Int’l students will need double the money to study in Canada #shorts


On January 1st the financial requirement for study permits will be raised to reflect the current cost of living a single applicant will need to show that they have $2,635 and funds to support themselves in Canada moving up from $10,000 future increases will be tied to the lowi income cfff that statistics Canada

Publishes every year since most students are currently halfway through their school year and some are working full-time to meet their needs we will extend the temporary policy that has allowed eligible International students to work more than 20 hours per week through till April 30th of 2024 the end

Of the academic year ahead of September 2024 we are prepared to take necessary measures including significantly limiting visas to ensure that designated learning institutions provide adequate and sufficient student supports as part of the academic experience enough is enough if provinces and territories cannot do this we will do it for them

And they will not like the bluntness of the instruments that we use

The federal government says it’s doubling the amount of money international students will need to get a study permit. Immigration Minister Marc Miller said the change is meant to protect international students as the cost of living in Canada increases.

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  1. So, only the well off need apply? What about need based scholarships for talented international students, or is that going away as well. Hope Canada doesn’t miss out on talented immigrants.

  2. so with the rise in tuitions, will we see better education and more educated leaders coming out?
    what will this change, nothing, it will fill the streets with more poor, now its students that will go to the foodbanks and such.
    They have made inflation a regular thing, so much so it is common now to use percentages and to not question it is constantly growing. there is a steady rise in population, yet the percentages always stay the same and it is always going up in cost, not once have products ever come down from inflated prices, they have consistently risen EVERY SINGLE YEAR. How come none of these companies have looked at innovating ideas to lower costs, its always raise prices and blame something else for it.
    If inflation is a constant 2-3 percent increase, eventually it will have prices so high no human could add them up, let alone pay the costs.

  3. That amount will do nothing maybe 5% less students will apply. The rules need to be strict. The IELTS test costs around 4-6k students and they are paying the amount to buy the test and come here. The government should have proper rules and guidelines in place. Maybe more incentive for legitimate colleges like humber, Sheridan, George Brown, etc should only allow the International students to apply. This current government is incompetent they allowed students to come to Canada that can't actually afford it and allowed Canadians to get mortgages they can't afford. Bravo ??

  4. Tired of Colleges taking international students for the money. They take jobs. Canadian students suffer. Int student not doing their class work leaving it to others to finish their work because enrollment just excuse to be in Canada.

  5. Our media selling liberal lies as propaganda. The student visa government site always stated you needed proof of $25k. The liberals lowered it to $10k.. now they are undoing their harm, but not even fully back to $25k.
    The 30 hours week doesnt include gig roles that are not paid hourly.


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