‘It’s unprecedented’: Dutch political commentator on Geert Wilders’ stunning electoral victory


It’s been compared in terms of its seismic political impact to brexit when the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union I’m referring of course to the Electoral Victory the tremendous success the surprising success to many of H Builders the leaders of the leader of the party for freedom in the

Netherlands and joining us now was one of our favorite Dutch political observers and commentators our friend AV of linger Brook who is on the road in Europe doing a documentary thanks very much for jamming Us in what a remarkable outcome I I didn’t think that the Dutch

Would Embrace someone who was so radical in the Latin sense of that word he goes to the roots Eva what do you make of her Wilder’s success uh I guess it was last night now yeah well personally I’m euphoric I uh I voted for the pbv personally and

Just like you asra I had honestly no idea that this would happen it was completely unexpected it’s unprecedented uh they won now they’re looking at 38 seats even so they keep on Rising with the last code uh um votes being counted and it’s just it’s something that no one saw coming I think

The pvv uh they’ve been branded as well extremely radical and not in a good sense you know hered Builders has even been prosecuted and um and uh and tried here in the Netherlands for his his opinions and his views uh voters of the PPP have been ridiculizar Dutch people have now said

Enough with that we want change and we are going to vote for this party it’s just it’s unheard of and I’m honestly really really happy yeah I mean he is a free speech Champion he has fought prosecution for his ideas he has a very hard line on Islam and and I’ve listened

To him say it many times he says I respect Muslims as people but I quarrel with the ideology the philosophy of Islam itself which is very interesting distinction he’s very tough on Islam and he’s talked about for example a moratorium on building mosques he’s talked about ending uh for all intents

And purposes all third world immigration uh he’s been saying these things for really 20 years and he’s been saying them from the margins of politics but now he’s in the heart of politics I I have a question for you I have my answer to this question but I want to hear it

From you do you think that he will be able to carry out his basic ideas like they’re they’re radical in the sense where they go to the roote he wants to pull out immigration from the rote he wants to challenge Islam by name he’s not dancing around it do you think he’s

Going to hold fast to his values now that he is in the driver’s seat Well I think there’s really no other option for her Builders I mean this man is not joking when it comes comes to his opinions about this he uh is you know he has security details

Following him around 247 he can’t go anywhere without being protected by his bodyguards he drives a car that is is armored you know like all of that it’s it’s not a joke you know hered Builders has sacrificed a lot for his views on Islam and his his critic um of

Immigration and so I I don’t think that that’s something that he will compromise on necessarily of course all sorts of other powers other political parties in the Netherlands that he will form have to form a coalition with are probably going to want him to um to water that

Message down but I I think her Builders is very much aware of the fact that the people in the Netherlands have chosen him for this particular reason I think also the events of October 7th and you know how that has played out all over Europe you have seen the protests here

You know people have come out in vast numbers waving Taliban Flags waving um you know Al-Qaeda flags and I think that that has woken the masses up in a way uh and another thing that K builders’s party is in favor of is the well Dutch version of the brexit so he’s in favor

Of a nexit and if that is something that we can actually do then we stand a chance you know because a lot of these open border policies ultimately Start begin and end in Brussels you know they begin and end with the European Union and hered builders’s party has been very

Clear on the fact that they want to leave the EU which is something that I think abs needs to happen if we want to see any real substantial change with regards to immigration that’s incredible you know my answer to my own question is herit Builders has lived for this one

Purpose and as you mentioned he’s under extreme security uh and for good reason other Dutch critics of Islam have been assassinated uh Tao vanoff van go as he’d be called um Pim for toown was a gay politician actually who both of these men were killed um for challenging

For speaking out Ian hery Ali had to basically flee the country for death threats so a man who has lived for 20 years under armed guard because he holds these beliefs there’s no way he’s going to abandon them now as you say I think the challenge is can he work with other

Parties to get over the hump for a working Coalition now tell me about one of the other parties I understand that another uh party that U actually was for the former PM Mark Ruta um that the new leader of that party is a Turkish Refugee herself who is critical of

Immigration do you know more about these potential uh Coalition Partners like are there other people who support an immigration Crackdown that hert Builders can work with well the vbd uh has been saying that for years now that is margarett’s party and indeed it’s now led by a

Turkish woman and she also just like well every single vvd politician has been quite anti-immigration right before the elections but usually right after the elections and when they are actually elected they change their Tunes again and they you know they answer to the whims of russels so I wouldn’t trust the

BBD as far as I could throw them personally um but there is a chance now that if they do form a right-wing Coalition with some other parties on the right that have taken a a sture anti-immigration stand send the vbd that there that that that would be a

Possibility um it remains to be seen because like I said the pvv hered Wilder’s party he’s been excluded from uh for the formation of a coalition for well as long basically as they exist it only happened once uh and now I think that he has become so big you know that

They just can’t ignore him anymore if if they now try to form a coalition without him God forbid you know I really think that the Dutch people will uh uh well let’s just put it diplomatically they won’t be happy so I I I doubt that that’s still an Option

On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Dutch political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek joined the show to discuss Geert Wilders’ historic electoral victory in the Netherlands.

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  1. VVD is now, as from 24th of November, against directly participation in a PVV coalition. By doing that Kurdish Dilan Yesilgöz ignores the half of the members of VVD. So that can be the start of the VVD split up or disappear. Geert Wilders faces though times, but Dutch people linger for change. The Netherlands is a very dense populated country and too much involved with EU, WEF, WHO and Nato. It is said that Mark Rutte goes to NATO.. Keep up the good work Ezra, and we love Eva!

  2. 3:53 I've never seen a taliban/alkaida flag in any demonstration about GAZA, you're a liar .
    4:15 Closed border policies are useless unless you push for a reformed world-financial-system and profitable infrastructure projects in the developing world like CHINA is doing.

  3. It is tactically wise of Wilders to set temporary aside his stance on islam as a religion in order to make a coalition possible, but that is enough watering down. He surely must achieve a binding referendum about leaving the EU. If he succeeds to do that, than he is already succesful! After that, realization of many other of his opinions will follow. As long as, as Eva said, the Netherlands are freed from the EU with her open borders treaty of Schengen. A next step should be leaving the UN and the dangerous WHO of Bill Gates, with its diabolic pandemic treaty.

  4. I've been following this man for quite some time. This is long overdue. His hard work and his message have finally gotten through to his people. Congratulations.

  5. It's not surprising at all. People in general are fully waking up to the fact that the EU and the WEF want to destroy our countries and enslave us for the benefit of a few hundred billionaires.


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