Argentina protests: At least 6 detained at demonstrations against Milei austerity measures


[Aplausos] [Aplausos] este decreto es nulo de nulidad absoluta no porque deroga 300 leyes sino porque no cumple los requisitos que la Constitución establece decos urgencia y además viola la Constitución porque arrasa con los derechos laborales y sociales de la mayoría de los argentinos en la Argentina se está produciendo una violación de los

Derechos fundamentales en la Argentina para los trabajadores está produciendo un ataque al salario de características descomunales en la Argentina se está prohibiendo a las personas movilizarse frente a un ajuste contra los que menos treso de su salario Un gobierno que a la vez favorece los intereses de los grandes [Música] [Aplausos] empresarios Oh

At least six people were detained at an anti-government protest in Buenos Aires on Wednesday, as protesters demonstrated against austerity measures introduced by President Javier Milei.

Demonstrators say the measures are in opposition to basic social rights and will result in wage stagnation.

“There is a violation of workers’ fundamental rights in Argentina. They are attacking our wages,” said Leftist leader Eduardo Belliboni.

“Workers are suffering decreases in their wages by a government that benefits the interest of the big business owners.”

The measures introduced to Congress include reforms of Argentina’s tax and criminal systems, energy, and electoral process.

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  1. Now is a good time for people to watch Naomi Kleins documentary “the shock doctrine” about what happened the last time they implemented right wing shock doctrine style economic policies. It sounds great but in reality will make everyone worse off except the richest people in Argentina. Just because the old system didn’t work doesn’t mean the solution is what they are going to do now

  2. Like the US when they elected Trump in 2016, the citizens were duped by a charismatic conman.

    We can only hope he doesn’t go full dictator and,
    like Trump, refuse to relinquish power when he IS voted out next election.

    If he even lets them HAVE a next election. ?

  3. In Argentina the mentality of Peronism is no longer possible. Which is that mentality? The bullying of the middle class or anyone who works legally disguised by a social welfare system implemented by the state. In this system the lower class gets monthly payments if it is an active member of the Peronism party at the moment. The Peronism has an armed branch since its beginnings today is called La Campora. In a country where many died per hour of violent crimes, having six people detained on a massive rally convocated by unions across the country is not short of a miracle. Their aim at a civil war, a declared civil war because the level of violence on the streets of Argentina is historical the highest ever. For any canadian that looks at the news and thinks, poor people they are fighting for their rights… think again and educate yourselves… unions do not function in the same way everywhere in the world!!! May God protect Argentina!!! Amen

  4. Global News looks or tilted or unprofessional. You always give voice biasly to the same one side of the news, but fail to inform correctly all the facts. You never mention that these organizations have contributed to drown Argentina in deep corruption and consecuently incredible bankrupcy in name of a lied social justice, hand by hand with corrupt populist politicians. Why don't you also inform all that is going down into Argentine Court of Justice because of corruption in use of public and tax funds? At some point a country needs to set its finances straight. Argentina is inmensely rich in natural resources. Let me just mention external communism agenda too. But yeah, maybe we could get wise and look into our beautiful Canada too…

  5. Educate yourselves people… don't look at this and think "poor protestor" I'll put it in better terms you'll possibly more easily relate to:

    Imagine its 1947 the National Socilaists in Germany are beaten and there are some of their soldiers holding rallies protesting against the Allies..

    Though they are the weaker and beaten force they are on the side of evil. Even if it's peaceful they still stand on the side of evil.


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