Hamas to release 13 Israelis and 7 foreigners after stalled talks resolved by Qatar and Egypt


ABY what’s your sense of what’s going on what caused the delay and is the truce back on well we don’t know exactly what what the delay was all about uh it seems as though Hamas was just trying to tell Israel that it in fact is in charge and

It will determine the pace of the events on the ground that appears to now have been resolved there were some negotiations involving the kataris and the Egyptians um and the announcement has gone out from Kamas that they will in fact release the 13 Israeli hostages and an additional seven foreign Nationals just this

Evening so this evening this is still going to happen tonight because families have been waiting for hours and hours I I mean you would know better than I how quickly will all this unfold you think it could happen in a matter of minutes you know Israel has been at the

Ready to receive those hostages just as it received the first batch yesterday um as well as to convey those Palestinian prisoners convicted terrorists who it has agreed to release as part of this deal um it is indeed incredibly difficult for the Israeli families who’ve been sitting in hospitals

Awaiting their loved ones uh over the past few hours I’m sure they’ve been rought with anxiety and they’re very hopeful that this deal will indeed go forth it’s important to note that Israel has said that if it does not go forward and if it does not receive if Israel

Does not receive those hostages by midnight it will relaunch its military campaign in Gaza and of course that pause in fighting will fall apart at that time we were speaking with Mark gregov um just last hour and he said the success or the failure or the falling apart of

The TRU steel lies completely with Hamas and their willingness to to release the hostages do you feel that’s the case it’s entirely the case Israel has abided by its part of the deal it has in fact released uh Palestinian prisoners many of whom were convicted for Terror offenses including attempted murder of

Israelis um it is conveyed hundreds of trucks of Aid into the Gaza STP again in accordance with its commitments as part of the Steal um all Hamas has to do is release the Israelis that holds in its custody again we’re talking about children infants elderly people mothers

And and babies and so on and so forth that’s all it has to do and so yes it is entirely on hamas’s shoulders to follow through on its part of the deal and ensure that this brief pause in fighting does indeed continue for the coming days

Abby can you tell us about the pr pressure on the ongoing pressure really on Netanyahu the government and the IDF we’re we’ve been showing our audience this massive crowd in Tel Aviv protesting saying please bring the hostages home is that still the primary goal for the Israeli government and

Military or is it about destroying Hamas well those two goals go handin hand Israel has determined that those are in fact the mission of the IDF at this time to on the fir hand sure that Hamas never has the capacity to carry out a massacre like October 7th ever

Again while at the same time doing whatever Israel can to bring those hostages home in the Israeli understanding it is the pressure on Hamas that produced this deal and if that military campaign hadn’t taken place it is unlikely that Hamas would have acquiesced to a deal so quickly the

President of United States said basically the same exact thing in his remarks this weekend that it was the pressure on Kamas that produced this deal we hope that it will go forward and that those hostages will indeed be brought home safely so let’s say about a dozen get got released

Yesterday and another dozen today or more or less the same thing on Sunday and the same thing on Monday that’s still not the full 240 plus people so does that what do you think happens on Tuesday is it an extension of the truth back to War what what’s the goal and the Hope

Here let’s first see that this first stage actually does go through as we anticipate again just this evening we’ve already seen a hitch which seems to have been resolved but it is not unlikely that we will see similar psychological warfare on hamas’s part in the coming

Days as it tries to toy with the Israeli public and apply even additional pressure to the Netanyahu government but yes the question is what happens if indeed this does go through as planned um there have been discussions of potential extensions of this pause and fighting with the receipt of additional

Batches of hostages in the days to come the question has to be asked however how many hostages K Hamas actually deliver we understand that quite a few hostages are being held by other terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip including Islamic Jihad and others some are perhaps being held by private individuals basically as

Trophies um will Hamas be able to convince them to hand over those hostages apparently it has told Israel that it needs these additional days of a pause and fighting to to basically locate them to find where they are in order to deliver them to Israel but quite frankly the most fundamental

Question is how many of these people are actually still alive um we estimate that there are certain number who are no longer amongst the living we don’t know exactly how many there are there have been estimates that up to half perhaps even more are no longer alive and I

Think those details will be necessary to see what more can be achieved in the days ahead and what do you think happens I might have asked you this before in the number of times we’ve spoken but let’s say the hostages are all released what happens next in

Gaza look Israel has been extr clear it can never tolerate an event like October 7th the greatest Massac of Jews since the Holocaust ever happen again and Hamas is also been clear that it will continue to perpetrate acts like October 7th until Israel is eradicated it said

That very openly and so Israel has declared it as its mission to deny Hamas the capability to carry out a massacre October the 7th by decimating its military capabilities in the Gaza Strip showing that it’s targeting only military infrastructure denying Kamas the ability to carry out such massacres

Expect that that will continue once this pause is uh indeed concluded

A Gaza hostage release deal was back on track on Saturday night after a delay over aid supplies to the north of the besieged enclave was resolved following mediation by Qatar and Egypt. ’39 Palestinian civilians will be released tonight, while 13 Israeli hostages will leave Gaza in addition to 7 foreigners,’ a Qatari Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesperson said on social media.

Read more: www.cbc.ca/1.7040142

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