“Best job in the world”: Soccer star Christine Sinclair looks back on career ahead of final game


Ian it makes me proud uh you know when s and I like first joined the na team really no one cared and I mean I joined because like obviously I got invited but it’s just like something cool to do um and to see the growth of the game see where it’s at

Now and the opportunities that are available you know whether it’s internationally whether it’s playing grow honestly I thought I never thought in my career that this was going to happen and I yeah I just feel fortunate to have been a part of that grow and and yeah it’s it’s incredible to like

Experience the change these these young kids have all the opportunities in the world now it’s exciting you know all the players on the national team we were once that young kid that that had aspirations and dreams of playing professionally and represent Canada World Cups and Olympics there’s

No secret it’s a lot of work but man it’s the best job in the world and yeah just to go for it anything’s possible I’ll stay involved in the sport know it’s been my life pretty much since I was four so whether that’s helping D in her League whether that’s

Coaching we’ll see but I’ll definitely be involved

Canadian soccer legend Christine Sinclair looked back on her career Sunday on Canada’s women’s national team ahead of her final game on Tuesday, calling it the “best job in the world.”

Sinclair encouraged young women to get involved in the sport and reflected on the growth of the sport in Canada since she joined the national team.

“Honestly, I never thought in my career that this was going to happen, and I feel fortunate to have been a part of that growth,” she said.

Sinclair did not say what was next for her as she exits her role on the team, but said she would “stay involved,” whether through coaching or some other capacity.

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