Discover the mystery of December in Canada as the winter wonderland takes a surprising twist

Where did December go? Canada's winter wonderland turned upside down

“December 2023: A Record-Breaking Month for Weather in Canada

As we bid farewell to December and welcome the new year, it’s only fitting to reflect on the unprecedented weather patterns that characterized the final month of 2023 in Canada. From fluctuating temperatures to record warmth and unexpected levels of snow, December was anything but typical. Let’s take a closer look at the notable weather oddities and records that made December 2023 stand out across the country.

Unprecedented Temperatures

A staggering 10 million square kilometers of Canada experienced above-normal temperatures in December. Some regions saw values that were more than 10 degrees above normal, marking the warmest December temperatures on record. Notably, Victoria, Comox, and Vancouver, B.C., recorded their warmest mean December temperatures on record, with Vancouver’s peak reaching over 7°C.

The Prairie provinces also experienced their warmest December on record in cities like Calgary, Edmonton, Fort McMurray, and Medicine Hat in Alberta, as well as Kindersley, Saskatoon, Swift Current, and Yorkton in Saskatchewan. Even northern regions of Canada, such as Churchill, and The Pas, Manitoba, saw record warmth.

The contrast between December 2022 and December 2023 daytime highs is stark. For instance, Edmonton, which didn’t see a single second above the freezing mark the previous December, experienced 25 days above that benchmark in 2023. Similarly, Saskatoon’s temperatures this year were warmer than the mildest days experienced in December 2022.

Other regions across Canada, such as Ontario and Atlantic Canada, also faced unusually mild December temperatures, with many locations having their second warmest December on record.

National Precipitation Extremes

In addition to the unusual temperatures, December 2023 also brought with it notable precipitation extremes. For instance, The Pas experienced its driest December on record, recording just 0.6 mm of precipitation for the entire month. On the other hand, cities like Toronto and Ottawa saw a substantial amount of rain, with Toronto airport and Ottawa both experiencing some of the rainiest December on record.

Looking Ahead

As we move into January, there are signs of colder temperatures across the Prairies, marking the likely coldest values so far this season. Colder air is also expected to make its way across British Columbia. However, the stubborn warmth relative to normal is expected to persist across Ontario, Quebec, and Atlantic Canada.

The unprecedented weather patterns in December 2023 prompt us to consider the implications of climate change and the increasing unpredictability of weather across the globe. The numerous weather oddities and records set in Canada last month serve as a reminder of the urgent need to address climate change and its far-reaching effects.

In conclusion, while the unusual weather patterns in December 2023 may have left many Canadians in awe, they also serve as a sobering glimpse into the future of our planet’s climate. As we move forward, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and take proactive measures to mitigate the impact of climate change for the well-being of future generations.”



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