CTV National News | Wednesday, November 15, 2023: Israel raids Gaza hospital


Tonight Israeli forces raid gaza’s largest hospital what its military says was discovered there is an AK-47 there are cartridges am ammo there are grenades in here while protesters confront the Prime Minister over the conflict at a restaurant now now President Biden what’s your message to China today in San Francisco

Istakes meeting between the US and China plus profits from Big grocery chains leave Canadian Shoppers deflated I think they should come down cuz I think people are really struggling what cracked a half century old Cold Case in Ontario murder mystery solved and the place where everybody knows his name we are

All on the hunt for a guy named Paul why all signs point to Paul in one New Brunswick town CTV national news with Omar sadena good evening everyone clashing narratives tonight about the purpose of Israel’s dramatic raid on gaza’s largest hospital there is a an AK-47 the IDF

Today releasing video of weapons the military says were hidden at the facility including among MRI machines while the Hamas run Gaza Health Ministry also showed footage of what it claims is smoke pouring through the hospital’s ICU as doctors tried to push patients to safety neither video has been independently

Verified and new signs tonight this war is far from over Israel’s prime minister saying again today there is no place in Gaza Israel will not reach to Target Hamas that pledge coming as concern for the hostages and civilians in intensifies ctv’s Heather Wright starts us off we’re inside the MRI center after

Days of fighting on the outskirts of alifa Hospital in Gaza City Israeli forces raided the facility last night these weapons have absolutely no business being inside a hospital Israel has long maintained Hamas is using hospitals as bases the IDF released this video proof it says that Hamas was indeed operating from within alif

In military terms this is a grab bag there is a an AK-47 there are cartridges am ammo Israel says going into alifa was justified and necessary the World Health Organization condemned the raid Israel’s military incursion into alifa Hospital in Gaza City is totally unacceptable hospitals are not Battlegrounds but they have become the

Front lines of this war I’m standing here at the ICU at alifa this doctor says as he walks through the door patients crowd the hallway many moved away from Windows as fighting raged outside the doctor says patients on ventilators are in danger as are the 36 babies no longer in incubators as the

Hospital is still without power this doctor is trying to save this girl by giving her oxygen through manual methods he says hospitals across Gaza are not only treating thousands of patients but acting as shelters for thousands more who have been displac from their homes due to the fighting today the UN Security Council

Called for Urgent and extended humanitarian pauses to allow more Aid to get in global Affairs says two Canadians were among the foreigners allowed to cross into Egypt today in total 367 people with ties to Canada have left Gaza since the raff across opened Omar all right Heather thank you the prime

Minister is in California tonight for an international Summit of asia-pacific leaders but he has not been able to leave behind the criticism for his position on the Middle East ctv’s Judy Trin reports from San Francisco tonight the Prime Minister touches the coat of arms painted on his new Airbus

On route to Apec but Justin Trudeau is having problems escaping turbulence no matter where he goes fire now in Vancouver trudo quiet dinner is interrupted by people angry he hasn’t called for a ceasefire in Gaza later at another restaurant 100 local police officers were dispatched to break up an

Even larger crowd that followed him two people were arrested the numbers of them the actions of them doing things like blocking the lane behind the restaurant caused a concern for us the confrontations come as Trudeau urged Israel to exercise maximum restraint the world is witnessing this the killing of women and children of

Babies this has to stop that raised the ey of Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted on social media it is not Israel that is deliberately targeting civilians but Hamas that beheaded burned and massacred civilians and of course there are innocent people caught up in the crossfire between the

Israeli Defense Forces and Hamas it’s clear that Hamas Bears responsibility for the casualties first and foremost the rift with Israel comes as questions grow about the prime minister’s International influence tensions with India and China are on the rise over accusations of foreign interference even though Justin Trudeau and xiin ping are

Both at the Apex Summit there is no meeting scheduled between them probably just trying to tread water and show that he is in fact relevant to the region is going to be the major driver feature for what he’ll be trying to achieve although Trudeau has maintained a strong

Relationship with US President Joe Biden the Americans have begun a new economic partnership with India and have asked other Pacific countries to join such as Australia and New Zealand but have not invited Canada Omar Judy TR in San Francisco tonight we’re on the sidelines of APAC a face to face just as

Consequential as the summit itself a meeting between leaders of the world’s two biggest economies China and the United States whose relationship has been fraught with tension late tonight Joe Biden talked about one of the key outcomes from the discussions restoring military communication it’s been wor worrisome that’s how accidents happened

Misunderstandings so we’re back to direct open clear direct communication but there are other irritants China’s close ties with Russia and Iran the threat of aggression toward Taiwan and the growing online threat from hacking ctv’s Washington bureau chief Joy malbin on the road to rap rashma the two most powerful nations in

The world making nice their first face-to-face talks in more than a year China’s Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden I think it’s Paramount that you and I understand each other clearly leader to leader with no misconceptions or miscommunication just talking a major achievement both leaders IGN ning the

Relationship between the two superpowers has been a rocky one planet Earth is big enough for the two countries to succeed China is here to say it’s open for business facing an economic slump over the covid shutdown the relationship soured under the Trump administration’s tough tariffs and last year tension

Spiked when the US shot down that Chinese spy balloon spotted over Canada and US airspace then came the Big Chill China cut off military Communications in protest after then speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan last year the US has warned China not to invade the self-ruling island that China claims as its

Own but it’s she’s close relationship with Russia and Iran that Beijing calls a new world order that concerns the West for Biden the priority will be um China not supporting Iran’s uh efforts at encouraging Hamas and then also in Ukraine trying to get the North Koreans to stop providing ammunition to the

Russians for the war in Ukraine after 4 hours of talks the leaders agreed to reopen that highlevel military hotline and establish an anti-drug working group to crack down on the flow of fentanyl from China a drug that’s killed hundreds of thousands in the US and Canada tonight President Biden said they made

Real progress a reset of sorts calming fears of a cold war with China and avoiding possible conflict Omar Joy Melvin tonight on that high stakes meeting Joy thanks Canadian Choppers might be finding it hard to swallow the latest Financial results today from two of the country’s biggest grossers they

Reported hundreds of millions in profits prompting renewed threats from Ottawa of government intervention to stabilize prices but as Vanessa Lee reports that promise did not come with the timeline meeting two months after the heads of Canada’s grocery chain were summoned to WWA to come up with a plan to stabilize

Food prices Canadians are still shopping for much needed relief it’s kind of hard as a student you know just going to the grocery store it’s like you have to have a good amount saved up just to get a couple groceries just for the week what we used to buy with $50 now it’s

$100 as people struggle to pay for basic necessities Grocers are cashing in lbla is reporting a third quarter profit of $621 million an increase of more than 11% over the same period last year food sales increased by 4 a half% and Pharmacy sales grew by more than

7% in its latest quarter Metro made 222 million that’s up from almost 169 Million last year despite a five-week strike at stores in the greater Toronto area I think they should come down cuz I think think people are really struggling in the city people that are barely

Making ends meet Ottawa says it is not ruling out any measures to bring prices down including changing competition laws we are prepared to use every tool in our toolbox including tax policy to make sure that prices stabilize while it may not seem obvious food inflation is actually dropping down

From nearly 7% in August we are expecting a food inflation rate to be at around 5% which is exactly what what we predicted a year ago so things are really improving but Ottawa has little to do with it Grocers are pointing the finger at suppliers they say they’ve been told to expect higher

Than expected cost increases for next year as Canadians brace for an expensive holiday season ahead Vanessa Lee CTV News Montreal Just disturbing word tonight of a deadly Collision in Toronto where four pedestrians were struck by a car ctv’s Adrien gobrial on what is now a homicide investigation a white sneaker marks the

Spot of a deadly chain of events now under investigation I heard screaming somebody screaming help help help four people hit by this vehicle in the parking lot of a Toronto apartment complex in claims from Neighbors and from police that something more troubling may have transpired here he

Ran over this person and then he went around the circle again and ran over her again there is some information that these people were struck intentionally and that’s why homicide is investigating it was 12:40 this afternoon when police say they received multiple 911 calls when they arrived they found four people

Injured near the white Dodge right behind me inside the vehicle a man was still sitting in the driver seat eyewitnesses tell us it appeared he was waiting to be arrested drial was sitting in the car he could have driven out easily because there was nobody no ambulance here no police here the

Desperate cries for help prompted Rudy vatel to peer out his front door just as the shocking scene was unfolding the lady who was lying here in the middle uh she was totally full of blood you know and totally out three people were rushed to hospital where an adult

Woman was pronounced dead two others are in serious condition a four had their injuries treated at the scene I’ve been here 31 years and this has never happened those who live in this northeast Toronto neighborhood claimed the suspect who’s now in police custody lives in the apartment complex where the

Incident took place the majority of people who call this building home are seniors they’ve been left shocked and now searching for answers as for why police believe this may have been an intentional act so far they’ve declined to share a motive tonight this remains an act of homicide investigation Omar Adrien gobrial in

Toronto tonight where thanks to Advanced DNA technology police have finally cracked a cold case involving the murder of a teenager more than half a century ago we identified avons killer as Bruce Charles cantelon using the suspect’s DNA collected from the crime scene 51 years ago authorities identified the alleged

Killer of 16-year-old ivand deu who died as result result of blunt force trauma to the Head the suspect had a long history of committing violent offenses against women and was known to police he died by Suicide two years after the murder and another investigation has resulted in charges against a major in

The Royal Canadian Air Force who served in the US for 5 years but when his personal belongings were shipped back to Canada Border Services made an unexpected Discovery to tell us more as ctv’s Annie berso Oliver in Ottawa Annie what did the Canadian Border Services Agency find Omar in those household goods

Border agents say they found and seized numerous Undeclared guns that they say were hidden now cbsa says the items being shipped through CFB Trenton in August belonged to Major Kendrick Barling he had just returned to Canada after a 5-year posting in the United States the shocking Discovery prompted

Officers to search a home in Kingston and another in Paha as a as a result police say They seized seven handguns 10 rifles including assault rifles two shotguns approximately 45,000 rounds of ammunition and hundreds of magazines cbsa says some of the Firearms have duplicate serial numbers Barling has

Been charged with six different offenses including five counts of smuggling goods into Canada and nine counts of importing a firearm knowing it’s unauthorized Barling is expected to appear in court next month Omar all right Annie thank you a significant legal setback for the British government today and one of its

Key migrant policies the Supreme Court ruled that Asylum Seekers cannot be deported to Rwanda as it would not be a safe Third Country prompting this reply from British prime minister Rishi sunak we will take the extraordinary step of introducing emergency legislation the controversial plan would see Asylum Seekers sent to Rwanda and

Ban them from returning to the UK coming up we all texting each other have a great first day of a Mad Dash to drop the first puck in the professional women’s hockey league the dawn of a brand new era in women’s sports arrived today the professional women’s hockey league

Opened Training Camps on both sides of the Border ctv’s Bill forer reports they’ve got the jerseys the players and all the buzz of a new Pro Sports League I think we’re all really excited for it the fact that this day is actually here training camp began today for the new Professional Women’s Hockey

League among the league among the markets we’re all texting each other have a great first day of kid I think it says a lot we’re building this and this is ours and we get to do it the way that we want and I think that that is

Something that is so powerful but with only around seven weeks until puck drop there are still many questions we’re not going to be perfect in Year One there are no team logos or names no schedule and while most venues are locked up the league is still finalizing the paperwork

On some we’re playing in small buildings in some cases in others we’re playing in NHL venues but to the players that’s not today’s Focus no matter what the comments are about the jerseys the logo the for us we’re here we’re we’re playing in a professional league for the

First time in our life and I think that’s uh that says it all in the inaugural season teams will be based in Toronto Montreal Ottawa Boston Minnesota and New York the pwhl says more than half of the players are now signed to contracts with more in the coming days

Having all the girls from the US from Europe coming in as a group it’s exciting the goal is to drop the puck in early January and if League officials are worried it doesn’t show this ambitious timeline has been something that uh has not scared us at all it’s something that we’re incredibly thrilled

About and we’re energized by the pwhl will follow the NHL rule book with a few tweaks broadcast deals are expected to be announced soon but the league says many games will be televised in both countries and all games will be streamed online bill forier CTV News Edmonton

Still ahead an early start in the fight to salvage the spirit the charity empowering single parents this Christmas a small charity in St John’s newfinland isn’t letting tough times get in the way of connecting with the magic of Christmas and they’ve already started their mission ctv’s Garrett Barry

Explains there are six weeks left but this Christmas operation is in full swing gifts have already come and gone this group needs to help 600 single parent families with their Christmas magic toy drive each one asking for help to make sure Santa arrives this year we opened registration for Christmas magic

At the start of October in the first 20 minutes we had 250 families across the province register they’ve already smashed their own records and the list isn’t even closed yet the bills don’t stop coming at Christmas and the cost of like every item has increased so so much

That yeah it’s definitely a challenge for many many people rent food and heat are straining budgets so more family than ever have turned to the single parents Association so on top of um buying groceries buying Christmas presents for kids is a huge huge demand this year this group has decided they

Don’t want to say no to anybody some of the parents that we are fulfilling wishless for right now have had that debate of whether or not they have to tell their kid that you know Santa can’t come or things are going to be different this year but this financial pinch it’s

Hurting donors too the charity still needs more donations big or small enough to help them check off everyone on their Christmas list newlanders and laboratorians in particular are very generous people they want to help they just can’t help as much as what they necessarily could in previous years due

To inflation and cost of living so we right now are just accepting help in whichever way someone can uh can give it Finance officials here say the economy is rebounding job numbers incomes are going up but this toy drive this high demand it’s just a little bit more

Evidence that families in this province aren’t feeling that yet Garrett Barry CTV News St John’s and a Time honor tradition continued in Nova Scotia today it’s going to be Boston’s Christmas tree in the end is perfect perfect the girley family donated a nearly 14 meter white spruce every year

Nova scotians send the gift to Boston as a thank you for sending medical personnel and supplies immediately after the 197 Halifax Explosion and it will arrive in Boston on Tuesday after the break how town in New Brunswick put out the all call for a popular customer what started as a cheeky joke

Took off and became a local meme in New Brunswick all thanks to an ad for a snowblower that’s having a Snowball Effect here’s ctv’s Sarah lman in Northern New Brunswick Paul is suddenly the most popular guy in town we all on the hunt for a guy named Paul

We’ve been looking for a about a month now his name is plastered on signs and billboards the community first heard of Paul when the hardware store announced his snowblower arrived we had a few customers actually probably a few handfuls of customers saying Paul aren’t you going to pick up your thing other

Businesses jumped in posting reminders for Paul to pick up his lunch wash his clothes and at this daycare pick up his kid here it was Paul’s bubble tea my mom’s sending me messages and asking me who’s this Paul guy and so who is he Paul is pretty much everybody that walks

Into our store turns out there is a Paul and he works at Home Hardware but is that the the same Paul I have to say no it’s not the same Paul it’s just a character that we actually we accidentally created just for fun and it worked an ad that boosted

Business morale and B’s profile it’s nice that Paul came to town for a simple reason in it it’s bringing people out asking the question as for his snowblower the latest is that Paul has picked it up Sarah Plowman CTV News BS new Brunswick well that’s good the

Puzzle that is Paul that’s a snapshot of this Wednesday for all of us at CTV national news thank you for watching see you tomorrow and good night

Israel raids Gaza’s largest hospital over assertions it hid a Hamas command centre, sparking condemnation from the World Health Organization.

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