night I’m faren AER and on behalf of our whole crew here I want to thank you so much for spending part of your

Sunday evening with us tonight’s here Canada is Saskatoon where the city’s Police Service is celebrating a very special retirement Brian a 10-year-old German Shepherd has spent the last eight years sniffing out evidence tracking people down and apprehending suspects as a police service dog he now gets to

Spend most of his days going for walks playing Fetch and chilling by the lake Donna will be back with you tomorrow until next time take care of yourselves and take care of each other good night

In tonight’s top story: U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in the Middle East on Sunday for his fourth visit since the Israel-Hamas conflict began. Blinken expressed concern over the high number of people killed in Gaza and emphasized the need for peace. However, Israel has continued its offensive against Hamas and has stated that it will not stop until the militant group is eliminated. Redmond Shannon reports.

Meanwhile, winter has finally arrived in Canada with blizzards, deep freezes and heavy snow accumulations. After a slow start, Abigail Bimman takes a look at what Canadians can expect in the months to come.

In Alberta, Communities and industries are being warned to prepare for possible water shortages in the coming months, as the province battles historic droughts. The snowfall across the prairies is a welcome sight, but the situation remains dire after a hot and dry 2023 — and the outlook for this year is no better. Heather Yourex-West reports on the urgent need for planning and action to address the looming water crisis.

Over in Nova Scotia, a couple has raised concerns about the province’s disaster financial assistance program after they have yet to receive any funds for their damaged home, despite applying months ago. Flash floods in July of 2023 left parts of Nova Scotia unrecognizable and some affected residents are still waiting for much-needed help. The lack of assistance has left many wondering about the effectiveness of the program. Vanessa Wright reports.

Canada also marks the fourth anniversary of the downing of Flight PS752. 176 people, including 55 Canadians and 30 permanent residents, lost their lives when the Ukrainian passenger plane was mistakenly shot down by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Corps over Tehran. Families say they are still facing intimidation from the Iran regime to stay silent. One Canadian activist tells Global News his mother has been banned from leaving Iran for six months. Negar Mojtahedi reports.

A Calgary Olympic canoeist who broke gender barriers in her sport is speaking out about the importance of fighting for what you believe in. She comes from an athletic family and shares stories of the struggle to be accepted. Carolyn Kury de Castillo reports.

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  1. Well.actually but where is leader of the united nation that u have to know that u are responsible for the plastin people solve that problem so i would like to send this message to united nation so we will not allow what is going in Gaza to send alot of of food to that Era olso we will not accept the children who died in Gaza really it would be shameful on us all so we must stop fighting with that is good. Stop stopping you that is great

  2. Gently placing to the side that Trump is an enabler of domestic terrorism and a protector of hate groups, we may wish to explore the fact that Blinken and Biden are enablers of Netanyahu's war crimes. The DNC has fallen quite a few pegs. Don't get me wrong. What Hamas did to the 1000+ Israelis is a heart-breaking crime against humanity. What Netanyahu did to over 8,000 children and to over 12,000 elderly as well as adult non-combatants are also heart-breaking crimes against humanity. I have to ask a why do we keep protecting and rewarding the monsters of our societies. Sigh. ?

  3. 0:00: ? Humanitarian toll after 3 months of conflict in the Middle East raises concerns of wider conflict. Iran's regime intimidates diaspora, silencing Iranian Canadians.
    4:53: ? Escalating violence in Middle East and Ukraine leads to casualties and protests.
    9:11: ?? Uncertain outlook for skating on Ottawa canal due to warm weather, with potential for colder February ahead.
    13:25: ? Basement flooding devastates family, delays financial aid
    18:45: ? Olympian breaks gender barriers in canoeing, highlighting the struggle for equality in sports.
    Recapped using Tammy AI

  4. Hilarious how the news now announces the hostages that were taken by Hamas and frame it as “according to the Israeli government” when we all know the people, friends and relatives of the festival goers seen these people get slaughtered. The global news then goes on for a lengthy amount of time About the GASA people , and how children’s were injured and being bombed as their parents continued to support Hamas and turn the blind eye for how many years? Participating and allowing this government to overrun Gaza. Then here in Canada people continue to turn a blind eye to the original crime of missiles, terrorism of civilians and children. That was the original crime. What you get now is only a response maybe you should’ve thought about that a long time ago when you were in Gaza, allowing these Hamas terrorists to survive. They had parents they had family members that could’ve scored them, guided them in the right direction, but they chose not to. This is the result, a bloody war, losers on both sides, learn how to conduct a civil society, or expect the wrath of death on either side.

  5. Secretary Blinken is way behind news: the war in Gaza has already spilled over…, Lebanon, the Red Sea, Syria, the West Bank!!… Stay safe Canada because the fury of winter is hitting hard, greetings from Puebla, Mexico!


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