Pope approves blessings for same-sex couples: “They’re listening to the needs of the people”


Pope Francis ushering in a dramatic shift in Vatican policy formally approving blessings for same-sex couples the vatican’s doctrine office issued a statement stating that priests can offer the blessings as long as they don’t resemble regular church marriage rituals the move is aimed at making the Catholic Church more inclusive Pope Francis says

People shouldn’t be subjected to an exhaustive moral analysis but Catholic church doctrine still says marriage is between man and a woman I think this is a good step on the road to equality for our community in the church and I’m particularly struck that this comes just

About two and a half years after the same Vatican office issued a document saying that same-sex couples could not be blessed by the church so this is actually a very very rapid change change in Direction on the part of the Vatican which I think really comes because so many people

Responded with how hurt they were and how excluded they felt obviously for samex couples sacramental equality is what would put us on the same footing as any other Catholics seeking recognition of their relationships we’re not there yet this is an important step but it is yet another step on a journey that still

Has probably miles and miles to go so the vatican’s new declaration uh permits priests Bishops and deacons as well um to bless same-sex couples as long as it’s not being confused with some sort of um sacramental right or lurgical ceremony um in all sorts of public

Settings and it is the first time that this has happened uh and so yesterday I couldn’t bless same-sex couples in any sort of public setting and today with certain limitations I can to understand this this was put out by the dicastri for the doctrine of the faith which is

Concerned with theology it’s kind of the vatican’s sort of theological Watchdog usually what they do is they put out what’s called a responsum which is just a response to a question which is pretty narrow in scope someone asked them can we do this yes or no we can or cannot do

This this was much more thorough and comprehensive and a declaration is is more of a kind of a theological Med ation in this case on blessings and so it’s it’s longer it’s more thorough and I think as a result it’s more authoritative correct

Pope Francis has formally approved allowing priests to bless same-sex couples, with a new document explaining a radical change in Vatican policy by insisting that people seeking God’s love and mercy shouldn’t be subject to “an exhaustive moral analysis” to receive it.

The document from the Vatican’s doctrine office, released Monday, elaborates on a letter Francis sent to two conservative cardinals that was published in October. In that preliminary response, Francis suggested such blessings could be offered under some circumstances if they didn’t confuse the ritual with the sacrament of marriage.

Religious leaders reacted to the news, saying the decision was made because the Vatican is “listening to the needs of the people,” and while it’s a step in the right direction, there are still “miles to go” for LGBTQ+ rights in the Church.

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  1. There is a definite shift in moral values. The world is coming into the church and the church is coming into the world. We are desensitized to sin. It's all in the Bible.


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