Harvard ex-president: New Yorkers protest against attacks on Claudine Gay


Anti-semitic rhetoric when it crosses into conduct it amounts to bullying harassment intimidation that is actionable conduct and we do take action Stand up fight noce no justice we have started these weekly onour protests in front of Mr aiman’s office he has said that the resignation of Miss Dr Gay at harit is not the end of it they’re going to keep fighting to the ndei which is diversity equity and

Inclusion that’s declaring a war on all of us blacks women gayes Dei was designed to bring fairness and equality to people that had been historically marginalized and eliminated so now he wants to go back to where we will not be the ones that are considered for promotions for employment in Academia

And in the corporate world we going to fight back we going to be every week and we’re going to keep [Applause] building

Reverend Al Sharpton and his National Action Network picketed outside the New York City office of billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman on Thursday, to protest his attacks against former Harvard University president Claudine Gay.

“We have started these weekly, one-hour protests in front of Mr. Ackman’s office. He has said that the resignation of Ms., Dr. Gay at Harvard is not the end of it. They’re going to keep fighting to end DEI, which is diversity, equity and inclusion,” Sharpton said. “That’s declaring a war on all of us — blacks, women, gays.”

On Tuesday, Gay said she would resign from her position at Harvard, ending a six-month tenure marred by allegations of plagiarism and backlash over her congressional testimony about antisemitism on campus. Gay had come under pressure to resign over her comments at the Dec. 5 congressional hearing, while also facing several allegations of plagiarism for her academic work in recent months.

Some of Gay’s critics, including Ackman, have argued that she was chosen for the role as part of the school’s effort to promote diversity rather than for her qualifications. Some right-wing activists celebrated Gay’s resignation on Tuesday as a win in their mission to dismantle diversity, equity and inclusion programs.

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  1. DON'T be standing ANYWHERE near Race Hustler Sharpton as he stands before the Lord… dividing His people, leading them astray & causing them to stumble has severe, catastrophic & eternal consequences.

    c: Senator Josh Hawley

  2. I have no love for Claudine Gay, but this quote from her resignation letter was inspired…

    “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.”

  3. Funny, no Ironic that Sharpton, who's public figure career started on a lie about a women is there to defend another women who's caught lying approx 50 times and is comfortable letting intimadation for a particular group of people on campus not only continue but proclaims the university supports that intimadation / hatred.

  4. TO KNOW WHO CONTROLS YOU, FIND OUT WHO YOU CAN'T CRITICIZE. "These people" were even able to get the Harvard president fired. Let's start talking about the power "these people" have over our world.

  5. Que reste-t-il d'humain dans l'être qui, depuis 75 ans, prend par le sang la vie de milliers d'enfants innocents, Pour s'approprier leur terre et leur maison ?

    Que reste-t-il d'humain dans l'être Faisant endurer aux autres le même sort que lui ont fait subir certains de ceux qui, aujourd'hui, sont ses précieux soutiens?


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