Iran explosion: US, Israel not involved with blast, State Department says


Still me [Applause] down has For I do want to address some of the irresponsible claims that I have seen circulate and say that number one the United States was not involved in any way and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous and number two we have no reason to believe that Israel was

Involved in this explosion why not we just do not have any information to believe that that’s the case did someone suggest that they were I mean other than the we have seen multiple accusations related to both potent supposed fictional United States involvement and as I said we have no reason to believe

Israel wased and what about on on on Beirut uh I don’t have an assessment to make about who was responsible for um uh that incident I’ll leave it to the government of Israel to speak to their actions okay but so more broadly though are you concerned at all that that both

Either or both of these are going to um you know turn this into the regional confrontation the regional conflict that you had been publicly saying you wanted to avoid we remain uh incredibly concerned as we have been from the outset of this conflict about the risk of the conflict spreading into other

Fronts um both inside Israel uh whether it be in the North or whether it be uh uh uh in the West Bank and or outside of Israel uh in other other countries in the region which is why you’ve seen the secretary engage in intensive diplomacy to try to urge all the relevant parties

Not to escalate the conflict and other uh countries and other groups in the region not to escalate as well I wouldn’t say that our concern is any higher today than it has been from the beginning it’s been something that we’ve been intensely focused on it is in no

One’s interest it’s not in the interest of any country in the region it’s not in any country in the interest of any country in the world to see this conflict escalated any further than it already is and that’s the message we will continue to send

After two explosions in Iran killed about 100 people during a death anniversary ceremony for commander Qassem Soleimani on Wednesday, Iranian officials blamed Israel and the U.S. for the attacks.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi told a crowd in Tehran that “the Zionist regime will pay the price for this crime,” while head of Iran’s elite Quds force Esmail Ghaani said that “the Zionist regime and the criminal America” will be “disgraced.”

Speaking separately in Washington, D.C., U.S. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said that “the United States was not involved in any way and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous,” adding that “we have no reason to believe that Israel was involved in this explosion.”

Several countries, including Russia and Turkey, condemned the attacks while the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General called for those responsible to be held accountable.

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  1. Can anyone really believe anything that anyone in the US or Israeli administration ever says ever again? Israel has started a genocide on a Oct 7th lie and the US has approved and funded it based on that lie, knowing full well it is a lie. They have also supported the lie of collateral civilian deaths knowing full well Israel intends to inflict civilian casualties intentionally.

  2. This is nothing but two men standing f@ce to face and one punched on the other one’s face while the other was turning around his head. When he turns his face back the other just claimed it wasn’t me.


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