‘Sovereign citizen’ questions BC police over traffic stop in viral clip


November 9 in chillak what appears to be a routine traffic stop hi there hi ladies and registration please filmed and uploaded to social media you haven’t provided me the documentation you do have a driver’s license you’re driving with no insurance and wrong number PLS so you’re going to be getting a traffic

Ticket today and the vehicle is going to be towed okay no I don’t agree to that what follows is a barage of defiance I don’t consent any of this you’re creating a non-consensual security agreement on the side of the road without right you guys understand that you’re breaching my piece right you guys

Are going to try and criminally harass me into your compliance a bashel of opinions lawyers say won’t stack up in court on the basis of the arguments that were being made in the video there is no defense to the charge it has no foundation in any law anywhere in Canada

Driving in BC it’s a privilege it’s not a right so you know if you don’t abide by the rules set forth in the BC motor vehicle act Andor criminal code of C Canada then you could lose those privileges a group of people who believe they are immune to government’s Law and

Order call themselves Sovereign citizens there has been a significant increase in this type of rhetoric ever since the pandemic began the courts are very not receptive to these types of arguments there was a recent case out of Prince rert for example where somebody was sentenced to a period of jail as a

Result of repeatedly bringing these arguments in court and repeatedly refusing to recognize the authority of the Court affirming they will continue to enforce the law everybody is equally responsible to follow the laws set forth in those acts and those laws are there for a reason they’re they’re there to make our highways

Safer message to those who don’t agree Cassidy Moscone Global News

A traffic stop in B.C.’s Fraser Valley earlier this month is gaining traction after the footage was uploaded online, showing the driver claiming the violation of his rights.

“I don’t consent to this, you are creating a non-consensual security agreement on the side of the road without right,” the driver said.

As Cassidy Mosconi reports, both police and lawyers say the argument doesn’t hold up.

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  1. some laws actually force people in corner where they are forced to make choice which is called crime .there are many examples leads to question how and who watch the watchers ? guilty shouldn't punish the guilty . regarding this specific case driving without insurance is only justified if that driver agrees to pay for any damages done by his vehical in case of crash . and what if diver is unable to pay what would insurance pay ? ''debt prisons ? '' . then again there is no perfect logic . and innocents can get trapped in it . legislation passer politicians never been in jail cell. nor have they patrolled rime filled streets . cops blindly go follow law and get in conflit with citizens . cuz most don't have money for logical lawyers to fight logical fight in front of logical judge with logical rules . interesting game though ?. emotions vs reason.eternal enemies . poor things . lost in maze . trying to make sense of non sense ? it would be interesting to hear police telling people to just pretend following rules .

  2. These people just don’t want to have responsibilities… they don’t care about everyone else’s safety … I mean if they want to be “free” then go hang out on an ice sheet in the Arctic where you can’t really hurt anyone

  3. What was gained for his vehicle being towed. Was he driving reckless? Nope. He didn't have insurance, correct. But he's still liable for any accident, duh. How many arsonists burn down houses and everything each year. How many criminals dont lose their freedom for doing 100x worse. Money money money. How many people are covered by car, house, theft, assault, lost loved one from insurance these days. If you do receive some coverage your lucky, but it takes a long time to receive a payment you pay into.

  4. "A non-consensual security agreement"… lol, stop making stuff up dude. You want to enjoy the rights and freedom of this country, that has a small price. You don't like the price, pack up and move.

  5. I always liked them but what never made sense to me was the obsession with old/obscure laws which would seem to legitimize the very concepts that they're theoretically opposing. If you're gonna just claim that you're inherently sovereign because you have self evident natural rights (like a right to simply exist without obeying masters) then why the weird 1800s legal angle? Should be a moral argument not a legal 1.

  6. the pigs are wrong and the lawyer is wrong we have the right to travel without insurance and or a license , but people are just being brainwashed into thinking we need this crap , it lies lies lies , just like people are brainwashed thinking the earth is a globe lol

  7. He tried using American make-believe laws in Canada. Double whammy. It’s like citing the 80th Amendment of the US Constitution to police in Canada. It means nothing, in either country.

  8. A couple of things. First of all most police officers will quote the Criminal Code of Canada to try to intimidate you. Many police officers believe that the highest law of the land is the criminal code of Canada, they are wrong. The highest law in Canada is the Canadian Charter of Rights and freedoms and it is superior to the Criminal Code of Canada. Having said that, as the lawyer in this video stated, driving in British Columbia is a privilege not a right and therefore not covered under the Canadian Charter of Rights and freedoms.


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