Teenage girl tackled, injured by Edmonton police officer in case of mistaken identity


I thought they were trafficking me sorry Halen hamco white still can’t believe what happened earlier this week as she walked toward Londoner mall I had an unmarked SUV come pull up to me and they said that they were police and I didn’t see any logos or nothing they

Didn’t turn on their lights at all the 17-year-old says the man told her if she ran she’d be taste and she panicked and took off one of the men tackled her on the street her face shows the road rash I didn’t think they were real cops and I

Thought they were lying the 17-year-old thought she was fighting for her life wrestled into cuffs and put in the back of the car Haley found out the men were in fact police and she wasn’t their Target in a statement Edmonton Police tell Global News the officers were in an

Unmarked vehicle responding to a domestic disturbance nearby a woman refusing to leave a house officers thought Hal was their suspect he said to me he’s like I’m so sorry Haley like we were looking for some very bad people that match your description lawyer Tom angle says Sor doesn’t cut it it should

Have been obvious to the police officer that she was resisting the arrest because she was terrified and not because she was a suspect Charlene NCO Haley’s mom says she doesn’t think all officers are bad but says incidents like this reflect poorly on police I taught my children to trust you the uniform I

Taught my children to go to them for help and the uniform hurt my child so who do you go to Haley her mom and angle all agree this entire ordeal easily could have been avoided you prevent it by turning on your flashing lights to identify yourself as police Edmonton

Police say their Professional Standards branch is investigating and I have such high respect for them but now it’s like totally deteriorated and it’s like I can’t I can’t look get a cop the same ever again Sarah Ryan Global News

An Edmonton girl fought for her life, fearing she was being abducted to be trafficked — but it turns out her would-be captors were Edmonton Police Service officers who mistook her for the suspect in a nearby domestic violence call.

Haylie Nahamko-White had just gotten off work on Monday, Nov. 13. She was walking towards Londonderry Mall in north Edmonton, and about to cross 137th Avenue at 68th Street to meet her boyfriend.

It was 10:30 p.m., pitch dark outside. She was on the phone with her partner, who was parked across the street.

“I had an unmarked SUV pull up to me and they said they were police. I didn’t see any logos or nothing. They didn’t turn on their lights at all,” Nahamko-White said Thursday.

The 17-year-old said a man in the vehicle told her if she fled, he would deploy his taser on her. She panicked and ran.

Sarah Ryan reports.

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  1. So in our sick, perverted society, it would stand to reason a young woman would fear for her life. No uniforms. Unmarked vehicle. Ya, I'd run too. Thats 50 shades of wrong right there. I hope they get sued, that stuff right there is why people , like me, who once respected police, no longer do. She will be traumatized for a very long time. " Sorry, wrong person. Sorry we chased you, arrested you, smashed your face in the ground because YOU mistook us for predators…because we weren't in uniform and had an unmarked vehicle. My bad".

  2. Policing has changed. Teaching your kids to trust them is correct thing to do. Almost feels like today you have to warn them about bad apples. Lazy apples.

  3. famous Hope Mission building Edmonton on August 6 2023, I was told if I go inside the building I might not wake up because of the possibility that I could get killed while asleep, I got robbed and brutally bloody beaten twice by two different large groups of violent people, they’d electrified me, bear sprayed my eyes, burnt my hair, punches and kicked like it was my last moment to live, “It felt HELL,” walking home with bloody face and black eyes and bruises, my eyes bled and skin were in a extreme burning sensation because of the bear spray, I walked in the downtown Edmonton full of blood all over my face and body, my jaw was uneven because of the impact when I was being kicked on the ground: and all that was reported to the police. “I THANK YOU HOPE MISSION.” I am traumatized.

    Why until now drug addiction, homelessness, crime, violence, deaths and hate still reigns in our society? Drug addicts transparently uses illegal drugs in public parks and streets, carrying weapons and intoxicated and fresh blood on the streets.

    Drug addicts want cure! Our society need to be cure! Nobody wants to be captive of drug addiction and develop mental illness we all wants healthy and happy lives and environment, I suggest love others first before loving yourself.

    Many people are struggling but there are many more people who are dealing with most hardship situations like, mental illness, homelessness, addiction and other more serious illnesses that cause death.

    We can always help, not only with money but to advocate, give advices, helping hand, find solutions to the problems of our society and ask the government for help by taking their attention. Be a good Samaritan.

    There are many people who live in our world who aren’t acting like a human, immigrants are leaving, even aliens are leaving and only politicians, Zombies, drug addicts, violence, crime, hate, cruelty, war and homeless reigns.

    Where are the law and orders? Were is the morality? Where is the Democracy? Where is the power of the goodness and where is your faith in our Lord God?


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