US, Finland sign Defence Cooperation Agreement to serve as rulebook for American military in region


We now have a network of Defense cooperation agreements that stretches from northern to southern Europe from the origan sea to the Black Sea providing security and stability for people all across the continent and together we’ll also keep supporting Ukraine America’s assistance is critical to building Ukraine’s capacity to stand

On its own feet militarily economically democratically and ensuring that President Putin’s war of aggression remains a strategic failure we’ll continue to work with Congress to pass President Biden’s supplemental budget request which is vital to ensuring that result the DCA gives us the ability to act together in all situations and

Strengthens the security of Nordic and Baltic regions as an as a NATO Ally Finland will maintain a credible National Defense that will make NATO stronger I want to underline our strong commitment to the alliance and its security as a whole Sweden’s NATO membership without delay is a priority to

Us today we will also discuss Ukraine by by attacking Ukraine Russia committed a Monumental strategic era continuing strong support to Ukraine remains a key priority for us EU has now made the historic decision to open EU EU membership negotiations with with Ukraine we will push for agreement on future long-term military

And financial support to Ukraine as soon as possible secretary blinkin and defense minister hinan are signing a defense cooperation agreement between the government of the United States and the government of Finland the the agreement sets forced the framework for enhanced defense and security cooperation and partnership between our two countries Finland is an

Essential strategic partner and indispensable NATO Ally and we look forward to continued close cooperation all right thank [Applause] you

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen, and Finnish Defence Minister Antti Häkkänen participated in the signing of their new Defence Cooperation Agreement on Monday in Washington, D.C.

The agreement will serve as a rulebook for U.S. military presence and aid in Finland after Russia’s Nordic neighbour became the NATO military alliance’s newest member earlier this year.

“We now have a network of defence cooperation agreements that stretches from northern to southern Europe, from the insurgency to the Black Sea, providing security and stability for people all across the continent. And together, we’ll also keep supporting Ukraine,” Blinken said during the signing session.

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