Trump removed from Maine presidential primary ballot


Donald Trump is facing another hurdle in his Run for the Republican Presidential nomination Maine is joining Colorado in keeping Trump off the state’s Republican primary ballot Steve fman joins us on this story Steve this is a contentious decision why don’t you take us through it a little bit well it’s very

Contentious you may recall last week the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump was not eligible to appear on its ballot next year and then last night the secretary of state from said the same that Trump is not qualified this all goes back to the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution this

Was passed right after the Civil War in the 1860s it was primarily to prevent people who took part in the Confederacy from holding office it basically says if you are an officer or were an officer and took an oath of office to defend the Constitution then took part in an

Insurrection you cannot hold office and that’s why these two states are based ing their decisions on that now last night the secretary of state from Maine explained part of her rationale it became clear uh that January 6 was an attack not only on the capital on government officials uh but

Also an attack on the rule of law that it was an Insurrection and that the US Constitution does not tolerate an assault on our government on the foundations of our government and that main election law and the Constitution required indeed obligated me to act and she basically said that Donald

Trump knew what he was doing she said he was sort of the instigator that he may not have been at the capital may not have invaded the capital but his words instigated people to take part in the Insurrection so that’s where it stands right now obviously appeals are

Expected so states are coming down on both sides of the legal question but it could all end up at the US Supreme Court so what are we expecting to see there what should we watch for well it almost certainly we can’t guarantee it but it almost certainly will appear before the

US Supreme Court it will make the final decision now not every state is going along with this California where I am right now a very liberal state has decided to allow Donald Trump to appear on the ballot but there are around a dozen states that are actually considering taking Trump off the ballot

Now there will be appeals by Trump last night his campaign called this basically trying to deny the American people the right to choose who they want to choose for the presidency and even some of Donald Trump’s opponents have said this is something the people should decide

Not the courts now one major move that the Trump uh lawyers will likely make is that they feel that Donald Trump has not been given his due process they say well before the secretary of state of Maine he was not able to present his point of

View so there are many things the US Supreme Court can rule on they don’t have to actually rule specifically on whether or not he took part in an Insurrection they can find some technicalities that would allow him to appear on the ballot and most people think that will be the main argument by

The Trump lawyers that he was not given due process and that there are other technicalities that should allow him to remain on the ballot thanks Steve we appreciate this Steve fman in Los Angeles

Donald Trump is facing another hurdle in his run for the Republican presidential nomination. Maine joins Colorado in keeping Trump off the state’s Republican primary ballot.

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  1. If you can't see how obvious these trends are, their actions and the whole narrative, you need to open your mind.
    Love or hate Trump, this is 3rd world nonsense. This leads to civil wars, this isn't good for anyone over time.

  2. This is true election interference, and even while Democrats are finding every legal possibility of keeping Trump from his second term, Bidens approval ratings have dropped lower than any president in the last 40 years. The people are speaking.

  3. wow….. the USA is acting like a 3rd world country….shutting out political opponents without any charges or convictions!

    Political corruption. Thankfully the Supreme Court put him back on the ballot in Colorado.

    Democrats are really proving themselves as corrupt….not that most people have not saw that already.

  4. Instigator because he exists. If there was no opposition then there would be no bad behaviour from opposition…. Meanwhile Democrats denied Trump won election. Tried to impeach based off blatant lies by Hillary Clinton campaign that he was colluding with Russia and then continued weaponizing the justice system. Called a minor riot an insurrection soley for political reasons not because there was actually an insurrection. Despite Trump on record saying "be peaceful use your voice" and the fact their was 20 security for 10,000 people but they say he incited it. Then add dozens of petty paperwork charges. The actions of democrats are straight from Soviet Union tactical book. I didn't even cover everything, they've completely lost all integrity abused power and title to attack their political opponent. It's actually a real danger to the entire western system.

  5. Approaching 9 years of trying to get him arrested, only to find nothing. Now they are trying to get him off a ballot because he literally told people to be peaceful. Corruption in the left literally knows no bounds. How's SNC Lavalin doing these days?


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