Ice rescue instructor captures footage of rare, once-in-a-decade ice window on Alaskan lake


[Applause] the combination of of being able to look down three or four meters and see what’s on the bottom I’ve never experienced that in in the 12 years that I’ve been doing this I think what was so special about this ice is that because it’s it’s up in

The Alpine it’s up in the mountains the lake Bottom doesn’t have any vegetation and it’s it’s rock instead of soil and so the water is really clear it reminded me of of snorkeling more than any other activity that I’ve done we had an an unusually cold but dry transition into

Winter so usually these Lakes are all covered with snow by the time the water freezes it’s gone yep that window lasted about one week I think it might be another decade before we get to see something like that again

Certified ice-rescue instructor Luc Mehl enjoyed a rare and spectacular experience Oct. 26 when he and his wife skated an “ice window” on Rabbit Lake, Alaska. Mehl said the uncommon phenomenon, in which ice is snow free and clear as glass, lasted only a week.
#Alaska #IceWindow #IceSkating



  1. Amazing but scary, it’s a chance of a lifetime but I would have been to scared to even go out on the ice, in fear of it cracking and my falling into the depths and not being able to get out. Thanks for sharing!


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