COP28 | Oil-rich Dubai hosting key climate summit


The cop 28 climate Summit is getting underway in Dubai with countries trying to agree on ways to keep the planet from heating overheating but climate activists have doubts about how far the oil Rich host country will go to help end a climate crisis driven largely by the use of fossil

Fuels we don’t want to shy away from that truth and that reality we think that this is the right cop and the cop to be calling for a phase out of fossil fuels and centering a conversation on what a just transition away from Fields look like the conference is taking place

Against the backdrop of the release of the first ever assessment of just how far countries have come in terms of fulfilling their commitments under the Paris agreement CTV Scott Hurst has more for us now from the national Newsroom so Scott what can we expect from this year’s Summit well good morning Marcia

And we begin with a major first day breakthrough at the UN climate conference in Dubai a big step toward compensating countries struggling to cope with the rising cost of damage caused by climate change and the delegates have approved a fund that will help compensate mostly developing countries bearing the brunt of the

Climate driven crisis however many details of the so-called loss and damage fund are still to be worked out and many believe that the fund still may not be enough annually to cover the costs that are mostly borne by developing countries here’s more from the president of the international fund for agricultural

Development on the expectations for cop 28 it cannot just end on declarations it cannot end just on Goodwill it needs to come with actual action and I’m really hopeful that this cob will be focused on adaptation and also how we can make a sustainable trajectory to disincentivize also fossil fuels so climate financing

Already brought up at the conference on day one that was one of the key topics as well as the debate over the transition I away from fossil fuels and the big question is how quickly whether there’ll be terms that are called a phasing out or a phasing down when it

Comes to these big International conferences and the final message that comes out messaging matters the words matters uh greatly also as you mentioned uh leading into this Marcia there’s a lot of questions about where this is being held and who’s in charge Dubai the UAE is an oil Rich nation and there’s

Many questions about how seriously it is taking the climate crisis and the head of cop 28 the head of the conference overall is the CEO of the uae’s national oil company so there are some things that have already been worked out many things still to be worked out at this

Two-e conference and also any questions and concerns as we kick off this two-e conference Marc two weeks wow okay I want to talk to you about Canada’s uh position there but before we get to that just quickly Scott this is a massive uh Summit who all is attending there a

Massive summer where there’s 70,000 delegates from around the world and some world leaders will be there prime minister Justin Trudeau will not be in attendance this year but vice president US vice president KLA Harris will be there um you UK prime minister Richi sunak will be there as well as King

Charles and the UN Secretary General will all be in attendance so a lot of big names involved world leaders and climate activists also there and also uh people that are part of the oil lobby as we said that’s happening in UAE so lots of delegates lots of factions all giving

Their input to this un climate conference so a massive conference that will take place over the next two weeks with 70,000 plus delegates SC what are what are Canada’s priorities and challenges at these negotiations so the Canada delegation will be led by environment Minister Steven gibo as a mentioned prime minister Trudeau will

Not be there and Canada will continue to work with its Partners to accelerate Global efforts to limit warming so that we don’t continue to deal with the catastrophic impacts of climate change and we’ll also push to expand renewable energy project however two of the biggest thorns in Ottawa side recently

When it comes to carbon pricing and uh energy initiatives will also be in attendance Alberta Premier Danielle Smith will be there as well as Saskatchewan Premier Scott Mo they will also uh be in attendance as I said along with prime um environment Minister Steven gibo so it’ll be interesting to

See with so much infighting back here at home how that plays out on a world stage Marcia indeed all right Scott thanks for all that

Scott Hurst discusses COP28 getting underway in Dubai and the key developments to watch for at the key climate summit.

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  1. That kind of reminds me of Saudi Arabia winning on seat on the International Council for the Rights of Women, and Canada being denied… if that wasn't a wake up call as to how the world sees this country, I don't what is.

  2. ??????Climate change needs committed leaders like the president of Colombia @GustavoPetro, who seeks Peace and environmental conservation with the gradual elimination of fossil fuels and the use of clean energy.?

  3. Did one country or group say anything about the environmental issues generated in the host country and those that surround it in that region? Was E. May there again to say a lot and come home to do nothing? Did one country take a look at where they were and say how does this make sense? An oil rich and pollution heavy country run by despots hosting this excuse for wealth distribution is surely a joke to most who see this for what it is, not anything to do with protecting the environment, all to do with controlling wealth and making sure poor countries remain so and dependent on big brother.


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