CTV National News | Dec. 10, 2023: Kenneth Law faces murder charges


Tonight new charges against a Canadian man accused of selling a substance online to help people take their own lives 14 counts of second degree murder a huge loud signal that it needs to stop the alleged connection to multiple deaths worldwide drilling down on ottawa’s new dental care plan we’re excited about

Having that ability to see more people also the deepening humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza as freed hostages speak about the psychological toll plus embattled House of common speaker Greg Fergus apologizes with his job on the line I know I messed up and tickled pink over the Golden Globes closer I

Am from Barbie’s Ken to past lives shining the spotlight on Canadian nominees CTV national news with Omar saaden good evening everyone there are new developments tonight in the case of an Ontario man accused of helping people around the world die by Suicide Kenneth lob already charged with aiding and

Abetting suicides through kits he sold online is now facing multiple charges of second deegree murder cdv’s John Woodward starts us off I’m Ken that’s Kenneth law when he was a chef at Toronto’s iconic Royal York Hotel what his colleagues didn’t know police say he had a side business

Selling hoods and masks online and deadly concentrations of sodium nitrate police have said he sent more than 1,00 packages to 40 countries and family members have said every package contained the potential to devastate them David parfit’s Son Tom died in the UK my son was 22 and there’s a lot of

People that age even younger than 22 who’ve been impacted by this people who are obviously going through a vulnerable time but it’s the cases here in Canada that have resulted in criminal charges law already faces 14 counts of aiding and abetting suicide in 14 deaths in Ontario what’s new today documents

Obtained by CTV News show authorities have also charged law with second deegree murder in each of those cases the difference according to experts intent second deegree murder is not necessarily a crime of passion the way we all tend to think of it or the Heat of the Moment second deegree murder is

That you did something that directly or significantly contributed to somebody’s death knowing full well it would or could cause their death in the UK police are investigating more than 88 deaths but have laid no charges so far ctv’s tracking indicates the total number of deaths that may be linked to Kenneth law

Around the world is now at least 120 law is considered innocent until proven guilty and has said he’s not responsible for what people do with his products parfett hopes the charges send a signal to others selling similar products and the underground websites that host discussion of those products

For suicide this sends a a huge loud signal that it needs to stop parfett believes that if charges had been laid earlier his son might still be alive this is a sign significant upgrade to those charges that mean if convicted this alleged suicide salesman could be

In jail for life Omar all right John thank you for this tonight families of victims linked to notorious serial killer Robert pikon are fighting to preserve evidence that police plan to destroy this latest step by the RCMP to seek disposal of all exhibits a mere 20 years after the investigation on the

Farm began sends the message that the missing and murdered women’s cases are closed despite the majority of them being unsolved the mounty say all relevant evidence will be kept pikon is serving life sentence for murdering six women who went missing from Vancouver’s downtown east side and Toronto’s homicide unit is investigating the

Tragic deaths of two young children they always said hi to me all the time and that’s the picture I saw all I all last night was her little face going hi hi last night officers forced their way into an apartment and found the two boys Brothers four and 5 years

Old their mother fell from a balcony and is in critical condition Ottawa announced some details of its plans to expand dental coverage today seniors over the age of 87 will be the first group invited to apply before the program which will cost $1 13 billion over the next 5 years to set up

Is extended gradually CV’s Kevin Gallagher on who is eligible and when Ottawa claims the multi-billion doll Federal program will allow 9 million additional uninsured Canadians to visit the dentist we’re excited about having that ability to see more people you know see kids earlier in their lives rather than just for emergencies

Prevention really is uh less expensive children under 12 are already covered but by 2025 everyone with a net family income of less than $90,000 will be eligible this is an opportunity to help the healthy Canadians and to fill in the gaps and that’s how this program has been

Designed the gradual roll out will start with eligible seniors 87 and older they’ll receive letters inviting them to apply next week with those between 86 and 65 receiving the letters between January and may 2024 Canadians approved for disability tax credits and children under 18 will be able to apply online

Starting in June 2024 no Canadian needs to do anything at the present time other than to file their taxes that’s half a tooth that came out of my mouth unable to afford expens of care Dorene G has lost several teeth old fillings and a crown over the past year and a half the

72-year-old British Colombian is concerned this new federal program is taking too long for people who need care now I mean we should not have to live the last chapter of our lives with our teeth falling out of our head and a shame to smile this plan is essential for the

NDP to keep propping up the government though it’s unclear if there are enough dentists to take on all these new patients so we’re going to make sure we’re there to be your voice to hold them accountable for families with a net income under $70,000 a year all their

Dental costs will be covered under the plan for everyone else there’s a co-pay between 40 and 60% Omar all right Kevin Gallagher in Ottawa Kevin thank you for years Canadian athletes have tried to call attention to what they say is a culture of abuse coverup and a lack of

Accountability in sports they’ve been demanding action from Ottawa and today the sports Minister launched a probe ctv’s Colton pril reports the calls for a public inquiry into Canadian sport have been loud clear and enduring we recommend a national inquiry to interrogate then repair Canadian sport ual assault allegations against

Canada’s 2018 World Junior Team charges against a former Canada soccer women’s Coach and allegations by hundreds of athletes of a toxic culture at gymnastics Canada just some of the flash points sparking the calls for an inquiry but on Monday the liberal government moving in a different direction we are

Creating an independent impartial future of sport in Canada commission modeled after the Truth and Reconciliation Commission the government’s plans to launch an an 18-month long commission focused on survivors with a mandate to create recommendations to improve sporting culture and protections there’s so much mistrust in this system that I’m hoping

This this process and the ultimate recommendations starts to rebuild that but quite frankly actually I’m prepared to do whatever it takes Ottawa previously promised a public inquiry and survivors worry without one the changes they’re seeking may not come they will not be able to compel testimony or subpoena documents and we do believe

That there are a lot of Secrets hidden in the file cabinets of sporting organizations across Canada but even with those concerns many consider this a win sport has had 25 plus years in front of it to look at this issue and to get it right uh and has failed to do so on

Top of the commission the government is also moving to bring further Independence to the country’s thirdparty review system something athletes say is desperately needed to ease the process of coming forward Omar all right Colton thank you Israel says while it is now in control of a former Hamas headquarters

In Gaza City the search for the group’s leader continues and as the fighting rages on the situation for civilians there only gets worse here’s ctv’s Heather Wright along gaza’s Southern border with Egypt thousands of people are living in tents they wash clothes in buckets hook over a fire and

Wait my dream was to become a teacher in a school says 12-year-old yosra but the school has been destroyed her dream now is to live in a place that’s safe dozens of injured Palestinians were rushed to hospital in Deer albala today after an air strike hit a nearby

Camp there are a large number of children who have arrived with amputations to their upper and lower limbs Israel says it is Target targeting three Hamas strongholds two in the north and one in the South the IDF released this video of what they say is the inside of a mosque

In jabalia where they found weapons and other evidence it was being used as a Hamas base well in Gaza City Israel says it now controls the area surrounding the Hamas headquarters and has discovered an elaborate network of underground tunnels pressure is mounting on Israel to set a

Timeline for this war to end but official there say that is up to Hamas this war could end now if Hamas surrenders hands over its war criminals to face Justice and releases all of the hostages Sharon alone cunio and her three-year-old Twins were held hostage for 52 days released during the week-long

Ceasefire she says captivity was like Russian Roulette and that her daughters now only speak in soft voices she wants more done to free the remaining hostages which include her husband David the Israeli defense minister said today any measures necessary will be taken to destroy Hamas but he added Israel has no

Intention of staying in Gaza permanently Omar all right Heather thank you public sector strikes are ramping up in Quebec a provincial Union representing more than 80,000 nurses and other health care workers has joined hundreds of thousands of other employees in a bid to pressure The Province the work stoppages have slowed services and

Shut down schools for days ctv’s Quebec bureau chief genen vif bosim reports nurses walked out in the cold rain joining nearly half a million Quebec public sector workers on strike until Friday er aren’t supposed to feel the pain though they are packed and operating Beyond capacity today some appointments and elected surgeries are

Delayed in a system already crippled with backlogs nurses say much of this fight is for patients who deserve better than overworked and underpaid caregivers we’re not nuns anymore we don’t have to live in the hospital 7 days a week uh we have friends families we’re humans we

Need to eat sleep drink be with our loved ones 90% of Quebec’s nurses are women and the starting salary for those with a bachelor’s degree is just under $53,000 a year the lowest in the country the Canadian average is over $73,000 the has joined teachers on their

Strike that walk out has shut down the province’s public schools forcing a million students to stay home we want basically to have a better um educational system for every single students sometimes you know the tasks are so demanding that it’s impossible for us to just teach a normal lesson the

Government says it is willing to negotiate on wages but is demanding more flexibility in scheduling work assignments but for now the strikes have left many on these picket lines without a paycheck leading up to the holidays Quebec says it’s willing enable to negotiate 247 to reach a deal but the unions say they’re

Not sensing that kind of urgency at the negotiation table and that if there’s no deal by next week they could call an unlimited general strike Omar jenv B in Montreal thank you the house of common speaker faced a grilling at a parliamentary committee today where some MPS believe Greg Fergus should step as

Side for a video tribute he recorded for the outgoing Ontario liberal interim leader here’s ctv’s Annie Bon Oliver it’s such a great opportunity to speak about my longtime friend John Fraser it’s this less than two-minute video tribute that has house Speaker Greg Fergus facing accusations of partisan

Activity and calls today a committee for his resignation regardless of it being aired privately or publicly I should never have recorded it I apologize un un reservedly I know I messed up and I won’t do it again Fergus has also apologized in the house for taping what

He says was supposed to be a private tribute to longtime friend former Ontario interim liberal leader John Frasier instead the message was played at the Ontario liberal leadership election and you ought to have known that something like this could end up in the public domain I’m very careful about

What is sent out I’m a lot less cautious and messages that I would send to a longtime friend or messages I would send to my family a friend who today came to fergus’s defense it was a very loving wonderful tribute very personal Fergus says he’s put in place more rigorous

Communications protocol to prevent this from happening again still the NDP questioned why he didn’t ask for guidance I don’t understand what was going through your mind as you were taping it I’ve been playing over this moment in my mind over and over again I wish I had just taken a moment to think

About it question about fergus’s conduct come 3 months after Anthony Roto resigned for inviting a 98-year-old who served in a volunteer Nazi military unit to hear the Ukrainian president speak now the block and conservatives want Fergus to step down too what we need is a speaker that understands that role of

Nonpartisanship and upholds it Fergus says he is confident he can regain the trust of MPS but says that if the house wants him to resign Omar he’ll respect that decision all right any thanks coming up a deadly fire in Calgary the disturbing Discovery outside a hardware store plus the return of barbin

Heimer we’re in the race against the Nazis a golden mash up of nominations police have ruled out arson after the remains of three people were found at the scene of a shed fire outside a hardware store in northwest Calgary the bodies were discovered inside the shed just before 4:00 a.m.

After the Flames were extinguished police States possible people were using the shed as a makeshift shelter the cause under investigation the victims have not yet been identified Nova scotia’s government says it’s very concerned after tents caught fire at a homeless encampments at two sites over the weekend on Saturday three people

Narrowly escaped the flames in downtown Halifax volunteers who responded say the fire started Ed in just seconds another tent burned in Dartmouth on Sunday no one was injured in either instance as tent communities grow so has the demand for propane contributing to an increased fire risk a strong storm slammed

Atlantic Canada leaving thousands without power the maritime battered with heavy rain and strong winds today topping 100 kilm an hour in some places in St John this roof blew right off an apartment building building thousands of homes and businesses lost power still ahead mounting speculation after a mysterious disappearance of Putin’s fiercest foe

Behind Bars Ukrainian president viadimir zinski is back in Washington tonight where he appealed for more military aid you can count on Ukraine and we Hope just as much to be able to count on you the US military aid package worth more than $80 billion has faced serious push back from

Republicans who insist they won’t support the funding unless more money also goes to domestic security along the US Mexico border zilinski will meet with President Joe Biden at the White House tomorrow and the White House is demanding answers from mosco tonight after one of Russia’s highest profile prisoners went missing lawyers for Alexa

Nal say they haven’t had any contact with the political dissident for 6 days leaving his supporters deeply concerned ctv’s Washington bureau chief Joy Malin reports Alexi naoli was supposed to appear in court by video feed from his prison Colony he didn’t show his lawyers told he’s no longer listed as an inmate

And due to be transferred to a special security prison described as one of the harshest in Russia so the main thing for us is to find him as soon as possible because right now he is completely alone and he is literally in the hands of people who once tried to kill him though

The Kremlin denies it naal nearly died from nerve agent poisoning in 2020 after years of trying to mobilize Russians in anti-government protests navol was convicted on extremism charges last summer already serving time his health has suffered AIDS say he’s lost weight and recently fainted in his cell

And had to be given an IV speculation is naval’s disappearance was no accident coming just days after Vladimir Putin announced he’s running for president an unprecedented fifth term nool and his supporters a political threat Billboards are popping up in cities urging Russians to vote for anyone but Putin it could be

That Putin doesn’t want him around or it could be simply that Putin is showing that he could kill him if he chose and could return next week with us all once more reminded that it is Putin in charge of the country Washington says it’s deeply concerned he should be released

Immediately he should never have been jailed in the first place and uh we’re going to work with our with our Embassy in Moscow to see how much more we can find out the White House demanding answers tonight moving prisoners in Russia can sometimes take weeks no’s

Allies say it’s been six days and they still have no idea where he is Joy melbour CTV News Washington after the break making the cut the nominations are out for the Golden Globes who made the short list after the break you may remember this Summer that barbon Heimer dominated the box office

And now the two films Barbie and Oppenheimer are way ahead of the pack as award season officially kicks off with the 2024 Golden Globe nominations ctv’s bill forer on who is in the running it is the best day ever at least a very good day for Barbie you guys ever think about

Dying the doll turned Blockbuster film with a Twist dominating the nominations for the Golden Globes Barbie Barbie Margo Robbie Barbie among the nine nods Greta Gerwig for best director Margo Robbie for best female actor in a musical or comedy and Canadian Ryan Gosling for best male supporting actor

I’m coming with you okay experts point out nods don’t always translate to Awards this movie is going to be at the top of every list I don’t think it’s going to win everything it’s nominated for in the race against the Nazis second in film nominations with eight the historic Thriller Oppenheimer about The

Man Behind the creation of the atomic bomb world but remember this day on the TV side to get into this knife fight HBO’s succession the story of a media Mogul family nominated nine times we areus and Canada so cool is represented not just by Gosling there’s a word in Korean

Inan it means providence Canadian Korean filmmaker Seline song’s debut feature past lives has five nominations in a statement song tells CTV News I feel as especially honored and grateful to be embraced by the film Community as a newcomer and the music of Canada’s Robbie Robertson in the score for

Killers of the flower Moon earned him a postumus nod you going to pick a side still notably missing from this year’s Awards a host several big names have reportedly turned down the gig this year’s Golden Globes will be handed out January 7th Bill forier CTV News

Edmonton and we’ll see who wins that’s a snapshot of this Monday for all of us at CTV national news thank you for watching good night and see you tomorrow CTV national news Canada’s number one newscast

Kenneth Law faces murder charges after being accused of aiding in suicides; when you could be eligible for feds’ expanded dental plan.

0:00 Kenneth Law charged with murder
4:39 Federal government expand dental coverage
7:00 Probe into abuse in sports
9:05 Dire situation for civilians in Gaza
11:14 Large union joining strikes in Quebec
13:23 Speaker Fergus grilled by MPs
17:50 Putin critic missing for 6 days
20:17 Barbie’s 9 Golden Globe nods

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