Global National: Dec. 22, 2023 | What UN aid resolution means for Gaza amid conflict


On this Friday night a diluted resolution to ramp up Aid deliveries into Gaza what the UN Security Council approved this was tough and what’s not included demanding answers this is a huge breach of trust reaction to a global news investigation about the reliability of the covid rapid test the

FED spent billions on and the British teen missing for 6 years tells his story I was safe and I was always healthy how his mother and grandfather allegedly abducted him and why the boy escaped global national with foreign Asser good evening to you thanks for joining us after days of delays the UN

Security Council has passed down a watered down version of a resolution to boost humanitarian Aid to Gaza it calls for Urgent steps to allow safe and unhindered humanitarian access but the big question is will it make a difference on the ground Israel has ignored un resolutions in the past and

For some the language in this one doesn’t go far enough this resolution is a step in the right direction it must be implemented and must be accompanied by Massive pressure for an immediate ceasefire I repeat immediate ceasefire and the help can’t come quickly enough pales indan Health

Officials in Gaza now say the death toll there has surpassed 20,000 that’s nearly 1% of gaza’s pre-war population it says 70% of those killed are women and children Jackson prco now on the crisis and the resolution to help the desperation in Gaza is unfathomable with more buildings reduced

To Rubble by Israeli air strikes food and water are so limited the UN warns there’s a risk of wide spread famine this is brutal says this man whose relatives were killed I’m asking if the UN can accept this after days of intense negotiations the UN took the

First steps toward relief there must be an international response the security Council passed a watered down humanitarian resolution this was tough but we got there it calls for a major and immediate increase in Aid to Gaza today this Council provided a glimmer of hope amongst a sea of unimaginable

Suffering the resolution does not demand a ceasefire nor does it condemn the October 7th attack by Hamas exensions both the US and Russia abstain to allow it to pass let’s not reject this resolution the deal was brokered by the United Arab Emirates and Falls far short

Of what the UN Secretary General says is needed the real problem is that the way Israel is conducting this offensive is creating massive obstacles to the distribution of humanitarian Aid inside Gaza Israel is not yet ready to change course the operation is gradually completing the goals we set said

Israel’s defense minister as civilians in central Gaza were told to move further south gaza’s Health Ministry says 20,000 people have been killed and another 53,000 wounded Canada has said it will grant extended visas to families of Canadian citizens and permanent residents in Gaza to help them

Flee if Aid can flow through it may ease some of the immense suffering but Hamas says there will be no ceasefire until Israel withdraws its troops Israel says that will not happen until Hamas surrenders Jackson prco Global News Washington and there is new information tonight involving missing Canadian

Israeli Jud Judy Weinstein and her husband G huggi the hostages in missing person’s Family Forum says Judy is still being held half captive by Hamas it also confirms the death of her husband and says his body is still being held in Gaza by Hamas their daughter spoke to

Global News in early December and says her father was murdered and her mom was shot twice the pair was out for a walk when attacked by Hamas the morning of October 7th Hamas has not confirmed the accounts but does warn that time is running out for the hostages the war in

Israel is nearing now its 12th week to Prague next MERS are paying tribute to 14 people killed yesterday in the city’s worst mass shooting the prime minister of the Czech Republic visited the impromptu Memorial outside the city’s Charles University the government had declared December 23rd a day of

Mourning for the victims yesterday a 24-year-old student opened fire at the school the gunman killed 14 people before shooting himself three foreign Nationals are among the 25 wounded no Canadians are said to be affected there has been plenty of reaction to a global news investigation into covid-19 rapid tests procured by

The federal government during the height of the pandemic the kits in the lime green box became ubiquitous across the country but after digging into the story for more than a year our journalists found evidence that the test supplier Toronto based btnx gave Health Canada in complete data about its accuracy now the

Company is denying the allegations but as Heather yorx West reports those that worked on the front lines of the pandemic say Canadians deserve answers it’s a lime green box that’s become familiar to most Canadians the kits have been used to test for covid millions of times I think that everyone

Uh so many people I know uh including myself have relied upon these tests uh to make decisions for our own health and and that of our loved ones and and that of uh of other members of the public it’s why there are questions after a global news investigation revealed

Evidence that the rapid tests importers Toronto based btnx submitted incomplete data to health Canada about the tests accuracy in response to Global news’s questions btnx described its tests as a reliable testing tool for Canadians for its part Health Canada said it found no reason to question the scientific

Integrity of the studies btnx submitted if you have a higher percentage of false negative tests it can obviously drive people to make decisions that they may not would have otherwise made and you know that can clearly result in Greater transmission of of infection the world may have moved

Beyond the pandemic but CO’s threat has not gone away and for those planning to come in contact with the medically vulnerable rapid tests are regularly requested at this Pharmacy oh yeah definitely people are still looking for it for that reason they act as a guide

Whether there is a covid case or not the head of Manitoba’s Health Coalition says governments need to follow up on what the global news investigation revealed this is a huge breach of trust uh in the public health care System um in my in my personal opinion and it’s something that

We should be demanding answers from we should be demanding answers from the federal government about this and the provinces what they knew btnx says it did not offer help Canada or Canadians inaccurate information about the rapid test the Prime Minister told global news that his government still has lessons to

Learn about the pandemic but did not specify whether those lessons involved the btnx rapid test Heather urix West Global News Calgary and prime minister Justin Trudeau is expressing concern over Canada’s military Readiness this is in light of his government’s push to help support security efforts overseas and this rare acknowledgement came during a

Year-end interview with our Ottawa bureau chief Mercedes Stevenson where he discussed the state of the Canadian Armed Forces Mercedes far this year has been a huge eye opener for many Canadians about the state of Canada’s military at the beginning of the year we all remember the Chinese spy balloon

That flew into Canadian and US airspace and then of course there were the close run-ins with China in the South China Sea add to all that the conflict that has broken out in the Middle East and the ripple effect on the region Canada has found itself Limited in how

It can respond as houthi Rebels have targeted ships transiting the Red Sea the Canadian government has been restrained to sending only a handful of personnel to operation Prosperity Guardian instead of a full ship because we simply don’t have one available in my year-end interview with prime minister

Justin Trudeau I asked him about the Canadian military’s Readiness he goes further than what I’ve heard him say before acknowledging that the Canadian Armed Forces are struggling and he argues that helping Ukraine has been a factor in stripping the military cupboards bear chief of the defense

Staff is saying that if there were to be a war tomorrow Canada would be in big trouble isn’t that on you after eight years in power everyone is in in big trouble because we have been shipping all of us as allies as NATO allies shipping massive amounts of ammunition

To Ukraine right now because Ukraine is on the front line of Defending not just their own territory but the international rules-based order and that’s why we are so unequivocal on Ukraine and quite frankly even yes as we’re fixing those procurement challenges to make sure we are getting more ammunition for Canada for training

Uh continuing to be there for Ukraine despite the hesitations uh by the conservative party uh is the best way to protect uh our future as a country and our our our system of democracy of course it is up to the government of the day to replace equipment that has been

Shipped overseas and the prime minister says that more defense spending is coming we’ll see if that happens in the spring budget far Mercedes Stevenson in Ottawa thank you Mercedes and you can watch mercedes’s full interview with the Prime Minister on a special edition of the West block this Sunday morning on

Global there are growing calls to drastically increase Canada’s electric vehicle charging infrastructure this after the federal government laid out its goal to phase out the sale of new gas and Diesel powered passenger vehicles by 203 5 an ambitious plan that will require more than just making EVS more widely available to Canadians

Abigail Bean explains L 5586 that’s me David Howell uses one of the 57 app-based Chargers in his Toronto condo’s parking garage $3 to $400 a month for for gas now with this car at night it’s $2 for every 100 kilometers you drive and that’s that’s a game Cher

How ow is part of a condo success story but about a third of Canadians live in apartments many without easy charging access switch energy is focused on that challenge that was something that was never part of their initial build and so the electrical infrastructure required

To have EV Chargers um taking a lot of electrical Demand on a daily basis is one of the biggest problems that everyone has to face the more North you get I would say the the kind of um more sparse the infrastructure gets another challenge rural Canada Deon Arthur says

It’s not just about building the infrastructure the reliability piece I think is is going to be increasingly important you know we’ve already seen issues up north where stations AR working people get stranded even though as many as 80% of people are expected to charge at home a report done for Natural

Resources Canada found in order to meet the 2035 goal we need about half a million public chargers for now the feds have committed to funding 43,000 and promised they’ll all be up and running within the next 18 months the government tells global news new projections about how many public Chargers are needed will

Come in the New Year meanwhile some experts think the half a million number is inflated unless the electric vehicles really become a lot more economic this is not going to happen at that rate Energy Systems expert claudo canizares says we will have enough electricity to power everyone but not without some kind

Of time of use system to regulate charging and costly upgrades to change over distribution Transformers we’re going to need more electricity if we keep having cars and heat pumps the feedback that I get is that they’re well aware of this we’ve got a decent time

Frame to be able to do it about 60% of electrician Mark Marr’s business is now installing Chargers he says a little creativity can go a long way like this Toronto Church which installed six in their parking lot hoping to help many neighbors who rely on street parking Abigail Bean Global News Ottawa a

Heartbroken family’s Quest For answers from the Health Care System coming up the pressure for an investigation into an indigenous woman’s death back in September we spoke with the parents of November Kelly an Ontario indigenous woman who died of a severe infection that they along with a growing

Number of doctors say should have been caught and should have being treated our baby would be here if they would have listened to her I do believe and I feel that she was racially profiled an Ontario MPP is now calling for an investigation into the young mother’s death while one physician says

Reviews and investigations still haven’t addressed the root cause of the problem that indigenous patients in this country continue to receive worse Health Care than other Canadians Melissa Ren reports the Kelly family is facing their first Christmas without their loved one but finding strength in a growing number of supporters demanding answers their

Daughter November Kelly died last February when a perforated bowel sustained in a car crash went undetected for 4 months despite multiple trips to doctors in Fort Francis Ontario something this doctor says shouldn’t have happened that is really sad that kid probably she suffered you know she suffered Dr Barry lavy is an indigenous

Physician in Winnipeg who was on a working group that looked into the death of Brian Sinclair a first nation’s man who died from a bladder infection in a Winnipeg emergency room in 2008 lav believes November Kelly is the latest name on a list of patients who didn’t

Need to die it’s part of the Joyce Squan story it’s part of the um uh Brian Sinclair story okay because their ability to probably be truly uh an equity lens in medicine was not there krie Kelly says her daughter felt unheard and brushed off when she sought

Care at one point given a fiber supplement and sent home it was hard for me to get her to go because of the way she was treated when she would go sa mamaka is the ndp’s indigenous Affairs critic in Ontario racism kills discrimination kills um colonialism kills and I think

That this is a prime example mqu wants Ontario’s indigenous Minister Greg rickford to press for a broader investigation than the one that is underway by the health authority in Fort Francis rickford hasn’t responded to Global News on whether he would do that the Ontario College of Physicians insurgents confirms that they’ve

Received a complaint about the care that November Kelly received but Moka says everyone who had contact over those many months should be part of an investigation not just doctors believing the entire system failed November the intent would be you know um that it does not have to again the Kelly Family hopes

2024 will bring them answers Melissa Rin Global News Winnipeg he was missing for six years so what happened ahead of British teens mysterious Journey back into [Applause] society Nirvana’s 1991 Album never mind is once again making headlines the US court has revived a lawsuit accusing the rock band of publishing child pornography on the cover of that album which has sold more than 30 million copies Spencer Elden now 32 had a previous lawsuit dismissed because of

The statute of limitations appeals court reversed that decision noting the album had been reissued in 2021 a British teen who resurfaced last week after being missing for six years is opening up about his mysterious life abroad Alex mdty is now back in the UK after disappearing in Spain with his

Mother and grandfather in 2017 the now 17-year-old says he initially lied to authorities about his return to society to protect his family but is now revealing some of the intricate details about his time away from home Chrystal ganing reports like the winding Rural Road where the teen was spotted the twists in

Alex bad’s story are coming into Focus hello Grandma it’s me Alex I’m in France this French delivery driver was the first person to help Alex reconnect with his family in the UK this is what the 17-year-old looked like the last time his grandmother saw him he was reported missing in

2017 after he and his mother disappeared while on vacation the case captured headlines around the world I thought I should stop and ask him if he was okay or even just help him or at least bring him back to a village back to civilization as quickly as possible

Getting Alex back to civilization is exactly what the teen had in mind he’d been living off the grid with his mother and grandfather for six years first in Spain and then in France in an interview with the son he shared his story about going on vacation with his mom and the

Years since I was safe and I was always healthy but um no social life no meeting people my own age kind of always being isolated comes boring to say the least really an investigation is underway into the circumstances of Alex’s disappearance his return was celebrated last week by authorities this moment was undoubtedly

Huge for him and his loved ones Alex may have spent years being bored and feeling isolated but he’s quickly becoming the center of attention Crystal ganing Global News London Oh What A Difference A year makes next a Christmas wish comes true for travelers today is expected to be the

Busiest shopping day of the year making it a bad time for payment processing machines to go down but that’s what happened Monas confirmed this afternoon that it was experiencing a service degradation so Shoppers that were trying to use credit or debit cards were unable to complete transactions across Canada

The problem has now been fixed and the Friday before Christmas is also known as the busiest travel day of the year many Canadians with memories of the chaos of last year are pleasantly surprised to see fewer disruptions and delays this year as NE Gara reports milder weather

Is helping ensure this holiday goes a little smoother jingle bells jingle the busiest travel day of the year is usually synonymous with stress but this year is different for many like The Robertson’s it’s fun to hang out at the airport at Christmas at the Calgary Airport she

Welcomed her son who says his journey from Ontario was all smooth this couple on a layover heading back home to BC from Palm Springs says the same last year we spent 3 days here in Calgary with the weather so we’re just really thankful that it’s much better at Vancouver International Airport so far

So good yeah I’m surprised after last year’s severe weather induced holiday travel chaos with canceled flights missing baggage and passengers stuck on planes YVR CEO says lessons were learned everything from new technology and equipment on the Airfield to new processes with our Airlines in terms of how they move and handle aircraft and

Move baggage at Toronto Pearson International Airport Staffing levels and snow removal equipment have been ramped up from last year so far so good we’re just tired but looking forward to some warm weather easy day easy day hopefully it is warmer across the country on BC’s famous Whistler Mountain

They had to make snow skiers are expressing their frustration but it is good news for air Travelers Merry Christmas despite the lack of disruptions and delays seen last year volume is higher at many airports reminding passengers to plan accordingly and to be patient or as this Duo does

Make the most of the time Nea Global News Vancouver and that’s global national for this Friday night I’m faranas and on behalf of our whole crew here I want to thank you so much for spending part of your Friday evening with us tonight’s here Canada is the Lobster Pot Christmas

Tree in North Sydney Nova Scotia until tomorrow take care of yourselves and take care of each other good night

On this episode: After days of delays, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted a watered-down resolution on Friday, calling for an immediate speed up of the flow of humanitarian aid deliveries to hungry and desperate civilians in Gaza. But, as Jackson Proskow reports, the resolution leaves out the original call for an “urgent suspension of hostilities” between Israel and Hamas.

There’s been plenty of reaction to a Global News investigation into COVID-19 rapid tests procured by the Canadian government during the height of the pandemic. The kits in the lime-green box became ubiquitous all over the country, but after digging into this story for over a year, our journalists found evidence that the test’s supplier, Toronto-based BTNX, gave Health Canada incomplete data about the test’s accuracy. Heather Yourex-West has that story.

While the federal government has released its timeline for driving toward a future with zero-emission vehicles, there are unanswered questions about how a larger number of electric vehicles on the road can be charged up. Abigail Bimman takes a closer look at charging infrastructure and how access to charging stations is one of the biggest fears for potential EV owners.

In September, Global News spoke with the parents of November Kelly, an Ontario Indigenous woman who died of a severe infection that they (along with a growing number of doctors) say should’ve been caught and treated. An Ontario MPP is now calling for an investigation into the young mother’s death. Melissa Ridgen has been following this story for us.

Plus, a British teen, who resurfaced last week after going missing six years ago, is opening up about his mysterious life abroad. Alex Batty is now back in the U.K. after disappearing in Spain in 2017 while travelling with his mother and grandfather. Now 17, Batty said he initially lied to authorities about his return to society to protect his family, but he’s now revealing some of the intricate details of his time away from home. Crystal Goomansingh reports.

And the Friday before Christmas is known to be the busiest travel day of the year for Canadians. Neetu Garcha reports that milder weather is helping ensure this year’s holiday goes a little smoother than the chaos of last year’s.

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  1. If those accusations are true and those tests were inaccurate… the government owes all of us so much money for missed work it’s not even funny! They ruined our lives with inaccurate tests!

  2. Please stay away from increasing defense spending. Use the funds to train our politicians to negotiate verbally and to acquire mastery in diplomacy…guns and war has never worked…Thank-you

  3. UNSC, Veto power and Pyrrhic victory

    When one of the primary objectives of the UN Security Council, inter alia, is to ensure international peace and security, the US in vetoing the UN bid for a ceasefire in the two month war between Israel and Hamas has been complicit in committing genocide with Israel.

    I think it’s time that the veto power bestowed on the US ( and even the other 4 members viz. UK, Russia, France , China) to unilaterally reject a resolution must be removed with immediate effect. Maybe that the articles in the UN charter have to be revised to bring the above proposal to effect.

    The other option is to liquidate the UN / UNSC and form a new organization (as it was done with the League of Nations) because of the abuse of veto power by the superpowers in promoting war instead of peace. Otherwise, the ongoing war will result in a Pyrrhic victory to either Israel or Hamas.

    Mohamed Zahran, Colombo, Sri Lanka

  4. “Truly I tell you, if anyone obeys my teaching he shall never know what it is to die.” – (The Prophet and Messiah Jesus of Nazareth at John 8: 51) – So never worship and pray in the way of the many false prophets who lead all religions.

    “But when you pray, go into a room by yourself, and shut the door. Pray to your Father who is there in the secret place; and your Father who sees what is secret will reward you.

    In your prayers do not go babbling on like the heathen, who imagine that the more they say the more likely they are to be heard.

    Do not imitate them. Your Father knows what your needs are before you ask him.

    This is how you should pray:

    Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,

    Your kingdom come; your will be done, on earth as in heaven,

    Give us today our daily bread,

    Forgive us the wrong we have done, as we have forgiven those who have wronged us.

    And do not bring us to the test, but save us from the evil one.

    For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever.


    For if you forgive others the wrongs they have done, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others, then the wrongs you have done will not be forgiven by your Father.” – (Jesus the Messiah at Matthew 6: 6-15) –

    “Pass no judgement, and you will not be judged. For as you judge others, so you will yourselves be judged, and whatever measure you deal out to others will be dealt back to you.” – (at Matthew 7: 1-2) –

    “Always treat others as you would like them to treat you: that is the Law and the Prophets.

    Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” – (Matthew 7: 12-14) –

    “I am the gate; anyone who comes into the fold through me shall be safe. He shall go in and out and shall find pasturage.

    The thief comes only to steal, to kill, to destroy; I have come that men may have life, and may have it in all its fullness.” – (John 10: 9-10) –

    “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” – (Matthew 7: 21) –

    “I am the resurrection and I am life. If a man has faith in me, even though he dies, he shall come to life; and anyone who is alive and has faith shall never die.” – (John 11: 25-26) –

    “I have not come to judge the world, but to save the world” – (John 12: 47) –

    “Whoever then will acknowledge me before men, I will acknowledge him before my Father in heaven; and whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.” – (Matthew 10: 32-34) –

    “I am the way; I am the truth and I am life; no one comes to the Father except by me. If you knew me you would know my Father too.” – (John 14: 6-7) –

    “An expert in the law, [a leading religious Pharisee] tested him with this question: ‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ He answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind. That is the greatest commandment. It comes first. The second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself. Everything in the Law and the Prophets hangs on these two commandments.’” – (Matthew 22: 35-40) –

    “There is no greater love than this, that a man should lay down his life for his friends.” – (John 15: 13) –

    “Do not call any man on earth ‘father’ ; for you have one Father and he is in heaven. Nor must you be called ‘teacher’ ; you have one Teacher, the Messiah.’” – (Matthew 23: 9-10) –

    “Take care that no one misleads you: For many will come claiming my name…” – (Matthew 24: 4) –

    “Many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many; and as lawlessness spreads, men’s love for one another will grow cold. But the man who holds out to the end will be saved. ” – (Matthew 24: 11-13) –

    “Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. And be assured, I am with you always, to the end of time.” –(Matthew 28: 20)–

    Yours, in true Spirit and in our one given prayer, 2gointruth, on Saturday the 23rd of December 2023: – (Matthew 5: 14-16) – Where every minute (of both day and night) can be a new beginning for any one of us. Let it always be you. Pray to God often, as prescribed above, before it is too late.

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