Americans don’t want Trump-Biden rematch for 2024 US presidential elections: poll


They are the two men leading the polls in their respective parties former president Donald Trump and President Joe Biden but a new Associated Press norc Center for public affairs research poll shows this is exactly the matchup close to 60% of Voters don’t want to see crooked Joe puts China first he puts

Asia first Ukraine first illegal aliens first environmental lunatics first he puts everyone first he does he doesn’t put me first Trump is polling so far ahead of his other Republican opponents he spends most of his time bashing Biden on the campaign Trail meanwhile this new poll shows one-third

Of Democrats would be dissatisfied if Biden were their party’s nominee pointing to high consumer prices and the Israel Gaza War as reasons you have an issue where you have both individuals with blood on their hands one is spewing obviously very hateful rhetoric but we have a current president that whose

Policies overseas have resulted in the loss of nearly 20,000 resins just 42% of the US public say they have a favorable view of Biden 36% say the same about Trump but Trump is still predicted to win the nation’s first Primary in New Hampshire January 23rd I see no evidence

In New Hampshire or anywhere else that Republicans in large numbers are preparing to ditch Donald Trump but some Republicans are hoping for an alternative like former un Ambassador Nikki Haley who isn’t afraid to go after Trump on the campaign Trail chaos follows him you know I’m right it just

Does and we can’t have a country in disarray and a world on fire and go through four more years of chaos we won’t survive it Haley just received the endorsement of New Hampshire’s popular Republican Governor but polls still show her a distant second to Trump despite voter’s hesitancy to put the former

President back in the White House Jennifer Johnson Global News Washington

A new U.S. poll shows few Americans want to see a rematch of former president Donald Trump and President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election, with one voter telling pollsters the choice is “uniquely horrible.”

Both men are dominating the headlines for all the wrong reasons — Trump is facing 91 criminal indictments, while Biden is now the focus of an impeachment inquiry in Congress.

As Jennifer Johnson reports, U.S. voters are not happy.

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  1. What poll? I'm voting for Trump 2024 no matter what. Haley is bought and paid for by the elites. Christie is paid by the Dems to bash Trump. Vivek to young. DeSantis not ready yet. Dems are corrupt and incompetent. Biden is Obama's puppet. Trump is the only one who can get us out of this hell. He did it once and he do it again

  2. OK you forget that the vast Majority of people against Trump only represent 3 states. I will clue you in . National Polling and the popular vote is meaningless in an American Election. Maybe learn how America elects a president before you comment on it


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