Global National Nov. 12, 2023 | Gaza’s Al-Shifa hospital no longer functioning amid Israeli attacks


On this Sunday night the struggle to survive inside a Gaza Hospital the life and death battle for newborns as incubators lay idle so sh hospital now is out of service this is the situation the escalating humanitarian crisis as Medics fight to save patients without power now demonstrations in 40 locations

Across Canada calling for a ceasefire the non-stop bombing a 4our ceas fire it’s ridiculous and a Montreal Jewish school is hit by gunshots again Canadian fashion Mogul Peter nyard guilty of sexual assault this is a battle one in a much bigger War what his son says happened when he spoke out against his

Dad and how dust from 66 million years ago changed Life as We Know It global National with bar Asser good evening 234 Canadian citizens residents and their families left Gaza today through the Rafa border crossing that’s according to Global Affairs Canada and it’s in addition to the 107 people who

Crossed into Egypt last week inside The Enclave healthc care is crumbling the World Health Organization says gaza’s largest hospital is not a functioning Hospital anymore the head of the who says the world cannot stand silent while hospitals which should be safe havens are transformed into scenes of death

Devastation and despair and we want to warn you again tonight that some of the images you’re about to see in our coverage will be difficult to watch according to the wh the alifa hospital has faced 3 days without electricity power with constant gunfire and bombings in the area the Israeli

Military says it has opened a corridor for anyone who wants to leave but the aid group Doctors Without Borders says its staff has has witnessed people being shot at outside and that it’s too dangerous to go outside to help them as Danielle hamam Jan reports what is clear

Is the sickest in Gaza are not getting the medical help they need not even the youngest patients some of these babies likely all of them are younger than the war itself there is now not enough electricity left to power the generators it means having to take the newborns off their

Incubators doctors at alifa hospital say the women’s Ward was bombed and so here they are sleeping next to each other on a single bed at least three have died staff say they expect to lose more day after day we nearly sure that we are alone now no one hear us but we want

Someone to give us the guarantee that they can Evacuate the patient satellite images show the destruction of hospitals in The Enclave shifa is is the largest of them all Doctors Without Borders says Medics and patients are trapped Inside due to heavy clashes around the hospital complex even if you are wounded or injured in the Gaza area you cannot be evacuated by ambulance to sha hospital so shfa hospital now is out of service this is the situation but the Israeli military offered a different account claiming it

Supplied 300 L of fuel for urgent medical purposes here’s a video it says shows Israeli troops placing Jerry cans near the hospital as had been coordinated in advance with officials at Al shifa Israel says Hamas then prevented the medical center from receiving them it has also repeatedly claimed that

Hamas’s headquarters are located under the hospital the focus of the is Israeli military campaign one bolstered by weapons supplied by its daous Ally but the US is warning Israel we do not want to see a firefight in a hospital where innocent people helpless people uh people seeking Medical Care are caught in the

Crossfire the alud hospital also announced it was out of service and still in Northern Gaza and in the dark surgeries at the Indonesian Hospital Hospital are being carried out in corridors that’s M’s little body on the floor doctors tried to save his life using a manual resuscitator and they

Succeeded over the past few days more than a 100,000 residents have been forced to flee South not knowing if or when they’ll ever return parents do not know what to tell their children the anger is not only directed at Israel this is not a way to live the

Arab world has let us down he says why don’t they come and help rid us of the occupation that is bombing us left and right the whole world has let us down he says the progressive world that boasts about human rights has let us down over the weekend Israel said its forces would

Take the babies from Al shifa hospital to safety but now claim they’ve not been told how to get them out there are at least 40 newborn babies off incubators and Farah the clock is ticking certainly is Danielle Hamin in Jerusalem tonight thank you Danielle as Israel aay Siege

On Gaza there are more signs the situation is escalating Beyond it on the border between Israel and Lebanon Israeli forces exchanged gun fire and bombardments with Hezbollah Fighters This after the iran-backed militant group fired missiles upon Israeli border Villages more than a dozen people were injured including Israeli troops it’s the latest Skirmish

After weeks of fighting in the region triggered by the crisis and in Europe the conflict is further opening bitter divisions across France tens of thousands of people marched against anti-Semitism following a arise in hate incidents and in the UK there is more political Fallout after police arrested far right prot Chesters

Is looking to interrupt a pro Palestinian March this weekend in both countries many citizens are closely watching the words and the actions of their politicians on this very contentious issue Redmond Shannon reports French politicians of different Stripes belt out the national anthem La mares at the start of a March against

Anti-Semitism among them the leader of the far-right national rally party party Marine Leen we are exactly where we should be she said leen’s father and Party founder Jean Marie Leen was repeatedly accused of anti-Semitic views during his career at the other end of the political Spectrum however Jean Luke melanon did

Not attend the left-wing leaders said the event was for quote unconditional supporters of the massacre of gazin the decisions of both politicians reflecting deepening divisions on the Middle East across much of Europe in London King Charles later wreath at the city’s main Senate half for the traditional remembrance Sunday

Event it was the sight of these clashes between far-right protesters and police during Saturday’s commemorations the group tried to storm the Senate half supposedly to protect it others attempted to intercept London’s Pro Palestinian March before being arrested opposition politicians accuse the Home Secretary Suella Braverman of inciting the clashes her Ministry is in

Charge of policing but on Wednesday she accused officers of bias toward Pro Palestinian protests and braan used similar language to Ontario Premier Doug Ford labeling them hate marches we have a Home Secretary whose job it should be to ensure that tensions are simmered down has spent the entire week Fanning

The Flames of division London Police did also arrest some Pro Palestinian protesters in relation to hate crime offenses but regardless of what political leaders say and do it should be worth noting one thing the vast majority of those taking to the streets on both sides of the English Channel

This weekend did so peacefully Redman Shannon news London dozens of demonstrations were held across Canada today calling for peace in the region the group called ceasefire now planned the day of action with more than 40 Pro Palestinian rallies planned in various parts of the country today the most important point

For today is to call for ceasefire to call on our officials to have the courage to call for a ceasefire I’m here to fight for for the rights of the Palestinian people to live uh their right to be free their right to have their own land islamophobia and anti-Semitism are

Both on the rise across Canada as our hate crimes a Jewish school in Montreal is dealing with a second incident within just a few days Mckenzie gray reports for the second time in less than a week a Brazen display of anti-Semitism in Montreal an early morning shooting at

A Jewish school that had been targeted just days before they want to try and scare us into closing our schools into not educating our children they will fail our school has been here for 75 years Montreal police say they were called at 5:00 a.m. to the Yeshiva gadola Jewish school bullet holes

Riddled the facade but no one was inside or injured Witnesses told police they saw a vehicle speeding off after the shots were fired this what happened today it’s not Montreal we don’t want people in Montreal we don’t want montrealers to feel unsafe in their City this is absolutely unacceptable no

Arrests have been made but police are now investigating it as a hate crime just like the probe into a Molotov cocktail being thrown at a Southwestern Montreal synagogue on November 7th we will of course have more security but also I’m definitely telling them that uh the what the perpetrator of of what

Happened will be there will be consequences tensions are also high in the nation’s capital no one was hurt when gasoline was ped in a clinical area of the Ottawa General Hospital on Thursday accompanied by a message discussing the ongoing conflict in Gaza according to police and an Ottawa mosque

Had feces smeared on it in late October the video caught on CCTV what’s been happening uh you know particularly what we saw in Montreal last week on the west block with Mercedes Stevenson the government house leader calling for calm I think really importantly to create that space for dialogue to make sure

That we continue to see and view each other as fellow Canadians conservative leader Pier POV labeling the unknown perpetrators of the shooting as terrorists our school Yesa Montreal has been the target of a terrorist attack I say again a terrorist attack that sentiment is supported by some backbench

Liberal MPS but so far no word on what the Prime Minister thinks Farah as Justin Trudeau has not made a public statement on the shooting McKenzie gray in Ottawa thank you McKenzie jurors have found former Canadian fashion Mogul Peter nyard guilty of four counts of sexual assault

He was acquitted on a fifth count and a charge of forcable confinement Mike trle with the jury verdict reached this morning in Toronto guilty get guilty Shannon [ __ ] broke the news to Peter nygard’s victims women she had worked with as a trauma therapist their story is now validated

By guilty verdicts on four counts of sexual assault he was acquitted on one count of sexual assault and one of forceable confinement it’s relief it’s victory it’s Joy it’s pain it’s disappointment nyard the 82-year-old former fashion Mogul was a self-made millionaire who lived a jet set lifestyle surrounded by models and

Celebrities also in court today his son Kai who says he was silenced by lawyers and disinherited by his father in 2019 when he tried to come forward as a whistleblower he says he felt Vindicated when civil suits were launched 6 months later against a man he now calls a

Monster I loved my father it hurts me to see all of these things I knew a different man but when you get the reveal that there is another person there’s another personality within there there’s something evil in there there’s something perverse there’s something sick over the past 6 weeks the jury

Heard from five women who testified they visited nigar’s Toronto office under the pretense of a tour or job interview each recalled being invited to nigar’s top floor bedroom Suite where they testified they were sexually assaulted when niggard took the stand he said he didn’t recall ever meeting four of the five

Women in closing arguments the crown said similarities in their testimony defy coincidence while the defense called their stories revisionist history and totally Preposterous suggesting most of the complainants were part of a class action lawsuit filed against nyard in the US complicating matters the alleged assaults happened from the 1980s to the

Mid 2000s leading to some witness inaccuracies in Remembering details and while the crown argued that was to be expected defense lawyer Brian Greenspan argued it wasn’t merely flawed recollection it was Alice in Wonderland Greenspan says it’s too early to say if they’ll launch an appeal his Focus right

Now is to get a favorable jail sentence uh as you’ve all seen Mr niggard is H is frail has uh numerous health challenges and that will be part of the position taken nigar’s legal Journey doesn’t end here he’s facing more charges in separate cases in Quebec and Manitoba

And once those trials are complete he’ll be extradited to the US for yet another trial Mike drle Global News Toronto serving for Canada and being served an eviction notice coming up the plight of a homeless veteran this Remembrance Day weekend a Canadian Soldier who’s done two tours in Afghanistan is homeless

This Remembrance Day weekend his home seized just as winter sets in Melissa Rin explains here is where Sergeant Zack mcdermit F’s H stood this would have been the this would have been the front door right here if the house was still uh still here this kind of where our

Front door came out a decade old fight over building permits and what the municipality calls safety concerns at the family of six’s mobile home when they first said that they would remove the house and tear our garage down that we’ve been living here for 9 and 1 half

Years um it’s not that I didn’t take it seriously cuz I definitely took it seriously I just thought that it would never get to that point because I mean even even if you can do something doesn’t mean that you should by house but they did on October

30th Nicole mcdermit foutz was home with their two youngest when police movers and a flatbed truck arrived with a warrant to seize the home I was actually nursing the B baby nursing the baby and uh Zach phoned me with the heads up and I guess they

Were already at the gate and by the time I got off the phone with him they were at the front door all she could do is watch from her car shut up she and the kids are staying with family and come to visit their dad living here in the garage the rural

Municipality of whad would not do an interview but sent Global News a statement from their lawyer saying the property owners were provided appropriate notice and all procedures were followed in accordance with the municipal act and bylaws to remove the unpermitted structure it’s the talk of this rural community total shock can’t

Believe that a house would be taken away from a family like overreach I call it Bernice Hebert started a GoFundMe for the family in addition to losing their home mcdermit foutz and his wife each face a $40,000 fine the RM is billing them for the mover’s storage container and their

Legal bill bills it’s heartbreaking to see people in different countries who are really live under tyranny and then to experience a piece of that not even in in your your own country your own like but your own home oh well I found my uniforms Melissa Ren global news near Brandon

Manitoba emergency evacuation ahead thousands in Iceland flee due to fears of a nearby volcano Erupting a series of earthquakes in Southwestern Iceland is sparking fears of a nearby volcano erupting seismic activity has cracked open roads in one town forcing 3,000 residents to move out of the area the Icelandic meteorological office says there’s considerable risk of an eruption happening at any time an

Aviation alert has also been raised in response and in India more than 30 workers are trapped after a tunnel they were working in collapsed in a landslide rescue work is underway but it’s expected to take some time oxygen is being pumped in through a pipe to help the workers breathe they have sent

Signals that they are safe across India lights and oil lamps lit up the sky as Millions celebrate the the Hindu festival symbolizing the victory of light over Darkness began today festive Gatherings and prayers will be held for a period of 5 days across India and around the

World next a new research that shows it was dust that did the dinosaurs in 66 million years ago and Canada stands alone at top the tennis world history for Canadian tennis as Canada’s women are Billy Jean King Cup champions for the first time ever Canada has now won both of tennis’s most

Prestigious team tournaments in back-to-back years after the men won the Davis Cup for the first time last year there is new research out of Belgium that’s changing our understanding of what caused dinosaurs to go extinct Heidi Patric reports dust we think of it as an annoyance an allergen something to be

Cleaned up but new research suggests for dinosaurs dust meant the difference between life and death it’s indeed a teak layer of Sil debris um engulfing the whole planet scientists from Bel went to Tannis a fossil site in North Dakota that serves as a record of the geological effects of the massive

Chickaloo asteroid which hit Earth 66 million years ago triggering the dinosaurs mass extinction they found a layer of ultra fine silicate dust there and decided to explore its role in that end the first idea was to combine the these unique information coming from the field with our uh newly developed um

Comp computer simulations we’ve taken their animation of that simulation and enhanced it to illustrate according to their work when the asteroid slammed into the planet it threw up such a plume of this dust that it enveloped the entire Earth in just over a week blocking out the Sun halting the

Photosynthesis essential for Life think of it like this dust storm in China a few years back but for two whole years this time scale uh is indeed quite long to P severe challenges for life in the aftermath of chicks go being packed and that basically causes the collapse of

Food chains both on land and in the water it means whatever the asteroid didn’t kill in its fiery impact died later of the long-term effects it was the dust they say lingering another 15 years that played the biggest role in dropping Earth’s temperature by as much

As 15° C and animals are not good at dealing with that so um you just end up with these multiple cascading reasons for a mass extinction an extreme example she says of what rapid climate change can do a reason why scientists monitor asteroids in our present day solar

System for prevention after the big one left dinosaurs in the dust Heidi pachic Global News Halifax and that’s global national for this Sunday night I’m far ner tonight’s your Canada is laes River in Wakefield Quebec Donna will be back with you tomorrow until next time take care of

Yourselves and take care of each other good Night

A warning tonight: Some images may be difficult to watch.

The largest hospital in Gaza, al-Shifa Hospital, is no longer functioning as a hospital, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Shifa has been without electricity for three days, leaving the sickest patients without the medical help they desperately need. Daniele Hamamdjian reports.

Meanwhile in Europe, rising tensions over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are causing political divisions and social unrest. Redmond Shannon has the latest on the ongoing developments.

In Canada, Montreal experiences a second act of brazen antisemitism in less than a week, as a Jewish school is targeted again. The early morning incident has raised concerns about rising bigotry and hatred towards the Jewish community in the city. Mackenzie Gray has the story.

Also, Canadian fashion entrepreneur Peter Nygard has been found guilty of four counts of sexual assault by a jury in Toronto, though he was acquitted of a fifth count along with a charge of forcible confinement. Mike Drolet has the details.

On the Remembrance Day weekend, a Canadian soldier who served two tours in Afghanistan is currently homeless due to an ongoing dispute over permits at his family’s mobile home in Manitoba. Melissa Ridgen reports.

Plus, new research out of Belgium is changing the understanding of what caused the extinction of dinosaurs. Scientists from Belgium recently explored a fossil site in North Dakota, called Tanis, which records the geological effects of the massive Chicxulub asteroid that hit Earth 66 million years ago. Heidi Petracek reports.

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  1. Just a theory.. What is America is actually secretly funding just enough to Hamas so they cause such situation where Israel thn can do whatever it wants to occupy Gaza… America, I believe has good history of funding militants before thn using them for their good so America can control oil in middle East.

  2. So the IDF lied when they said theyd help move the newborn babies to a safer hospital. Their excuse is that nobody told them how to move the babies? You gotta be shittin me are these guys that incompetent or just flat out liars? Id day theyre liars

  3. IDF allows the evacuation for civilians in GAZA, but Hamas is shooting at is own people to prevent them from moving to safety. Israel soldiers secure people of Gaza that try to move south, because Hamas is shooting at them.


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