Chess master Levy Rozman’s winning strategy and rookie mistakes to avoid


This is the way you’re supposed to think in chess opponent plays Bishop D6 you go what is the bishop doing ah it’s seeing my Bishop okay many of you would react right now and go I got to do something no checks captures attacks the only check white has in that is the

Internet’s chess teacher International Master Levy Rosman he is the most popular chess YouTuber on the planet with more than 4 million subscribers he is out with a new book called how to win at chess which we’re all trying to figure out how to do and Levy joins us

Now well welcome to the morning show thanks for having me so you have been playing since you were a child yes since I was five it was chess or art class after school and chess stuck and art definitely didn’t I probably still can’t color in the lines so yeah what made you

Fall in love with the game uh I think when I was really little it was um it was a big deal for me to be able to intellectually take down massive humans and I was a small child and I thought this was just incredible so this would

Really calm me down when I was really young mhm how has chess how has it changed since you started playing because we all know the TV series The Queen’s Gambit really sparked a huge chess boom back in 2020 yeah what I always say is when I was a kid I had to

Keep my trophies at home it was a really really bad thing if my parents told my teachers I was missing school to play chess cuz I didn’t want kids to know and now kids come up to me who I always say look like they would have bullied me in

School for playing chess and they play chess they’re so excited they watch on Tik Tok they watch on YouTube and I’m just mind blown because doesn’t if you’re 5 15 35 75 everyone’s playing now which is I never it’s a cool thing I mean yeah here we are right like this is

Incredible it was my son who taught me how to play when he was seven or so and he and he joined the chess club and I was I was amazed to see everyone involved in doing it and it’s a great game let’s talk about some of the

Advantages some the skills that you pick up and why it’s so good for kids and everybody yeah so for kids specifically the benefits are immeasurable first of all you learn how to handw write so you learn notation cuz every every square has a name right we have f8 we have

Certain pieces so the kids learn that connection between Board Writing it all down patience consequences of your actions critical thinking reciprocal thinking I have an idea but then there’s a negative consequence so maybe I should or shouldn’t do something and for adults it’s really humbling too adults never

Want to try anything where they don’t feel like they’re going to succeed and as an adult you’re going to lose probably three qus of the games you play who wants to participate in a hobby where they’re going to fail three out of four times in the beginning in the

And then you’re going to obviously get better so there’s benefits regardless of the age and that’s really why it’s such a fascinating game I think but you know what I like playing when I do play I set up my phone to be a CL I like the sound

Of that clock every time you do that oh yeah I I mean phone clock it could be a $30 clock $100 clock yeah it’s actually like very satisfying to play in person hit the clock intimidate you know it’s it’s it’s a serious part of the game I

Wish I brought one but well listen we do have you here so you’re going to give us a bit of a chess lesson you’re going to help us sharpen our skills a little bit and we’re we’re going to start with uh the opening how to open a game of chess

Yeah yeah that’s correct um how important is that by the way is that critical it’s pretty important in my book uh opening the game is chapter 2 cuz in chapter one I actually wanted to say how to literally win a chess like what are we even doing here right cuz we

Know in sports it’s 3 to2 you win here if you have more material than me you actually don’t win cuz I can still get the golden snitch so to speak like in quidd not to bring in another sport or activity but you can have more pieces

Than me but I can get your king which is the most important I mean in the beginning the four Central squares are what we’re after and we have something called the Golden moves so the 10 golden moves so if white got to start the game

With 10 moves in a row what white wants to do is put both Center pawns two squares forward okay and that would be E4 and D4 and then you need to bring out your Knights so the knights go up two and over one you can both move your

Knight so you can play Knight F3 and Knight C3 that’s perfect okay and that’s better because from the center you can go everywhere right but if you’re on the edge of the board you’re not going to go there the only you’re going to have to come back to the center anyway this is

Why it’s better to be here to begin with and then we have our Bishops and you can kind of tell right like everything’s concentrated in this area I like this I like this oh my gosh Matthew watch out this weekend okay got to get our our

King castled castling a little bit of a tricky rule you can move the king it’s the only moveing chest you can move two pieces at once right that’s but once you get all the basics down you realize oh this is perfect I got to be honest I’m

More Checkers than I am chess right now sometimes okay they move all the same it’s easier I’m a big golfer and I feel like right now Tiger Woods is giving me a golf lesson right the chess champ is giving you know some rookies a bit of a

Chess Lesson by the way speaking of rookies what are some of the biggest rookie mistakes that the chess players make when they’re just starting out or learning the game yeah well first of all they weakened their King we already got that King safe so we’re we we passed

That a big rookie mistake is not thinking about your opponent you you think you’re very selfish you think oh I want to go get that bishop and then you just make a move and your opponent punishes you immediately and you go oh I missed that that’s a big beginner

Mistake oh I missed that but what did you miss it’s all right here like in poker you don’t see your opponents or you know other players cards but here everything is visible so you have to put your you know yourself in the shoes of your opponent I’m going to put another

Mistake out there that I’ve made frequently is when you’re playing with your kids and it’s a Friday Saturday and you make yourself a cocktail it only hurts your game yeah well well well there’s a fine line there I think sometimes it inspires creativity so yeah for me it is exact opposite they’re just

Getting faster and I’m just like what am I doing but I’m okay but I’m I’m I’m memorizing this move right here we’re going to start we’re going to make this little square yes when you play a another person they they want to do a little bit of the same so maybe you

Won’t get this Pawn you only get it there right so so you know because I’m I’m also going to try to fight for the center you don’t get 10 moves in a row to start the game but as long as you play for the center get these pieces out

Okay you’re going to have a good game how quickly do you think you could beat either Carolyn or I I mean the game would be over in a matter of minutes well it depends if see if your opening is is not so good I could try to win

Within seven or eight I just go for your king and if you don’t protect yourself then right but if you do like just even in basic fight you do this it’s going to be a little hard to break through in in a boxing match but so I don’t know 10 or

15 moves but that doesn’t mean anything chess has nothing to do with intelligence at all it’s just I’ve played it for 20 years right I don’t know how long youall have been doing the morning show right but but it’s I mean it’s it’s the same thing you it’s

Patterns it’s just getting back in the flow of things so I’ll come back in 10 years it’ll be a very competitive game all right how to win at chess is available now Levy thank you so much real pleasure appreciate it

Join the chess frenzy with International master Levy Rozman, the internet’s beloved chess guru.

He joins The Morning Show to chat about his love for chess, the impact of TV show ‘The Queen’s Gambit,’ and the game’s unbeatable benefits.

Plus, get ready for an exclusive demo as Levy shares his winning strategy and unveils rookie mistakes to avoid.

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