3 in 4 Canadians think Trudeau should step down now: poll


There is no good news for the Liberals anywhere in this latest polling from ipsos provided exclusively to Global News the country is tired of Justin Trudeau tired of his government and were an election to be held today Pierre pov’s conservatives would almost certainly win a majority when the Liberals vaulted from

Third to first in the 2015 election it was all because of Justin Trudeau a leader that Canadians were excited about after nearly 9 years of Steven Harper but after 8 years of Justin Trudeau most Canadians are ready for change again they created the the party of Justin

Trudo and they’re going to live or die by that they certainly have lived uh reasonably well over the space of the last eight years but the other uh the other conclusion the other outcome is the one in which they’re defeated because they are the party of Justin

Trudeau and that’s where they are today 72% of respondents said Trudeau should step down now even among those who are liberal supporters 33% think Trudeau should go I’ve never seen a number that high for a prime minister probably in since Brian marun uh back in 9192 and

That that’s what this really reminds me of and because the liberal brand is now so closely identify with Trudeau Trudeau’s falling popularity has pulled the party down if an election were held today 40% would vote conservative 24% would vote liberal 21% would vote NDP among Quebec respondents 32% picked the

BL K bequa 28% would pick the Liberals and 22% would choose the conservatives in Canada’s first pass the post system those numbers would add up to a substantial majority for Pierre pov’s conservatives Trudeau himself knows the numbers do not look good but Global News can report Trudeau has told

Close Associates he would not be true to himself if he quit as leader that he is looking forward to taking on POV in the next election and with two years until that happens Trudeau believes he has the runway to turn the party’s fortunes around David aen Global News Ottawa

When Canada’s Liberals vaulted from third to first place in the 2015 election, it was all because of Justin Trudeau — a leader that Canadians were excited about after nearly nine years of former prime minister Stephen Harper. But after eight years of Trudeau, most Canadians seem to be ready for a change again.

New polling provided exclusively to Global News by Ipsos finds Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre leading Trudeau by 16 points, with 72 per cent of total respondents saying Trudeau should step down now. Among those who identify as Liberal Party supporters, one in three said it was time for a new party leader.

“I’ve never seen a number that high for a Prime minister, probably since Brian Mulroney back in ‘91, ‘92. And that that’s what this really reminds me of,” Ipsos CEO Darryl Bricker said.

Global’s David Akin reports.

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