Peter Nygard’s son on reporting his father’s abuses: ‘We are dealing with a systematic monster’


Back to Toronto now we’re getting more reaction to the verdict in the Peter nyard trial let’s listen and sometimes I’ll read comments on some of these articles and I’ll see people say things like Oh How brave you came out 30 years later well you don’t understand what

They’re up against how would you like it if you had a massive lawsuit that they might take away your house or threaten to ruin your life if you came forward so as Canadians and I am a Canadian I’m a dual citizen we can use this situation to examine what

Happened and how we can look at the system to make it easier for survivors to come forward of abuse and I want to give you something a little scale most of you don’t know the scale of this crime and his actions when you look at the civil suit

You look at accusers who weren’t in the civil suit former employees who wanted to come forward and don’t want anything to do with money just want to have Justice he has more formal ACC accusations than Epstein Weinstein and Cosby combined okay now I know we have a

Lawyer here Mr Greenspan is a very talented lawyer and he’s getting paid very well and he’s using his efforts here to try to get Peter niggard back on the streets of Toronto but also understand that there are many others talented lawyers civil attorneys like Greg gutzler and Lisa Hava who play

A critical role in this who are working for justice so understand that you’re not alone this is a victory for all of those in Winnipeg who came forward who were denied Justice I’m thinking about Serena Hicks thinking about Casey Allen April telk who does have a day in court

Acknowledging Shannon for her work that she’s done behind the scenes Tire tirelessly working behind the scenes to help survivors and all of those who care about Justice and are open to to the idea of stopping Predators from abusing and targeting children using drugs to abuse women and using tactics like

Jurisdiction loopholes or threats of lawsuit to silence their victims that happen yeah I did a reporter asked me when I showed up here because I flew in to see him when he took the stand they asked me when the last time I saw him was and I thought

About it and actually it was that 2019 dinner where I saw him inappropriately touch a child and I said something then and I was attacked for that internally within the company and silenced told that I was crazy that was the last time I saw him and since then it’s been a massive

Effort to seek Justice and I saw him when he first took this stand and I locked eyes again with him here after he was found guilty and for me it was emotional but again I’d like to stress there are so many survivors out there who this is

Their day how hard is it for you though to have your father accused of so many heinous crimes I mean for you emotionally uh to answer your question how hard is it for me to have my father accused of so many heinous crimes I got zero benefit for being a whistleblower

It’s not a good brand Association to be the son of a monster um it’s negatively impacted me all across the board I lost everything I walked away from an inheritance to do the right thing I’ve zero benefit from this other than knowing that one more child won’t be

Affected one more woman won’t be affected and that he has to actually now sit and think about what he’s done I loved my father it hurt hurts me to see all of these things I knew a different man I got a different version of him and

For me that Bond was real those moments are real but when you get the reveal that there is another person there’s another personality within there there’s something evil in there there’s something perverse there’s something sick and that it’s out of control and that it is going to continue to abuse others and

It has abused others then you have to take action to stop that for the greater good and not only this case I just want to stress it’s not just about Peter niggard it’s about examining the system the laws and the rules to see where that problem was so that we can correct it

For others in the future that’s where we’ll actually get a big benefit from this tragic and terrible situation where you get your from Stand I think I get it from my mom I get it from my mom uh Patty Bickle uh and uh I also was really lucky

To have some great Role Models growing up I grew up with my mom in Washington state and um I spent more time with my dad as I got older but uh needless to say I sort of backed away from that because he’s he’s pretty intense guy to

Be around but uh that being said we never knew or could foresee what he was doing in his bedroom um and when people are silenced there’s no way for you to know and that’s why it’s so important you understand it’s you know there were about 13 people who knew or should have

Known as listed by the civil case however even that’s going to be a drop in the bucket cuz how can you really know what’s going on in somebody’s bedroom or his Bahamas compound which most of this abuse happened in the Bahamas just so you know this was just

Toronto’s version that qualified so we are dealing with a systematic monster who used his business talents for um evil um to pray on others and uh and it’s a very good thing that Justice was served here and I hope everyone who’s affected by this has a sigh of relief

And also those who are affected by sex crimes to understand that please it is okay to come forward I know it’s such a difficult thing you know one thing that struck me when I was at this was the women have to go up there they have to talk about this horrible experience they

Have to get cross-examined and um meanwhile he got to go up there speak about his life and his accomplishments yet we weren’t told that there were all these other people who had come forward we weren’t told former employees that had nothing to do with this had come forward these women were called gold

Diggers okay by a lawyer who is lining his pockets to as as Shannon also uh had mentioned to me but it’s the reality they were called gold diggers by a lawyer who’s lining his pockets to get this Predator back on the streets who was the Gold Digger there I don’t think

It was the women the civil suit would played a vital role and you have a right to participate in the civil suit I believe it was four out of five were in the civil suit if that civil suit didn’t come this case wouldn’t be here today because it gave folks an opportunity to

Contact a lawyer and to understand that they weren’t alone and to not feel that fear of being sued which is a a very real thing especially when these Predators Target people they know don’t have the financial means or they know they have a troubled background they’re

Very systematic in their abuse so K you you spoke one of the other reporters asked you what was it like did you ever think you’d see this but you told me uh earlier that four years ago that’s when things when you died yeah when you witnessed something that was

Inappropriate can you speak about how you’ve been uh like you said blowing the whistle on on your father uh for four years yeah this started four years ago um that’s where Kai niggard kind of died for me um four years ago I went to a

Dinner party I saw him uh when no one was looking and I was watching touch a girl basically assault a young child and uh I immediately called uh Tina Tula Corpi who is uh one of the accused enablers in this uh she was one of the

Executives in Toronto and uh and um it went nowhere I just basically was called by him and then I was attacked and told that I was mentally unwell and all these things and I got taste of what it’s like to blow the whistle against a monster or a powerful Predator you’re discredited

That’s the number one thing they try to do is to discredit you and then um once that civil suit came out all of a sudden these floodgates of information opened up and I started to receive more information I received information from one of his friends which led me to believe that he

Was actively doing this even after the civil suit had occurred that’s information that people don’t understand and so that’s what led me to contact the civil attorneys to contact uh see if I could get in touch with the authorities and do every single thing that I could

No matter what happened to me and whatever standing I had within the company and what I’d worked for because I couldn’t bear the thought of another person being harmed without having their day in court from that the civil suit ballooned up to 57 women and children more and more folks came forward a

Couple months later April telk and Casey Allen came forward because the claim was it was only be bahamians and these were strong Canadian women and then um I had some siblings come forward I had two brothers come forward and uh they very bravely decided to pursue a civil suit

In part because they knew that every time the Press would come out people would feel that they weren’t alone and more people came forward to the authorities and it was very difficult to find people who actually qualified because of the systematic abuse that he was doing it in these

Jurisdictions very consciously so that he couldn’t be prosecuted um from there I uh I blew the whistle in September of 2020 calling him out as a flight risk that was my reveal within the company and and to him that I was not on his side that’s when I was

Shut off from every point of contact um but it was a very real threat that he would flee the country and there was no way to stop him even though the police had filed police reports that were sitting on the prosecutor desk there was months of lag time which would have

Allowed him to just flee the country and go somewhere out of jurisdiction and we wouldn’t be here at all right now um then I participated in a a podcast and um documentaries um before he was arrested um Evil By Design and unseemly blowing the whistle some more and then

He was arrested and then what we’ve done now working with an organization called child USA we’ve developed legislation that will close that jurisdiction loophole for the USA and we want to bring that to Canada as well so that we can offer more protections for Canadians overseas who are abused if they bring

Back credible evidence they should be able to use it here instead of have it just be put on these other countries who might have unstable governments

Peter Nygard’s son Kai Zen Bickle reacts to the conviction of his father, calling him a ‘systematic monster’ for Nygard’s abuse of several women.

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