Trudeau says Poilievre ‘no longer stands’ with Ukraine


Mr Speaker I’m going to have to uh correct the facts uh in This House of Commons given what the leader of the opposition continues to say 2300 local Canadian construction jobs and 2500 permanent Canadian jobs when the stantis plant is completed there’ll be 3,000 jobs in the region when the northp

Plant in Quebec is completed uh you’d think the leader of the opposition would support those but he doesn’t he’s uncontrollable urged to make everything a partisan issue means not supporting the Investments that are going to help in Windsor in St Thomas uh in Quebec or elsewhere across the country he wants

Cuts we want investments in the future of Canadian The Honorable leader of the opposition this prime minister has forced 7 million Canadians to cut back on their diet to a point where they are no longer healthy this prime minister has forced Canadians to cut their budget for food and therefore a record smashing

2 million people are lined up at a food bank every month around corners in ways that we haven’t seen since the Great Depression that’s the austerity he’s opposed on Canadians now he wants to quadruple the carbon tax on the farmers who bring us our food we have a common sense conservative bill

C234 will the Prime Minister stop blocking this bill in the Senate let it pass so that our farmers can produce food and our people can afford to eat it the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker if the leader of the opposition actually cared about Canadians being able to afford their food uh they

Wouldn’t have dragged their heels uh on the passage of c-56 uh that is increasing competition in the grocery sector uh but indeed Mr Speaker there are a lot of factors that that deliver higher food prices uh not just for Canadians for people around the world and one of the key ones is Russia’s

Continued illegal invasion of Ukraine Mr Speaker on this side of the house or we can affirm clearly that we will stand with Ukraine with everything necessary for as long as necessary as we saw last week no conservative politician can say the same in this house The Honorable leader of the

Opposition actually we we are the only party that has stood with Ukraine Mr Speaker rather than trying to impose a carbon P but you know this crime Minister I understand what he’s doing he has imposed so much misery here at home whether by doubling housing costs forcing people into tent encampments uh

Forcing 2 million people to go to a food bank these are the problems here at home at the kitchen table he is so desperate to talk about anything else that he avoids talking about what’s happening in our own country so will he answer the question will he take his tax off our

Farmers so our people can afford to eat the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the leader of the opposition full well knows that 97% of fuel emissions uh in the agricultural sector in the farming sector are already exempt from our price on pollution but he is so desperate to

Try and score partisan points that he actually refused to stand in support of something Vladimir zinski asked us for in this house how is the leader of the opposition explaining to Ukrainian Canadians right across the country that he no longer stands with Ukraine on things that they need right now to win

This war against against Russia

Trudeau questioned Poilievre’s stance with Ukraine amid a debate on inflation and rising cost of living during question period.

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  1. Hey Trudeau, why are you standing all the way over there with Ukraine? Did you forget you have a country to run? Canadians are fighting just to get by daily because of your poor leadership ?

  2. I stand with not using our money to fight a proxy war we have nothing to do with. If it was worth fighting out armed forces would be there instead of just sending money and letting it disappear into the pockets of a corrupt government.

  3. Blindly standing by whatever cause du jour is insane. Trudeau and ALL of his supporters should shoulder those ridiculous burdens alone if they want to bear them so badly. And Ukraine can stand with itself. Canada has no place in proxy wars.


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