November Kelly: Death of Indigenous mother sparks bias concerns in Ontario healthcare


Carrie and Ron Kelly are grieving parents looking for answers and I just tell her I love her I tell her I love her and I miss her and I always ask why why why did you have to leave me last year a car crash left November Kelly in a thunderbay hospital with internal

Injuries for the next four months she complained to doctors in Fort Francis an hour from her home on a nigging first nation of worsening stomach pain it was hard for me to get her to go because of the way she was treated when she would go she was visibly upset and asked her

What what’s wrong I just got asked if I was a needle user fighted drugs and I was like oh my God like why would they ask you that feeling unheard and insulted November was often sent home with pain and nausea medications at one point she was given a fiber

Supplement they just kept uh Band-Aid Solutions and they kept telling um telling us she’s okay ultimately an infection linked to a perforated bowel suffered in the crash killed her the health authority in Fort Francis tells global news that they’ve launched a review Kelly’s family has filed a complaint with the Ontario College of

Physicians and surgeons but igaming first nation’s Chief says that he doesn’t need a formal report to confirm what many indigenous Canadians say they’ve experienced for de KES you’re still treated like you’re just an Indian in Canada especially by the doctors and nurses and until that changes we’re still going to see misdiagnoses the

Indigenous Physicians Association agrees there is a lot of mistrust within the healthcare system and and rightfully so from First Nations maintain Inuit towards the healthare system Dr Mandy bus says anti-indigenous bias continues in Health Care Systems across the country we know these aren’t unique and we’ve heard of like Brian Sinclair and

Joyce Squan but we don’t hear of all the hundreds and thousands of cases that happen and sometimes they don’t lead to death so they don’t make it to Media um but they lead to harm if she was just treated like a normal human being she’d be alive today and that’s what we’re

Fighting for just the basics of humanity that most Canadians take for granted the Kelly say their daughter deserves Justice something very wrong seemed to have happened here Medical Care is a fundamental right shared by every single person and it needs to be better so where does this case rank um I’d say

About on as low an end as I could think of back in igaming November’s young son is growing up without her and his sister still struggles to understand their mother’s death she told me it was hard I miss my mommy I’ve tried to bring her up

To the grave site a few times but she’s not ready a family and community in mourning wondering if Canada’s Health Care system is ready to change Melissa Ren Global News Winnipeg

In Ontario, a mother’s death is raising fresh questions about the standard of care that Indigenous patients receive in this country.

November Kelly died earlier this year of a severe infection, which her family says could have been prevented. They’re now looking for answers — and action — for the alleged mistreatment.

In part two of an investigation, Melissa Ridgen reports from Onigaming, Ont., where many Indigenous people say Kelly’s case is far from unique.

For more info, please go to

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  1. May this Beautiful Woman be Resting in Peace?????

    My Grandmother was Indigenous.
    My Grandfather was White.
    My Father took after his Father and looks White.
    My Mother was White.
    My sister and I look White.
    My parents raised us White.
    We were never told of or met my Father's birth family.
    I was told all of this when my oldest girl was born brown and my Husband is White.
    I'm told my parents made a conscious decision to never tell us so we would be protected from exactly this!
    At first I was so angry for being lied too.
    Now I'm just so grateful.
    It's a grace I was not able to give my oldest girl.

  2. Reasons for Uyghur detention in one of 380 Xinjiang camps in China ?? include:
    – having a beard,
    – wearing a veil,
    – applying for a passport,
    – possessing a Quran,
    – praying,
    – downloading WhatsApp and
    – having too many children.

  3. It's no different in Alberta. My kids are members of Sturgeon Lake First Nations. I've witnessed medical and nursing staff take the path of indifference and I've endured their disdain. I vote, I pray, I punch a heavy bag every day. Stay safe…be well. Condolences from E-town. ?

  4. This is a matter of poor medical care…which is what people of EVERY MELANIN LEVEL experience! And as far as judgemental medical staff, it’s time to stop making everything about race when the truth is that it is a ‘class’ , postal code and burnout issue!
    Indigenous aren’t the only people who suffer (though they, and legacy media, do seem to think so), there are PLENTY of white and black folks who deal with this as well.
    But to be honest, the indigenous people who pour into the hospitals, causing scenes, assaulting people, screaming racist slurs at anyone who
    looks at them, is astonishing. That door swings both ways, folks.

  5. How would anyone else feel about having an indigenous doctor in a hospital? As for her, mistakes happen. i dont think it has anything to do with anti indigenous bias. i just wear ugly clothes inside out and remove the tags.

  6. There's lots of bias or lack of knowledge in the healthcare system. Bias against disabled people who happen to be type 1 diabetics on an insulin pump and cgms. Bias against the people of different sexual interests and identity. Bias against the poor. Bias against those who are not white. Bias against women. Bias against the old. Actually, my father died from peritonitis when cancer grew in his abdomen undetected and his bowel eventually ruptured. It is tragic. I hope the doctors learn from this and read the full history when they see a patient. The system doesn't have enough doctors though so, of course, mistakes happen. And probably people of different races suffer more than the white male would.

  7. Huge medical malpractice suit, huge. Medically Negligent due to bias that led to a sentinel event. ALL involved clinicians should receive documented reprimand for bias leading to patient demise. I wouldn’t want ANY of those clinicians to care for my dog. They’re all ? Stains on the international medical profession.


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