Homeless encampment in downtown Toronto continues to fester amid multi-million dollar condo towers


If nothing happens I foresee a very difficult winter and I don’t have all the solutions but I’m doing my best given the $1.5 billion budget deficit we have every day they look out their windows and they see this where a park should be and maybe they’re questioning

Why they’re paying taxes to the city of Toronto given that the city doesn’t seem to be doing anything about this encampment yeah I live in the area just a the road uh seeing this 10 City kind of grow over the past few months David men for Rebel news here at

Clarence Park Square in downtown Toronto and folks as you can see this little parkette has been entirely taken over by squatters and it’s a really disgraceful situation it doesn’t look safe it doesn’t look clean and you got to wonder all these people in these pricey condo towers do you think maybe they’re

Suffering from buyer remorse that every day they look out their windows and they see this where a park should be and maybe they’re questioning why they’re paying taxes to the city of Toronto given that the city doesn’t seem to be doing anything about this encampment indeed Last Summer if you can imagine a

New Benchmark was reached Visa hobo entitlement I guess check out this report from the Toronto Sun quote a work crew at Clarence Square Park a little parkette at Wellington Street and Spadina Avenue said they have been installing new water mains to replace crumbling infrastructure for the past

Few weeks two of the workers said a few of the residents of the enclosures in the encampment have come over to voice their displeasure with the workers for doing their jobs and become violent and confrontational to the point they had to call the police so they could complete

Their work end quote can you believe it folks presumably the noise from the construction equipment was disturb in the sleep of the hobos here who I suppose like to get up at oh I don’t know the crack of noon yeah live in the area just up the road uh seeing this 10

City kind of grow over the past few months it started off with a few uh few people and then now you know it’s huge you can see it behind me now I have to tell you as much as I want to hear the stories of the people here it’s

Pointless that’s because it’s downright dangerous do do you recall when my cameraman Lincoln J and I paid a visit to Trinity Bellwoods Park just a few clicks away from here back in September of 2020 check out this footage please move move I don’t like myself being film

You don’t have the right to actually smash that camera right now would do that I have the right to smash that c do that by law I have the right to smash that you have the right to smash that camera by law Yeah by law you know I

Smash that what low what law are you you know folks what made the Trinity Bellwoods situation so egregious is that while this homeless encampment was being tolerated elsewhere in the park the city had painted so-called social distancing circles and if you violated the etiquette of the

Circle I.E stepping out of it or having too many people in your circle by law was going to give you a nice whopping $880 ticket unbelievable also the city was fully aware that that crack addict was in possession of a dangerous dog and again chose to turn a blind eye speaking

Of Man’s Best Friend the city of Toronto became an international laughing stock last year when it erected a certain sign at an offleash dog park at St Andrews playground not very far away from here the signs warned dog owners to quote not allow your dogs to bark and disturb the neighborhood end

Quote yeah apparently the Geniuses at the city of Toronto believe that dog owners are so many Dr dittles you know they can talk to the animals and the Animals fully comprehend English if I could Pary with pads it’s a fairy tale worthy of H Anderson or Grim a man who

Walks with the animals talks with the animals Grunts and squeaks and squarks with the animals this is the most exciting me ever happened to me Polynesia I can’t wait to start now we did reach out to the city of Toronto to get their take on this namely why is it

That so many sections of the trespass act are not being acted upon well here’s what the city said in a statement and it’s a doozy quote the city responds to encampments by using the skill sets tools relationships and author authorities of multiple City divisions and Community Partners to respond to the

Complex health and safety risks in an around encampments facilitate access to inside spaces removal of waste and debris and ensure shared use spaces are accessible to all the city of Toronto contracts Park security who support Community safety specifically around encampments a team is currently stationed at Clarence Square Park 247 to

Report any emergencies to 911 and new encampments to City staff so that Outreach teams can provide support streets to homes Outreach staff and Community Partners visit various sites daily focused on building trusting relationships with encampment occupants to help address immediate health and safety needs assist with referral

To space in the shelter system and connect people to supports and permanent housing across the city’s encampments the majority of tent reductions are a direct result of city and Community partner Outreach efforts as encampment occupants move to the shelter system or permanent Supportive Housing from January 1 2023 to December 20th 2023

Outreach staff referred approximately 1 , 477 individuals living outside into the shelter system of these 841 people were from encampments during the same time frame the city and its Partners also worked to help 208 people living outside secure permanent housing with 93 from encampments all members of

The community are welcome to use the city’s Park s but living in an encampment is a violation of City bylaws any decision to initiate a trespass enforcement begins only after Outreach and engagement efforts including referrals to inside Space have been unsuccessful end quote I don’t even know

How to make sense of that gobbly g folks I really don’t but could it be one of the reasons why the city isn’t doing anything thing about this encampment and so many other encampments around Hogtown is due to a ruling by a judge last year I’m speaking of Michael Valente he is a

Justice with the Ontario Superior Court and he last January rejected a request for an injunction to dismantle a shanty town in Kitchener because there wasn’t enough shelter spaces for drug users or couples essentially Justice valante uh ruled that the regional Municipality of waterl could not enforce laws pertaining to trespassing or Public

Safety it was a ludicrous decision yet it stands it has yet to be appealed and I’m just wondering if one of the reasons Justice Volante came to this decision is due to the fact that oh I don’t know I don’t don’t think Justice valante lives next door to something like this in the

Meantime much to the Chagrin of law-abiding taxpaying citizens don’t expect the city of Toronto to do anything tangible to address a festering mess like this and so many other Shanty towns around this city right now we are tragically witnessing Toronto continue its downward spiral into becoming San Francisco North

For Rebel news I’m David the meno menes you know folks it seems to us that there is just a negligent lack of political will to fix problems that plague cities right across Canada we have started a petition to address this please go to fixar cities.com that’s fix

Our cities.com put your name on that petition and send a message to the local politicians that something like this is completely unacceptable

| Last January, Ontario Superior Court Justice Michael Valente rejected a request for an injunction to dismantle a tent city in Kitchener, Ont., because there wasn’t enough shelter spaces available for drug users or couples.
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  1. Someone please tell Trudeau to stop giving needles to addicts at so-called safe injection sites, and stop giving them free drugs. Also CLOSE the border to illegal immigrants, anyone entering Canada illegally should be turned around at the border immediately ! Trudeau is destroying Canada with his wokeness !

  2. 487 government funded buildings for woman with children in Ontario. Not one in Canada for men with children. When housing priority is given to illegals and refugees, what's the other option?

  3. One big problem is City taxes on residential is 33% too low, just compare same house values in Markham, Vaughn, Pickering etc and taxes are much higher. Those municipalities don't have as much transit or subways to offer their citizens. Toronto goes begging to the Province and the Feds for money so taxes can stay lower for their citizens.

  4. Sorry, but I will not sign the petition. Torontonians have what they wanted to have, lifestyle and diversity they voted for. It’s not my business to change their priorities. Obviously they must like it. Nobody twisted their hands at the ballot. They voted for "diversity", they got it.

  5. You're wrong the city is doing a lot about the tents. The city has done an excellent job on making the tent city a tent mega city. Thats the Liberals plan. TENT MEGA CITY. Also Streets to Homes is a complete scam. I know from personal experience they have no intention on taking anybody off the street and putting them in a home. Their budget would go down. The more people they have on the street the more Streets to Homes profits. They acted like they were trying to help me find a home but all the information they ever had was a 2 weeks old on housing and by that time all the places were taken that were in the price range I could afford on ODSP. They might put on a smile but I assure you that's just smoke and mirrors. I did view one room with a worker and it was infested with bed bugs. They told me i should take it. "Better then living in my suv". I would also like to mention that the city has never looked dirtier. I live on Danforth Avenue and I see garbage blowing around the streets every day everywhere. Nobody's cleaning this stuff up garbage just flying everywhere at Pape and Danforth. It would be great if you can do a little story on that..

  6. Those people in the million dollar condos voted for those encampments. They got what they want and they can't complain. I'm quite happy to see these encampments in their neighbourhood for once. Usually these people vote for these but then put the homeless in everyone else's front yard.


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