Black Press Media outlet standing firm on bogus ‘Nazi’ portrayal of parental rights protester


And if you were there you know that there was no Nazi salute um I was there and I couldn’t say that there was no why would could you say there was why would you produce something if you don’t have some facts um the story said that it was

Apparent it didn’t say it was we went in there as Kevin said it was to some degree the extension of an Olive Branch had we had an apology and a retraction I think that would have been the end of the story but unfortunately I think they’ve dug their heels in and Ashley

Wwan has has now doubled down on that once again with you and uh it’ll be interesting to see where this goes because there is no excuse for that story being printed in that defamatory manner there’s absolutely none the reporter was present she was aware of the content of the video prior that she

Had viewed it was that was a hitpiece and there’s no excuse for it thousands of you have already started to come out to help a Colona British Colombian man named Kevin gowi be Vindicated after a Colona Capital news reporter Jacqueline gelol depicted him as a Neo-Nazi when in fact he was

Engaging in Christian prayer during a parental rights protest on September 20th if you saw our part one of this report which you can find at our special website called stop MSM you were just as shocked as I was to see the footage we obtained from Kevin and his

Friend Chris Williams both of whom you’ll hear from in this report that showed Jaclyn gelol dig her heels in and blame him for how he prayed we’ve got more Clips to show you of that Madness but not before I remind you to open up another device real quick and go to stop

MSM and sign the petition there if you haven’t already the shocking part of the story of all is perhaps after this journalist has admitted to seeing the prayer and admitted to being present at the protest the entire time it’s been months and this Outlet owned by black

Press media who gets handouts from the Trudeau government has still not corrected the record go to stop MSM and here is Kevin and Chris Willam now I never actually saw myself a friend of mine on the island and Nimo sent the story to me and of course I was

Horrified maybe mortified I didn’t expect to see my my name up like that and a picture of me so my initial thought was one of disbelief and then I kind of migrated to a bit of anger and then defense I was thinking what you know what’s this going

To do for my life at this point am I going to be targeted Now by a bunch of wild people who have a hate on for Nazis or or am I gonna be able to get work traveled whatever the the the impact started to sort of resonate right

Through and and I still am concerned for that yeah because we know this stuff sticks it circulates people screenshot things now in the video it looks like Chris you and Kevin haven’t known each other that long what exactly brought you to together and to come and go ahead and

Try to get the record corrected here that’s correct so following the protest my picture in fact was posted on both Facebook and Twitter accounts I was labeled as a transphobe um as a result of that my wife did receive a text message that was somewhat threatening in nature uh I

Didn’t know why someone would go to that extreme to refer to me as transphobic with no evidence and based solely on the fact that I had been attending something that I thought was in the interest of my stepson um what I did was I spoke to an

Individual who ended up being a mutual friend of both mine and Kevin and I said I’ve been labeled a transphobe and I see that there’s another gentleman been labeled a Nazi I would really like to connect with him and he said to me I’ve just spoken to him here’s his name Kevin

And I connected we went for coffee the next day and within a few minutes of having coffee we came up with the idea that perhaps it’s best that we go directly to the paper speak with Miss gelena and try to get some rationale for why she would choose to make such a

Defamatory statement against the character of Mr without any proof why do you think they agreed to that interview basically with you guys when they weren’t even going to correct the record what do you think that was all about I don’t think she had any idea what was

Coming and she said that she said which is also egregious she actually acknowledged that they had had several people come in there physically and emails and phone calls and asking them to retract and do the right thing before we got to visit her

So how can I help so Jack do you know me I don’t know have you ever met me seen me I don’t believe so then why would what you assume that we’re here about the article why why is that because we’ve uh received multiple complaints about the

Article that I wrote so that’s what I’m assuming we had someone come by yesterday I received multiple phone calls and emails we typically don’t have people come to the office right seems you’ve hit a nerve so to speak yeah yeah and you know that there’s video footage lots of it showing us praying

And several of us in worship you know that right I I have seen the video footage of the event and and of the pray and you still stand by at this point you’re standing behind your allegation that that was a Nazi salute having seen that footage that’s what you’re saying

To us right here I’m saying that it appeared to be appeared does it still appear to be that now that you’ve seen the footage of the prayer you’ve said you’ve seen the footage does it still appear do you stand by what you said that’s correct sir you do it it’s just

So iniquitous it’s it’s unbelievable it is literally unbelievable there was no way anybody uh could see harm in in a gesture of prayer at least not any San person absolutely now speaking of it being ridiculous I’m going to throw now to Pastor Art lucier who I interviewed just really quickly to

Get his take for those of you who saw part one of this report you know that Pastor Art is who led the actual prayer not the Nazi salute here’s what he had to say I believe that the people who really did uh be persecuted by the Nazis the

Jews you know 85 years ago on November 8th we have the anniversary of the beginning of the Holocaust when they began to smash all the windows um of the Jewish businesses and it began a great terrible persecution by true Nazis to believe that Christians coming together and just

Raising a hand in prayer to the Lord is equivalent to those who per perpetuated deaths of millions of Jews uh this journalist should be ashamed and should be fired or should find a another line of work that’s my opinion now I did get a response back from one of the

Editors who approved this piece of propaganda but Chris so did you you heard back from Ashley wadwani tell us what she said in an email to you she essentially said that they were not willing to into retraction however they would uh print Mr Go’s version of what took place there and his understanding

Of what he doing but they would not would not print a retraction and that’s despite knowing that uh what they were printing was completely false it’s really disturbing because the reporter herself said she viewed the video twice before publishing and she was also present there so there’s absolutely no excuse

For that kind of um journalistic impropriety and misrepresentation it’s not always my job to report strictly on facts what I I’m also supposed to do is to share people’s experiences and emotions of what’s Happening how of you a journalistic process is to give everybody a voice that’s right where was

My voice you just put a picture up and fr me as an auntie where was my voice um there was no excuse for a lot of things there especially the moment when Kevin you’re told that you pray incorrectly and then you do the most noble thing and invite Jaclyn gelel to

Church and this is how she responds like just as a single like a like a woman on my own that people won’t be um like physically violent or anything like that is that correct if I attend I I just have to ask kidding you’re joking right

Okay good I’m glad no no I’m dead serious that that that had to be a tongue and cheap comment you you obviously don’t actually understand what love deep love and care and compassion is you you clearly have no idea well sir I do have to ask because I’m being invited to attend

Um something I’d be going alone I I just I have to make sure okay just for my own safety that’s all that’s all I’m asking I guess the burning question is did she actually attend church she said she would be happy to do so did that happen did she make any uh

Attempt to do so no and In fairness I didn’t follow up on that I had to first get the blessing of of our church and our pastor and and I felt that until this had gone a little further and uh we had explored a little more I wasn’t going to raise that again

But the response to the Offa was tells the whole story anyway and it’s never too late to be saved I’m sure the church will always welcome you Jacqueline at any time Chris I’m going to throw to something that you said towards the end of the whole debacle and it’s about the

Right for Christians to pray in whatever way they feel feel fit you’re not the thought police you’re not the thought police and you’re certainly not the thought police we can worship the god that we want to worship and we can hold our hands up to worship Our God in any

Way that we like and you are not going to depict that as a Nazi salute and us as fascists and n and Nazis that’s actually if you look at things the exact ideology that you’re perpetrating you’re perpetrating hate and divide now there’s another moment here uh when they come to

Shut it down and Chris it’s the the offense they take over something you say that I don’t even think that was that bad they heard 50 minutes I’m assuming they could overhear most of the conversation they were very close by of jacn gelano saying one offensive thing after another to

Christians to both of you to your faces and and listen to what they take offenseive and I’m going to say this in the nicest way I think you should go home and do some soul searching with regards to your career or at the very least with how you conducted how you

Conducted yourself no I get to say she should she should think about how she conducted herself well I think as with Jacqueline there’s a degree of huis attached to this agenda that’s concerning they really do not see that there is another perspective and that there may be a truth that’s outside of

What their belief and the narrative that they’re trying to advance is and I think that’s what’s particularly disturbing we went in there as Kevin said it was to some degree the extension of an olive branch had we had an apology and a retraction I think that would have been

The end of the story but unfortunately I think they’ve dug their heels in and Ashley wwan has has now doubled down on that once again with you and uh it’ll be interesting to see where this goes because there is no excuse for that story being printed in that defamatory

Manner there’s absolutely none the reporter was present she was aware of the content of the video prior that she had viewed it was that was a hitpiece and there’s no excuse for it now another outrageous moment is when Jaclyn gelol admits that nobody else made a police

Report instead it was her who gave the police the bogus photo so you provided that and reported that you believed it was a crime that had been committed oh no then why did you report why were the police involved because I I said it to them I said is this something that you

Are investigating is this something that you’re looking into aware was the response from them they said we weren’t uh aware of it and then but since then so that was prior to the article being published and then since then um they told us that they’re uh in going to be

Investigating it and what offense are they investigating uh hate speech what was going through either of your minds when you leared that According to jackn gelel which by the way the RCMP deny Uh Kevin you’re now being investigated for hate because she delivered the photo of you praying without

Context yeah that was perhaps for me one of the scariest concepts of this whole thing I I’m and I mentioned that to her said you have apparently the police investigating me for a hate crime when clearly the hate crime is actually on your end and uh and and I still until we had

Heard that in fact the police weren’t investigating it that’s been on my mind continuously I’ve spoken to Chris many times about it are they really are they going to come knocking on my door I was ready to go to them and say I believe

You guys are doing a story on me or or investigating a story on me here I am let let’s get the real hate crime investigated here well I’m glad we were able to set that record straight unlike Colona Capital news now Chris uh I understand you have a background in

Intelligence you mentioned that in the footage tell us a little bit about what that background is and what your thoughts were now knowing that this footage had been delivered to the RCMP in that style yeah I spent over two decades as a member of the RCMP and and retired uh in

2019 uh the latter part of my career was spent to a large degree working in intelligence I was completely shocked and uh mortified that again something could be fabricated like this fed to the police and then an investigation into a hate crime opened as a result of it I’d love

To encourage just other Christians not only Christians whatever Faith you’re from I’d like to encourage people to stand up when they’re seeing this kind of unfair oppression unfair defamation unfair representation for our media you at Rebel news are doing a great job of identifying some of these mainstream

Media lies but I think it’s important for the average person to have the courage to come forward I don’t think most people do I think that they are intimidated uh they’re worried about the repercussions and in this case Kevin had the courage to come forward and I think

That uh that should be a beacon of light to other people that they do not need to accept this kind of malpractice from our media black press media has taken millions of dollars from the federal government unlike Rebel news that doesn’t take a scent if you appreciate

That Rebel news works hard to bring you the other side of the story even if that story is one the mainstream media should have told to start then please go to stop MSM not only is that where you can go to sign and share this

Petition it’s also where you can go to chip in a few to help our journalism go strong again that’s stop MSM

? | Help us vindicate Kevin Gowie and stop mainstream media lies!
Drea Humphrey talks to Kevin Gowie and Chris Williams, who was also smeared by Jacqueline Gelineau, a reporter with the Kelowna Capital News, owned by Black Press Media. The two men talk about their meeting with Gelineau, who refused to amend her story branding parental rights protesters as “apparent Nazis” for holding their arms up in prayer.
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  1. This so-called journalist has betrayed her commitment to unbiased reporting to all Canadians by imposing personal views to heighten hyperbole. Her unwillingness to take responsibility for injecting her own immature syntax, (or perhaps mental instability), into her work speaks to her inadequacy for the position she holds.??

  2. I think Jacqueline is a product of someone who has never set foot in a church and has been raised and educated with the idea that Christianity is hateful. This is the future of Canada


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